Dinner / Drinks with Providers

flowerflower1's Avatar
i have had dinner with several providers off the clock but it is after the first visit. it's not a bad way to insure i will continue to repeat.... and i know this is crazy talk but maybe they like going out to nice places with a nice person....
surcher's Avatar
iand i know this is crazy talk but maybe they like going out to nice places with a nice person.... Originally Posted by flowerflower1
Despite the know it all's and those speaking for all providers as if they have a psychic connection into how they all think, there are providers out there who would take a guy up on a nice dinner date. They may look at it as getting to know a potential client, or meeting a guy here on the board who's personality they like here and may want to enjoy thier company in a non BCD setting. No doubt it's a small minority, but they are out there.

Seductivesarah came right out on the first page of the thread, only a few hours after the thread was up and said, "sure why not!" This was ignored and followed by everyone saying basically if you want dinner and drinks with a provider you have to pay her for her time, or you must have already been a
client. There's truth in that to an extent and may have happened to those who stated it. Yet, as Sarah showed, it's not always about the money. I've had providers who wanted to meet me socially, off the clock, before setting a BCD date. Of course my situation is different due to my disability, but had I not met a few women at socials and hit it off, I may never have seen them BCD.

I have also met providers for dinner off the clock and enjoyed the company every time.
I have also met providers for dinner off the clock and enjoyed the company every time. Originally Posted by surcher
See it can be done..I have actually Played first, went to dinner..came back ,played again..then went out for drinks after..fun !!!
PE..there are no rules...that was all bullsh*t.!! There are some common sense concepts for you to consider....

Many guys will invite the provider to lunch or drinks for the first meet.
If she turns out to be a slob, uncouth, drunkard or crazy bitch...we just walk away.
Also a lot safer than going to her place in Pimptown or wherever you could be setup for a ripoff.

If the girl is too snooty to meet you for a drink, check the next one...there are tons that will meet you.
Oh yeah...that crap about their valuable time...HA.!
There is a lot of slack time in most lady's schedules...and many drink like fish.
After all, if you made $150/hr...how many hours would you be "on the job" each week.??
Just have a good time.
r9 Originally Posted by rhino9
I'm sorry but I disagree with calling us snooty because we don't want to hang with you off the clock. If I don't know someone, why would I want to go to dinner/drinks with them for free?? That makes no sense. I don't need food, I can pay for my own food/dinner. I need money, and thats why we are here, to be paid for our time. I'll admit, I absolutely hate it when someone I don't know emails me and asks for off the clock dinner/drinks to get to know eachother. Isn't BCD supposed to be for that? IDK, maybe some don't mind taking time out of their day to meet a stranger for free. I would prefer to either meet paying clients or spend my free time with my real friends and family or dog or doing ther laundry! I just don't have time, there arent enough hours in the day. Plus, it's important for me to have "me" time also.
Let me add something, I have had dinner with clients off the clock. But it was AFTER our BCD paid time. Many fellas have asked me if I was hungry, and I was so I accepted because I liked the client enough. Another thing is, I had a client ask me to go on buisiness trips with him, but he said that he couldn't pay me...but oh I would have the funnest time with him and fun is worth something right?? Long story short, I didn't go. I'm not his wife/gf so those responsibilities should not be on my shoulders. He didn't understand this concept, he was truely confused. And when lines get blurred with clients, it's time to clean house and let 'em go.
bullet0's Avatar
The video in this thread has some relevance.

Hey PE, it DOES happen. For me, it happened somewhat in reverse. I was in San Diego on business a couple of weeks ago. I booked a VERY attractive (and expensive) young lady for a 90 minute outcall. She was very late for the appt but called periodically, saying her GPS was taking her in circles. Since she checked in with meregularly, I took her at her word and since it was fairly late at night I was somewhat concerned for her safety but told her not to sweat the tardiness. As long as she was OK, then I was OK. She finally arrived looking smoking hot and carrying a bottle of wine. We chatted like old friends, finished the whole bottle of wine, and had some GREAT BCD time and fell asleep. A 90-minute session turned into her departure at 6:30 a.m. To top it off, she invited me to come to her apartment and see her dogs (we are both dog people...go figure) and then out to lunch. She even told me her real name (which I googled...it's correct). I went to her apartment around 11:30 and met her "kids" (a couple of Chihuahuas...:-) We had a drink and some appetizers at her favorite local Mexican restaurant at lunch time, talked for a couple of hours, kissed goodbye and I went about my business. That night at 10:30 I got a long text saying she enjoyed the time and the many laughs we shared throughout the day (and night). Apparently, I should have been a comedian....:-) I'm about as average and middle-aged as a guy can get, so this is as big a mystery to me as it is to you. She did mention something about how comfortable she felt around me, so maybe that's the key. I dunno. To make a short story long.....just be yourself and relax. The casual dinner date CAN happen.
sure why not! Originally Posted by seductivesarah
Because he's not really interested in compensating you for your time, with the exception of a nominal fee and dinner.
Because he's not really interested in compensating you for your time, with the exception of a nominal fee and dinner. Originally Posted by incognito isis

Wrong. Originally Posted by Energy

Excuse me, but thats what the OP said. It's coming from the horses mouth. Sorry, I just hate it when men come to escorts seeking free dates, it's tacky. Nominal fee? That is, if necessary. How about my regular fee for my time???


**Every time an escort accepts a free date, they start expecting it from all of us**
flowerflower1's Avatar
so sad that for some everything has to be for the money... while it is way important... if that is all this is it's not a job i would want....
flowerflower1's Avatar
isis you are probably what the majority of providers believe... but i for one will not see someone repeatedly if we don't connect beyond the money. and yes while the money is the catalyst you can tell if that is all it is....
isis you are probably what the majority of providers believe... but i for one will not see someone repeatedly if we don't connect beyond the money. and yes while the money is the catalyst you can tell if that is all it is.... Originally Posted by flowerflower1
Sir, when meeting with an escort, it's wonderful to seek out true chemisty with said provider. Just as long as you remember you didn't meet said provider on chemistry dot com, and her time is in fact, money.

No, not everything is about money, but it is important, if you disagree, lets see you live without it. So I would appreciate clients repecting my hourly fee, and not merely offering a nominal fee plus dinner.

I would also like to reference us back to my earlier comment. Why would I want to spend my free time with a stranger, when I could be spending it with real friends, my pets, family, or doing laundry??
I've gone to dinner with regulars a handful of times and had a great time. It's nice getting to know those who you've met many times BCD in a more relaxed setting. IMO it makes the intimacy between eachother a lot more thrilling, and comfortable.