"I'll release my tax returns when ..."

  • DSK
  • 01-24-2017, 10:47 PM
DSK, that is so out of context. Maybe you know it is, or maybe you don't understand. Your responses really make you look like an intellectual midget.. Is that how you want to represent yourself? Instead of thoughtful responses to issues, you want to parade yourself as the intellectual midget? Hmm, ok. Originally Posted by Cap'n Crunch
It is completely on point. I intend to gloat and remind you how Barry the Bomber gloated when he was the victor in 2008. I'm glad that arrogant asshole is out of office, BTW.
  • DSK
  • 01-24-2017, 10:52 PM
He's not DSK. He'S JL, who lost a bet and changed his ID rather than honor his bet.

And he's an honest to goodness hate monger.

His gloating is far less offensive than his daily death wishes for blacks, LGBTQs and Muslims.

Typical of the ECCIE Twitler Youth. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
I'm not JL, or DontBeDaft! or any of the dozens of others he accuses me of being.

I do not wish any harm to lipstick lesbians regardless of color or religion, though I vastly prefer Latina lesbians.

I do hate liberals, though, for destroying a once great country.

I do not wish death upon anyone for their skin color or religion in and of itself. Poor little Yssup Rider hopes to tarnish me because I'm a hard working baker who is richer than he is.
EagleEye's Avatar
I do hate liberals, though, for destroying a once great country. Originally Posted by DSK
Interesting comment. When, IYO, did we stop being a great country and what were the events that caused this? End of the Andrew Jackson presidency? The end of Reconstruction? The New Deal? Passing the Civil Rights Act? Internment of Japanese Americans? Ending Prohibition? The Death of Edward Murrow? Disavowal of the KKK? Allowing same sex marriages? Having a black man elected President?

You kinda just come off as a hater, in general.
lustylad's Avatar
It started in the Sixties... after JFK's assassination. Maybe Woodstock. Around the time the Berkeley free speech movement flipped and started enforcing Political Correctness. Around the time Bill Ayers joined the Weather Underground. Hard to pinpoint.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
About the time when YOU dodged the draft, Junior?

And JL, your "alternative facts" are easily debunked. You regularly wish death on groups of people, individual posters and me.

You have spouted white supremacy bullshit ever since you were forced to leave the Political Forum and then somehow possessed the "baker" (LMAO!).

It's easy to see who and what you are...simple search.

My question to you is - why don't you spout that shit where you're protected from consequence? Why did you come here to do it? Please tell everyone here in Austin why you, and LustyLad and Bambino have been trolling this forum daily since the rise of the Turd Reich?
Cap'n Crunch's Avatar
Interesting comment. When, IYO, did we stop being a great country and what were the events that caused this? End of the Andrew Jackson presidency? The end of Reconstruction? The New Deal? Passing the Civil Rights Act? Internment of Japanese Americans? Ending Prohibition? The Death of Edward Murrow? Disavowal of the KKK? Allowing same sex marriages? Having a black man elected President?

You kinda just come off as a hater, in general. Originally Posted by EagleEye
You hit the nail on the head. They try to deflect and deny, but the America they want is a cleansed, white America. Notice the reference to "after JFK's assassination", "Woodstock", etc, all around the time of the civil rights movement. DFK, lustylad and posjunkie, all exhibit telltale signs of racism and desire of white power. These people are sad.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
You hit the nail on the head. They try to deflect and deny, but the America they want is a cleansed, white America. Notice the reference to "after JFK's assassination", "Woodstock", etc, all around the time of the civil rights movement. DFK, lustylad and posjunkie, all exhibit telltale signs of racism and desire of white power. These people are sad. Originally Posted by Cap'n Crunch
Actually, if you read some of their posts in the Political Forum, you'll see more than "telltale signs" from these patriots.

It's blatant.
gfejunkie's Avatar
all exhibit telltale signs of racism and desire of white power. Originally Posted by Cap'n Crunch
Just because we support the President, right?

Always the easiest accusation to make. Hardest to prove.
lustylad's Avatar
You hit the nail on the head. They try to deflect and deny, but the America they want is a cleansed, white America. Notice the reference to "after JFK's assassination", "Woodstock", etc, all around the time of the civil rights movement. DFK, lustylad and posjunkie, all exhibit telltale signs of racism and desire of white power. These people are sad. Originally Posted by Cap'n Crunch
Wow! You are totally unhinged! Where did I say I opposed the civil rights movement? Oh wait, I didn't. My post made no reference to race or color. None whatsoever. We're talking about when you libtards first went off the rails and started to destroy the values of Western civilization. Not civil rights - which were, and are, part of that value system and supported by many thoughtful conservatives and Republicans (without whose support the Civil Rights Act would never have been passed).

You're so intellectually feeble that the only thing you know how to do when you encounter pushback is to shout "you're a racist/white supremacist". Do you even know what color I am? No, you don't. You're the one who is sad. You jump into a thread on a topic (taxes) you know nothing about, then call others who do understand the topic racist. Very sad!
lustylad's Avatar
About the time when YOU dodged the draft, Junior? Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Who's "Junior"? Given the meaning of this appellation, I assume you must be addressing someone who is much younger than you are, i.e. someone who was never subject to the draft.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Catching on, now, Junior?
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Just because we support the President, right?

Always the easiest accusation to make. Hardest to prove. Originally Posted by gfejunkie
lustylad's Avatar
Catching on, now, Junior? Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Hahahahahahahahaahaaaaa! Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
^^^^ This is why eccie needs to set up a separate forum to quarantine our low-IQ posters.
EagleEye's Avatar
It started in the Sixties... after JFK's assassination. Maybe Woodstock. Around the time the Berkeley free speech movement flipped and started enforcing Political Correctness. Around the time Bill Ayers joined the Weather Underground. Hard to pinpoint. Originally Posted by lustylad
So you can't pinpoint, but it happened sometime since the classic Americana from of the 50s. Lots of things both great (e.g., man walking on the moon, Internet, etc) and bad (e.g., Pol Pot, HIV, etc) have happened since JFKs death. Clearly one thing that has happened since the late 50s is that white males do not have as much power as they did then. Is that the root of our demise? If not, what is/are?

Your comment also seems to imply that Political Correctness is a primary demise of our great Republic. If so, why is that?

I am just trying to understand what the basis for your anger and/or bitterness and/or frustration as to where we are as a people.
Cap'n Crunch's Avatar
Not a single one of you Trump yahoos have presented rebuttals with even a single whiff of intellectuality, so your comments in that regard are beyond ridiculous.

"I win, you lose, ha ha", seems to be as deep as your thoughts go. Maybe Trump really needs you. He did say he was going to bring in "the best people."