The myth of Liberals creating crime...

Ducbutter's Avatar
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  • 08-24-2023, 10:34 PM
I asked the question based on violent crime rates. We don't really get to choose which crimes we are victims of do we? Looking at the numbers is a pretty simple process if you are interested in getting a big picture of what is happening nationwide.

Something I look at is incarceration rates. Interesting list:

Mississippi: 575 per 100,000
Louisiana: 564 per 100,000
Arkansas: 559 per 100,000
Oklahoma: 555 per 100,000
Arizona: 453 per 100,000
Idaho: 449 per 100,000
Texas: 443 per 100,000
Georgia: 427 per 100,000
Kentucky: 411 per 100,000
Montana: 387 per 100,000
Alabama: 384 per 100,000
Ohio: 382 per 100,000
Missouri: 374 per 100,000

A lot of those states have high rates of violence despite the 'tough on crime' approach. Tell me again it's just an issue in Democratic areas... Originally Posted by DNinja69
It’s just an issue in Democratic areas.

The Republicans want to put a lot of young black men in jail and the Democrats want all the white businessmen in jail. There are a lot of young black men and white businessmen in those states.

You’ve switched issues on us but I agree with you on this one. America incarcerates too many people. One simple thing that might help would be if the Republicans could attract more members, since they’re less likely to commit violent crimes and go to jail. See the New York State prisoner discharge study I quoted above.
DNinja69's Avatar
A little ad hominem name calling hmm? That's it? A right wing propaganda video and 'derp' well sure I mean why not.

Seriously though a lot of factors are at work and I will not pretend to have a lot of answers but what we are doing isn't working. I refuse to believe that Americans are just hard wired to be this violent. The bickering between parties doesn't help we remain quite divided. Locking people up at a high rate doesn't solve much but does put a big burden on taxpayers. Feels like its time to take a hard look at the law enforcement models being used in Red and Blue states and come up with some new concepts. Just can't help but think if both sides found some common ground some progress could be made.

If this issue isn't important enough to everyone for some 'across the aisle' reform then what is?
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
...We don't really get to choose which crimes we are victims of do we? ... Originally Posted by DNinja69
With concealed or Constitutional carry, you do get to choose what crimes you won't be a victim of in many cases. Cuts down on the prison industrial complex and may free up court loads, unless you're Alex Baldwin.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
My comment was on point. A lot of 'oh but Biden' and very little desire to focus on crime issues in Republican areas. Who lives in the White House does not determine the political leanings of local leadership. If 'the left' was any kind of cause for violence, property crimes, etc and 'the right' had figured things out we would not need much debate.

But the facts show us that the problems are nationwide, especially in bigger cities and population dense communities. I do find it interesting that when this subject comes up suddenly Republicans are quick to point out how big the margin of victory was for Biden in 2020 as if that is really relevant what is going on in Alabama and Texas anyway.

The issues are much deeper than party politics. Dems are the worst offender no question. Electing a Republican to replace him isn't going to solve much. Originally Posted by DNinja69
Seems you are scratching the surface or knocking on the door, but unwilling to deal with the issue, i.e. step inside. at the same time to me.

I live in a notoriously Republican county, with a decent sized population. Many citizens are carry holders. Believe it or not, that is a deterrent to a lot of violent crime. Failing that, one has to be a really stupid criminal to want to commit a violent crime as we have a well funded and appreciated police force. Are there crimes? Of course, but not like what you see elsewhere. If a thug tried to beat, assault and rob Granny in broad daylight in the downtown square here, it would likely be ended by a citizen with the police just moments behind.

You shouldn't really just call them the Left, the Dems, etc. ATM, they are leaning towards Marxism, i.e. Socialism. Why? Because of who is in control at the Federal level mainly. Being a Republic, as we are, most all control should be at the local and State level. The Federal should just shut their pie hole and protect our borders. If the Federal level would quit their tyrannical control chite, we could shut down our Southern boarder pretty quickly.

More importantly, the Federal level (Socialists) are creating the conditions that cause much of the anxiety, despair and doom loops within the bigger cities. I often refer to the cities as compression zones. However, the local Demonirat politicos bear a lot of responsibility. Around these parts, we often refer to Austin as The Socialist Occupied City of Austin. It's such a shame to see it's decay, given all it's history and potential.

Point being, subtract the crime numbers from the Socialist (Democrat) run cities in most any state and crime is typically spittle in a bucket. If saving money is of interest - cut most all Federal budgets by 50% within a couple years, with 10% minimum cuts each year.
ICU 812's Avatar
I am a firm believer in the policies and practices implemented by then Mayor of New York City, Rudi Guliani. The proactive policing of lower-level crime suppressed and minimized the frequency of other more serious crimes. By the end of his career as mayor, the City of New York had been transformed into a much safer and friendlier place. Sadly, Mr. Guliani has become a less wonderful man.

However, proactive policing can only be effective if the the prosecutorial and judicial side of crime fighting is also effective. After the citie's transition to the now wholey liberal-progressive control of both the city attorney's office and most courts, the city has morphed into a crime ridden cesspit.

This has happened in city after city across the nation. Today, Houston's up-scale Galleria Shopping Mall on the up-scale side of town is considered to be a dangerous place for well-heeled high end shoppers and the rest of us "just folks".

Are the conservative leaning folks who are no longer in power in Houston and Harris County to blame for this change because they haven't been re-elected since 2020? I think that the onus of culpability is on the Liberal-Progressive officials elected and appointed in Houston since 2020.
Ducbutter's Avatar
The fact that you label the video "right wing propaganda" is highly illuminating. Shellenberger is a man of the left and always has been. It's why I chose his video in the first place. And let's not fool ourselves about how much of the video you watched. Giving you full credit you couldn't have listened to half of it before you responded with your claim that he's biased. Clearly, anyone who's opinion differs from yours is right wing.
The whole premise of your post was to portray republicans as the bad guys. Fair enough, there's plenty to call them out for, but this thread was nothing but disingenuous partisan garbage from the jump. And you've posted nothing to back up your assertions. Surely you have some idea of where the right has dropped the ball.
Your complaints about partisanship on this issue are hollow bullshit as is your hemming and hawing about how it's a complicated issue and you don't pretend to have any answers. Well, no answers but to blame your political opponents.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
With concealed or Constitutional carry, you do get to choose what crimes you won't be a victim of in many cases. Cuts down on the prison industrial complex and may free up court loads, unless you're Alex Baldwin. Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
The cab driver decided to NOT be a victim of an armed robber in New Orleans.
Taxi driver fatally shoots would be armed robber, sheriff says - MSN

METAIRIE, La. (WVUE) - A man who reportedly tried to rob a taxi driver at gunpoint was shot and killed by the cab driver in an act of self-defense, according to the Jefferson Parish Sheriff’s Office.

The shooting happened Mon., Aug. 21, around 1 a.m. near the intersection of Robertson Street and Merit Way.

A spokesperson for JPSO identified the victim as 23-year-old Gerald Pope.

Authorities have classified Pope’s death as justifiable homicide, according to Capt. Jason Rivarde.

Rivarde says the taxi driver will not face criminal charges.

An investigation into the events leading up to the attempted robbery and subsequent shooting are ongoing.
No court costs, no prison time.
VitaMan's Avatar
You can't tell if that photo is the taxi driver or the robber.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
You can't tell if that photo is the taxi driver or the robber. Originally Posted by VitaMan
Robber. perp, worm food supplement.
Police, inherent civilized behavior, and schools are systems controllede by city governments. The crime ridden areas are completely controlled by a parasitic governing concept. The State government has essentially no effect on those norms.

Memphis is a salient example. Have you ever visited?
The cab driver decided to NOT be a victim of an armed robber in New Orleans.No court costs, no prison time. Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
That's life in the Big City. The Cab Driver saved the D.A and Police a lot of trouble and the Tax Payers of NOLA a lot of money.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
That's life in the Big City. The Cab Driver saved the D.A and Police a lot of trouble and the Tax Payers of NOLA a lot of money. Originally Posted by Levianon17
Seems like the cabbie should get a 10% cut of the cost avoidance he created.
Seems like the cabbie should get a 10% cut of the cost avoidance he created. Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
You can't tell if that photo is the taxi driver or the robber. Originally Posted by VitaMan
... Too Right, Vita. ... I'm wonderin' the same thing.

#### Salty