Joe claims he has presented a clear message????

Two pints to ponder:
  1. Congress didn't write the ACA. Insurance company lobbyists did
  2. Congress is exempted from the ACA with a double platinum Cadillac plan
Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
I wonder how much the tax payer pays for that plan?
Lucas McCain's Avatar
That's a total shame too. People in this country would rather vote for a corrupt inept idiot like Biden only because they hate Trump. If that is what the People of America have turned out to be then this country is surely doomed. Originally Posted by Levianon17
It's not that people think Biden is going to be a savior. I don't think I've read a single post in here where people are praising Biden's political accomplishments. Most people in this country just fucking hate Trump. I wasn't kidding when I posted a few weeks ago that you could put a turtle up against Trump and that turtle would win the election.
It's not that people think Biden is going to be a savior. I don't think I've read a single post in here where people are praising Biden's political accomplishments. Most people in this country just fucking hate Trump. I wasn't kidding when I posted a few weeks ago that you could put a turtle up against Trump and that turtle would win the election. Originally Posted by Lucas McCain
Well there's no doubt a lot of people hate Trump. But there is an awful lot of people that think Biden is a moron and will not vote for him. I think a lot of posters in here are underestimating Trump's popularity because in many sectors he is quite popular. As this scandal with the Hunter Biden Laptop progresses there will be some voters that will have second thoughts about voting for Biden. They'll keep that idea to themselves and vote for Trump. If Biden does slip thorough the cracks and wins he'll be impeached and taken out of office and this country will be ran by one crazy bitch who doesn't know what she's doing.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Firstly, I don't agree with this notion that "Healthcare is a right" because leftists don't understand what "rights" are. They act like "rights" are the thing that the government owes you. No. "Rights" are things you have, that the government is not allowed to take from you.

You have a right to say your piece without the government attacking you for it. You have a right to defend your life and the lives of those you care about. You have the right to not shore up soldiers in your home without your consent. You do NOT have the right to force a healthcare professional to service you without due compensation.

Second, I'm on the radical fringe that thinks that the problem is that insurance companies are a fucking scam, and by virtue of their existence, are why healthcare is unaffordable.

Granted, the technology has gotten better, and the equipment is expensive, but just because an MRI machine costs a few million doesn't mean you need to make the cost back on the first 30 people you put through it.

I feel like insurance has created a perversion of a Costco-esque "member's only" club, only rather than denying people access for not being a member, they simply make the costs astronomical. The costs are astronomical because the insurance companies have already made a deal with the hospital or doctor to pay that astronomical price.

Doctor's visit? That's $200, unless you're a member, then it's only $20 as long as you keep paying the $500/mo.

And it's hard to feel like these docs aren't just in it for the money when they book their appointments in 15 minute intervals. It's like dealing with an attorney these days.

First step is to eliminate health insurance or anything like it. In the immediate aftershock, no one will be able to afford healthcare because the prices are outside the realm of reason. Some people will die. But then once the docs and the hospitals realize that they have no customers because they've priced them all out, they'll start bleeding money and be forced to evaluate their pricing practices. Hospitals will start having to compete against each other over the best ratio of quality of service to cost of service like any other business. This will drive prices down and quality of service up. Eventually, you get to go back to the doc for $20 a visit, but now you're not paying a "member's fee" of $500/mo. Originally Posted by GastonGlock

AMA is part of the problem on hospital and service pricing.
Lucas McCain's Avatar
Well there's no doubt a lot of people hate Trump. But there is an awful lot of people that think Biden is a moron and will not vote for him. I think a lot of posters in here are underestimating Trump's popularity because in many sectors he is quite popular. As this scandal with the Hunter Biden Laptop progresses there will be some voters that will have second thoughts about voting for Biden. They'll keep that idea to themselves and vote for Trump. If Biden does slip thorough the cracks and wins he'll be impeached and taken out of office and this country will be ran by one crazy bitch who doesn't know what she's doing. Originally Posted by Levianon17
I've said it before many times, I don't think either one of those two inept geezers should be president. My life won't change either way though, so I don't really care which one of them wins. It's going to be fucked up with either one of them so I'm not really that concerned with the outcome of the election... just being honest about how I view those two old bozos.

I speak only for myself and I am not going to insult anyone who has a different view than mine because my view is hardly the gospel. It's just my opinion which means absolutely nothing just like your opinions will mean absolutely nothing unless you agree with me.
LexusLover's Avatar
I don't think I've read a single post in here where people are praising Biden's political accomplishments. Originally Posted by Lucas McCain
Or "news" stories from the LameStreamMediaPropogandaMachi ne either!

In almost 50 years .... HE HAD NONE!

But are you envious?

LexusLover's Avatar
I Most people in this country just fucking hate Trump. Originally Posted by Lucas McCain
Fortunately they are not qualified to vote.

Anyone who votes for Bitten-Kumola merely proves the DimWits' failing education system.
beelzebubba's Avatar
No that would be assholes voting on a criminal dickhead that has destroyed our country.
The meaning of insanity is to keep doing the same thing and expecting a different result.
Now that’s ultimately stupid!
Well really ultimate stupidity is thinking a reality tv star can run a country... it’s clear he cannot.
The country is in shambles, nothing will remain if the incompetent one keeps fucking it up!
This is reality not reality tv.
This show would have been cancelled just like the apprentice,
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
...Well really ultimate stupidity is thinking a reality tv star can run a country... it’s clear he cannot,.. Originally Posted by beelzebubba
As opposed to totally compromised, corrupt, self-serving and financially invested professional politicians?!? Thanks but no.

I know this is way too hard for most to slog through.

Take a gander at Balding's World website.
The full report called Project Time is 64 pages and goes into gory detail, but it does contain some pretty pictures of the key players and how they all tie together. It ain't no little laptop porn and rant stuff. This was professional research put together and validated. Basically it is the depth of the ocean that that little laptop dingy is floating upon.

The below is a teensy snippet of the corruption and self interest these professionals are all about and highlights the inbreeding of corruption. Not to mention the general contempt of a free and fair market place.
On December 4, 2013 HUNTER accompanies BIDEN on his official trip to China.
HUNTER told the New Yorker that he met Li during the December 2013 trip but described it as social encounter. “How do I go to Beijing, halfway around the world, and not see them (Li) for a cup of coffee?” he said. HUNTER arranged a quick meeting in the lobby of the American delegation’s hotel in Beijing between BIDEN and Li, the BHR CEO. This was followed by a "social meeting" between HUNTER and Li, according to reports by the New Yorker.

The trip by HUNTER coincided with an official trip by the Ukranian President Viktor Yanukovych. Many business deals promoting trade and investment between China and Ukraine were signed during this trip. Some deals between Chinese and Ukranian firms have ties to firms HUNTER is known to be involved with such as the Bohai Commodity Exchange, owned by the same local governments that own a part of Bohai Industrial Investment.
On 16 December 2013, a week after the BIDEN and HUNTER visit to Beijing, BHR was incorporated in Shanghai, with its registered address in the Shanghai Free Trade Zone, according to State Market Regulatory Administration <SMRA> records.

HUNTER’s profile no longer appears on the BHR website. One archived version lists him as a director on November 16, 2015. BIDEN is referred to in the profile as a managing partner of Rosement Seneca Partners and a consultant at Boies Schiller Flexner LPP <Boies Schiller>. According to a statement by BIDEN’s lawyer George Mesires on October 13, 2019, BIDEN was of counsel with Boies Schiller and advising Ukraine-linked Burisma Holdings Limited on its corporate reform initiatives. He is also listed on Chinese PE websites where he is also referred to by the Chinese name ‘Hengte Baideng’ (亨特·拜登)

SMRA records show HUNTER purchased 10% of BHR on October 23, 2017 (via his investment vehicle Skaneateles LLC) and was a director until April 20, 2020. Previously he was invested via other holding companies.
BHR’s current shareholders are Bohai Capital (30%), Shanghai Ample Harvest Financial Services Group Co Ltd (上海丰实金融服务(集团)有限公司) (30%), Angju Investment (10%), Thornton (10%), Ulysses Diversified Inc (10%), Skaneateles LLC (10%). According to Chinese corporate records, the original owner of the US stake in BHR was Rosemont, Seneca Thornton, LLC with a 30% shareholding. This was split just under two years later into what is believed to be 20%/10% holding between Rosemont, Seneca, Bohai LLC and Thornton LLC. This was later changed again splitting Rosemont, Seneca, Bohai into Skanletes and Ulyssees. As Rosemont is the HEINZ KERRY vehicle and Seneca is the Biden vehicle, it is believed that the final split allowed HEINZ to exit the partnership divesting to ARCHER.
In summary, the Chinese government funded a business that it co-owned along with the son of a sitting US vice president and Secretary of State who was with high probability directly or indirectly invested in the holding company.
But if China funded a business, what was the value for Hunter? Here the report goes into detail calculating that the entity likely had $6.5BN in AUM, generating $100-$150MM in annual revenue, and if one day the business was sold, it could do so for ~$300 million (see page 14-15).

This returns the entire partnership to the fundamental problem: two sons of the Vice President of the United States and the Secretary of State willingly entered into a financial partnership with a government their fathers were supposed to deal with in an impartial manner.
beelzebubba's Avatar
Pull the head out.
Trump has failed like he did with all the business deals his billionaire daddy bailed him out on. Failed like the multiple marriages. Failed like his reality tv venue. Failed like his covid response. Failed like his economy. Failed like his foreign policy.
These are all real things that the current asshole in charge has accrued.
All the Biden crap is speculation.
Wake the fuck up you fucking retarded Republicans... you can do it.
  • oeb11
  • 10-24-2020, 06:03 AM
Denial and deflection - just kow-towing to XiNN - tiny demon!
You do love your Comrade Xi!
who is right there with the demons One worships!
rexdutchman's Avatar
Sleepy Joeys got NOTHING and hasn't for 47 years
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Pull the head out.
Trump has failed like he did with all the business deals his billionaire daddy bailed him out on. Failed like the multiple marriages. Failed like his reality tv venue. Failed like his covid response. Failed like his economy. Failed like his foreign policy.
These are all real things that the current asshole in charge has accrued.
All the Biden crap is speculation.
Wake the fuck up you fucking retarded Republicans... you can do it. Originally Posted by beelzebubba
you really got TDS!! lol!

lets go over what you said point by point.

Trump has failed like he did with all the business deals
getting successful business deals is crapshoot. alot of it is luck, timing and marketing. he had 4 - 6 business failures out of several hundred successful business ventures. this guy is batting 900%.

his billionaire daddy bailed him out on.
his father did not bail him out in any failure he had. it is true he did give him millions to start his own ventures. this is not bailout money. maybe you had this fact confused with the money his father gave him.

Failed like the multiple marriages.
won't argue with you on that. he's divorced twice. maybe third times the charm?

Failed like his reality tv venue.
the Apprentice was a very successful show under Donald. it pretty much ended when Donald ran for president. Arnold Schwarzenegger sucked as the successor to the Apprentice. show folded a year later. Arnie is the real failure.

Failed like his covid response.
He got bad advice from health/medical advisors. the lockdown was ill advised.

Failed like his economy.
economy was humming before covid hit the scene. the unnecessary lockdown is what caused it.

Failed like his foreign policy.
He started no new wars.
signed a peace treaty with the Taliban and troops will be withdrawn next year from Afghanistan. (FYI, I don't like this deal he made with the taliban)
ISIS for the most part rendered useless
got most of NATO to up their defense spending to 2% gdp.
2 peace treaties with Israel and muslim countries. a 3rd one on the way.
got out of the Paris climate treaty
got out of the TPP treaty
redid NAFTA treaty

These are all real things that the current asshole in charge has accrued.
he's an uncouth asshole, but i like what hes doing so far on policy.

All the Biden crap is speculation.
it is not speculation. Biden is just not fit.
beelzebubba's Avatar
Can’t see past Donald’s dick
Come up for air.

“I take full responsibility, it’s not my fault” lol

Hey how come nobody wants to talk about big bad pro lifer asshole had his miserable worthless life saved by regeneron, which was developed from aborted fetuses?
I wish Biden would have asked about that just to watch Trump shit in his pants.
What a fucking idiot!
adav8s28's Avatar
Can’t see past Donald’s dick
Come up for air.

“I take full responsibility, it’s not my fault” lol

Hey how come nobody wants to talk about big bad pro lifer asshole had his miserable worthless life saved by regeneron, which was developed from aborted fetuses?
I wish Biden would have asked about that just to watch Trump shit in his pants.
What a fucking idiot! Originally Posted by beelzebubba
The regeneron antibodies came from the blood serum of CV19 infected patients that recovered. It did not come from dead fetuses. You're right Obama turned over to Trump a good economy and Trumps GDP numbers are not any different than Obama's GDP numbers. Trump was suppose to hit 4,5 or 6% GDP growth with the tax cut. Trump only hit 2.9 % GDP the same as Obama.

Trump did force NATO to pay more for defense. The only good thing Trump has accomplished.