Chinese State Media Warns Trump Of ‘War’ If South China Sea Access Blocked

The Chinese will kick our asses in a WAR with Trump at the helm. I'm sorry but the days of American dominance is over. I say put all the people that voted for Trump on the front lines leave the rest of us decent peaceful citizens of the world alone.

China is an Ally of Russia who is an Ally of Iran who is an Ally of North Korea. The Chinese are smarter than US and along with Russia and Iran are nuclear Powers. (Iran to a lesser degree in War-time scenarios)

I knew this would happen but rest assured the Chinese own us and at this time we just can't win a war with them. They not only have the military might but they also have a strong economy and very bright nuclear scientists and physicists. Trust me we don't want to be beating the war drums with China they fucking own our asses. Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
So have YOU learned to say " Free Blow Jobs HERE ! " in Mandarin, Cantonese and all of the other Chinese dialects yet ??? How ' bout Arabic, since you lyin libs think all of the Syrian muslim- jihady wanna-be refugees and , err, what did odummer say they were, err, " just innocent women and children " ? Good, they can move in WITH YOU ! Feed them, cloth them and go bail them out when they " go Boston " on us.
plus 10 Sistine!!Like your idea of putting the deplorable 'Trumpettes' on the front line....

.....the good news is we will not even have 4 years of Trump in charge, the bad news is the reason: He's a psychopath who will have us all nuked into oblivion.. Originally Posted by Solemate62
Well hell, shrilLIARy, what's yer " lat and long " so's we can tell those folks that YOU grinned with and " reset " the relationship " with EXACTLY where to target ? And give us Slick Willy address also !! ..From a founding member of the " vast Right Wing Conspiracy " . Monica says " hi " and, can the Foundation finally pay for the dry cleaning of that BLUE DRESS ???????
If Obama would have done his job, we wouldn't be in this situation. Everybody knows how important that part of the China Sea is to world trade. Only dumbass liberals want to bend over and take it up the ass from China.

All liberals want to do is kiss the ass of any communist country; after all the have the system of government they drool over. Fucking cowards! Originally Posted by jma9
The lyin liberal fudge-packers are willing to take it from the Chinese just to say they " got some strange " ! And to try to show how their globalist point of view is " better " than those narrow minded " deplorables " that shrilLIARy referenced.
LexusLover's Avatar
The Liberals are afraid of having a "war" with China?
  • DSK
  • 01-17-2017, 10:05 AM
The Liberals are afraid of having a "war" with China? Originally Posted by LexusLover
Well, they are afraid if China wins will will all be working in factories for one dollar per hour with no benefits, and no freedom of speech, and no free press.
LexusLover's Avatar
Well, they are afraid if China wins will will all be working in factories for one dollar per hour with no benefits, and no freedom of speech, and no free press. Originally Posted by DSK
So it's a good thing HillaryNoMore didn't win then! Right?

How many more folks are NOT getting a dollar an hour or benefits or freedom of speech or a "free press" in this country under the Obaminable-Clinton Administration?
  • DSK
  • 01-18-2017, 09:30 AM
The Liberals are afraid of having a "war" with China? Originally Posted by LexusLover
Considering there are millions of Chinese in the USA, perhaps they wouldn't attack us anyway for not buying their cheap plastic shit!!!
LexusLover's Avatar
Considering there are millions of Chinese in the USA, perhaps they wouldn't attack us anyway for not buying their cheap plastic shit!!! Originally Posted by DSK
What the Hell do they want anyway? We fuck their women and pay them to rub grease all over our bodies before we fuck them! And if they are sweet they can suck our dicks!

Some people are just overbearing and self-centered!
Well, they are afraid if China wins will will all be working in factories for one dollar per hour with no benefits, and no freedom of speech, and no free press. Originally Posted by DSK
And NO transgendered bathrooms !!!!
If Clinton hadn't given away missile tech to the ChiComs we would be fine. They are still scared shitless of Trump.
  • DSK
  • 01-18-2017, 03:13 PM
What the Hell do they want anyway? We fuck their women and pay them to rub grease all over our bodies before we fuck them! And if they are sweet they can suck our dicks!

Some people are just overbearing and self-centered! Originally Posted by LexusLover
Some people you just can't reach..that's their choice, that's their way.
R.M.'s Avatar
  • R.M.
  • 01-18-2017, 04:08 PM
That little dip shit still bitching. SMH.
LexusLover's Avatar
That little dip shit still bitching. SMH. Originally Posted by R.M.
Who? SissyLips? That's all he's got!