Too many fat people in America

Haha! Well, damn, sounds just like me! I do love that fried chicken,hate yoga - but I do it- damn, I do love my junk food!!! No wonder I love,love,love Trump!!!

I'll be honest - I love to eat Mexican food -- all that unhealthy cheese. Love it!

I have to laugh out loud with your support of Trump in a thread on "Too many fat people in America". Trump is borderline obese. The most physically unfit POTUS in decades. Terrible diet. Does not exercise and has actually made negative comments about exercise.

"Trump is perhaps the most sedentary, least healthy president in recent history."

Source: Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
themystic's Avatar
Haha! Well, damn, sounds just like me! I do love that fried chicken,hate yoga - but I do it- damn, I do love my junk food!!! No wonder I love,love,love Trump!!!

I'll be honest - I love to eat Mexican food -- all that unhealthy cheese. Love it! Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
Its Trump Policy. Maybe the should build a wall around the white house kitchen. They are both gross fat
LexusLover's Avatar
Rabid right wingers should eat drink and be merry, then de as soon as possible. Originally Posted by bamscram
She's been working on it ....

I agree that our country causes some of our own problems. Thank God Trump is in the White House or it would be much,much worse. Trump2020. Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
I agree that Trump has helped tremendously slowing down the liberal destruction of America.
bamscram's Avatar
I agree that Trump has helped tremendously slowing down the liberal destruction of America. Originally Posted by friendly fred

We have fat people because of the proliferation of fast food corporations who are easily aligned with right wing politics because they help make it easier to make big profits for corporations.
  • oeb11
  • 01-06-2019, 01:26 PM
Please show some proof as to the political orientation of the obese.

The DPST would love another minority group to claim for their racial and Plantation group politics.

Be a real shame if they are all Republican.
Yeah, sure, everybody that’s fat is poor, lazy, black, Hispanic, and a liberal.

Every fucking day there’s some dip shit throwing the word ‘liberal’ around, to justify his/her Trumpanzee-ism.

Everybody is fucking fat, except people who are not fat. Political agendas do not matter. It’s usually based on lifestyle, wealth, level of stress, diet, and a rigorous combination of all of the above.

I don’t openly ‘identify’ as a liberal, but I believe in a general sense of fairness for everybody. If that makes me a liberal, then so be it. Some of you think a small group of you should have everything and everyone else should just fucking starve and die. People like you need to just die off. Seriously. If you say the word “liberal” every day of your life, you fucking need help. That’s just my opinion, but whatever.

Staying on topic, the truth of the matter is, we as a whole, eat too much junk/fast food and don’t exercise enough. That is the core issue with obesity. But then again, it’s hard to exercise enough and eat the right things enough when you have to work all the damn time. It’s a catch 22, A vicious cycle of cause-and-effect. This country causes a lot of problems that it complains about. Originally Posted by Randall Creed
Yes, working all the time can make it harder to exercise and eat right.

I only work about 15 hours per week so I have plenty of spare time to work out and I can afford a trainer since I'm not a broke sumbitch therefore I can also afford good quality food that tastes good without being loaded with sugar and fat like the fat fuckers love to buy from those shitty fast food places.

Having said that, you can actually make smart food choices at even McDonald's, getting a salad with grilled and not salt laden processed greasy fucking chicken.

However, I never implied the fat fucks were all minorities or liberals/Democrats.

The difference is that the Republican fatsos will still be smarter after they lose weight, but the liberal Democrat fatso mother fuckers will usually still be stupid dumbfucks even if they lose weight.

(Some liberals are actually smart just emotionally misguided and mislead by propaganda for the lazy and usually stupid poor fucks)
RyanFromTER's Avatar
There was a time when you could call out a fat person being fat. Now it's all "Societies fault" or "genetics fault" or "stress". What the fuck even happened to self accountability? You're ass is fat because you chose to be fat.
bamscram's Avatar
Don't overlook all the "growth hormones" in all meats
Don't overlook all the "growth hormones" in all meats Originally Posted by bamscram
Any connection to obesity proven in studies?
Randall Creed's Avatar
But with growth hormones in food, shouldn’t there be more muscle on people?? If you’re adding hormones to beef and chicken, you wouldn’t be making it pudgy would you put? You want lean.

The average couch potato isn’t lean, so I don’t see how you can blame hormones.

I don’t know exactly how hormones work, so I don’t know if you are right or wrong. I’m just saying.
But with growth hormones in food, shouldn’t there be more muscle on people?? If you’re adding hormones to beef and chicken, you wouldn’t be making it pudgy would you put? You want lean.

The average couch potato isn’t lean, so I don’t see how you can blame hormones.

I don’t know exactly how hormones work, so I don’t know if you are right or wrong. I’m just saying. Originally Posted by Randall Creed
That makes the most sense, lean beef would be desirable for consumers.