Hey I B...I am not saying, by any means, that I support or approve of the Muslim Bros...not at all..
But, if we are going to support democracy, world wide...we need to understand, the forces that will be voted in by each country's people...may not be the ones we view as "the good guys".
That's how democracy works, my friend!
And to those who say we fail to support the previous Egytpian leadership...sorry pro-democracy fans, the people did not want that...at all.
Remeber how we "supported" the Shah of Iran or the South Viet gov't??? Did not turn out so well.
Originally Posted by vkmaster
What didn't work out, was not supporting the Shah of Iran. That's what caused the fundamentalists to take over. Jimmy Carter was a fool. He thought the Ayatollah Khomeini was some sort of saintly holy man like Ghandi.
Iran has been the worst terrorist country in the world ever since the Shah was overthrown. Iran is on the verge of going nuclear and has pledged to destroy Israel.
We never should have cut funding for South Vietnam; the Democrats did that. It destroyed any chance, they had of surviving. Democrats are evil.