New ain't got nothing on Virginia!!

Nazi as defined by Merriam Webster-

a : one who espouses the beliefs and policies of the German Nazis : FASCIST
b : one who is likened to a German Nazi : a harshly domineering, dictatorial, or intolerant person

DPST as defined by Merriam Webster- Definition of DPST
double pole, single throw Originally Posted by themystic
More of your nonsensical don't disappoint!!
You fit your avatar perfectly
Nope. themystic is a left wing snowflake. he makes up stuff because he doesnt know his stuff and can't provide any links to his nonsensical dribble. Originally Posted by themystic
You nailed it!!
I still don't know that

tried to find that statistic


can you provide information as to where you came up with that? Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
You should know by now that he just shoots his mouth off!!
Like a machine gun with blanks...
Don't fall for his BS!!
themystic's Avatar
You should know by now that he just shoots his mouth off!!
Like a machine gun with blanks...
Don't fall for his BS!! Originally Posted by bb1961
are you on topic
Not your mother! Originally Posted by WTF
She thinks I'm the greatest - I remember her saying to me as I went off to college - "Thank God you aren't going to that shitty third rate POS Cougar High - only stupid motherfuckers go there!"
badass06's Avatar
where was the New York abortion law when AOC was being born???
Take the breathing unviable tissue out,
Make it comfortable,
Doctor and patient discuss what to do next,
Throw gasoline on it and burn it.

The New Democrat Party. Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
A scapel shoved into the back of the head will do the job just fine.
bamscram's Avatar
I think he was kidding about the "New Democratic Party" ....

... may be sarcastic?

Here's the "Old Democratic Party" ....

They've now decided it's just easier to kill them when new born and instead of hanging them later. And just call it "abortion"!

No wonder they're so upset about the SCOTUS overturning Roe! No more baby lynchings by the doctor. Originally Posted by LexusLover

That is your party.
themystic's Avatar
You should know by now that he just shoots his mouth off!!
Like a machine gun with blanks...
Don't fall for his BS!! Originally Posted by bb1961
get back on topic bb.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
I was listening to Michael Berry yesterday, and he stated that in New York, abortions now outnumber live births.

I have done numerous searches and cannot confirm that.

Could that possibly be true. Originally Posted by Jackie S

theres a more complicated answer for that one.

excessive abortions is one cause of low birth rates.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Beatlejuice beatlejuice beatlejuice ?????????????????????????????? ???????????? Originally Posted by rexdutchman

double e's, not ea... sheesh!
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Then post the fucking can't.
You talk a lot...but say nothing.
Every link you post is ridiculous can't post a supporting link to support your ridiculous save your life!!
Prove me you will respond with some incredible non sense!! Originally Posted by bb1961
More of your nonsensical don't disappoint!!
You fit your avatar perfectly Originally Posted by bb1961
You should know by now that he just shoots his mouth off!!
Like a machine gun with blanks...
Don't fall for his BS!! Originally Posted by bb1961

he is trolling.
he is gas-lighting

he thinks hes cjohnny! he talks nonsense.
The fetus is a separate but completely dependant entity.

It's a matter competing rights after 20 weeks.

If another living person were connected to the other, what right does the dependent person have to affect the others health or their very right to live?

Why are fetuses special? Originally Posted by grean
In fact, they aren't special. Conjoined twins have the same rights. In most cases conjoined twins don't have a 50-50 split. One is usually, so some degree, dependent on the other, sometimes to an extreme degree. If the "dominant" twin wants a separation, he can't unless the other twin agrees, and even then sometimes not if it would leave one twin with too high a risk factor.
TheDaliLama's Avatar
"I've noticed that everyone that is pro-abortion has already been born." ~Ronald Reagan, September 1980.