DACA, the dreamers act


If they have spent their whole life here, they should become citizens.

besides, who the fuck is gonna put up all this drywall? Originally Posted by WTF
So if i rape, rob and murder, and 'stay on the run long enough', i should BY YOUR Logic be beyond prosecution?

And try telling that to all those affected BY CRIMINAL ILLEGAL invaders.. Such as a 65 yr old portland woman, who was RAPED and robbed by an illegal invader, WHO'S been deported 20 times!





LexusLover's Avatar
WTF uses illegal aliens to put up the "dry wall" in the houses he builds?

Apparently, he hasn't been doing much "touring" of residential construction projects in Mexico, if he thinks they have expertise in installing "dry wall"!
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 09-05-2017, 06:45 AM
So if i rape, rob and murder, and 'stay on the run long enough', i should BY YOUR Logic be beyond prosecution?

And try telling that to all those affected BY CRIMINAL ILLEGAL invaders.. Such as a 65 yr old portland woman, who was RAPED and robbed by an illegal invader, WHO'S been deported 20 times!





http://www.dailywire.com/news/19133/...cal-frank-camp Originally Posted by garhkal
If punish a whole group of people for one persons act...we would disband the Police and Military.

I support DACA. Kid gets raised in this country and knows no other way....we as a society do not reje t them because their parents were trying to provide them a better life.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Let's not forget, this also is a cornerstone of Twitler's Make America Mean Again agenda.

What's he gonna do? Take a Mulligan on them like he did on the Texas Gulf Coast?

This is ONLY about being an asshole.

Remember, these are beautiful babies!!!

They should relocate all the rapists and murderers to Bumfuck Ohio...
goodolboy's Avatar
DACA has been ruled unconstitutional and violates multiple federal laws. We can not continue to make "exceptions" for violating our laws for some people. I'm pretty sure based on our constitution that the laws were intended to apply equally to everyone, even illegal aliens.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 09-05-2017, 07:55 AM
DACA has been ruled unconstitutional and violates multiple federal laws. We can not continue to make "exceptions" for violating our laws for some people. I'm pretty sure based on our constitution that the laws were intended to apply equally to everyone, even illegal aliens. Originally Posted by goodolboy
If Trump pardoned them like he did Sheriff Joe Arpaio , then would they be within the framework of the law?

Seems there are exceptions to the law all the time....it is just that when it happens to be an exception you agree with, you cheer.

goodolboy's Avatar
If Trump pardoned them like he did Sheriff Joe Arpaio , then would they be within the framework of the law?

Seems there are exceptions to the law all the time....it is just that when it happens to be an exception you agree with, you cheer.

. Originally Posted by WTF
If you pardoned crack dealers like Obama did does that mean selling crack is now legal?

Why exactly do you think some illegal aliens should be exempt from the law?
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Neither true nor funny, asshole.

Shame on you.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
DACA has been ruled unconstitutional and violates multiple federal laws. We can not continue to make "exceptions" for violating our laws for some people. I'm pretty sure based on our constitution that the laws were intended to apply equally to everyone, even illegal aliens. Originally Posted by goodolboy


What part of the constitution does it violate? When was the court decision upon which this ruling was rendered?
goodolboy's Avatar
Neither true nor funny, asshole.

Shame on you. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

"President Barack Obama announced two pardons and 95 commutations Friday afternoon, with the vast majority of his clemency going to dealers of crack cocaine." http://dailycaller.com/2015/12/18/ob...crack-dealers/
goodolboy's Avatar


What part of the constitution does it violate? When was the court decision upon which this ruling was rendered? Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

"A three-judge panel ruled against the Obama administration on a 2-1 vote in Texas v. United States, upholding a lower court’s injunction against two programs. Obama created one of the programs, called Deferred Action for Parents of Americans, or DAPA, and expanded another, called Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, or DACA in a unilateral effort to reshape the U.S. immigration system after the 2014 midterm elections." https://www.theatlantic.com/politics...ration/415077/

"President Barack Obama's program that has protected 800,000 young undocumented immigrants from deportation is likely to be struck down soon by federal courts, predict the Trump administration and even defenders of the program. " https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/...rts/475296001/

"U.S. Attorney General John Ashcroft, cited three reasons why the executive amnesties are unlawful: “(1) the executive actions do not comply with the requirements of the Administrative Procedure Act (APA); (2) even if they did comply with the APA, they would still be in direct violation of substantive provisions of federal law; and (3) even if they did not violate federal law, they would still be unconstitutional.” https://www.numbersusa.com/news/test...w-constitution
Yssup Rider's Avatar
And since then?

You're not telling the whole story, are you, dipshit?
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 09-05-2017, 09:27 AM

Why exactly do you think some illegal aliens should be exempt from the law? Originally Posted by goodolboy
The same reason you think Sheriff Joe Arpaio should be exempt from the law. God Damn hypocrites all over this forum...

Trump should pardon all the Dreamers!

Good point goodolboy...

And I've already told you why. Their parents brought them here. This is the only country they know. It is their country too.

bambino's Avatar
The same reason you think Sheriff Joe Arpaio should be exempt from the law. God Damn hypocrites all over this forum...

Trump should pardon all the Dreamers!

Good point goodolboy...

And I've already told you why. Their parents brought them here. This is the only country they know. It is their country too.

. Originally Posted by WTF
Wrong SnitchFuck, many of these kids came here without their parents and left the country they were born in. They came here illegally and most weren't even processed by any US authority. DACA isn't a law, it's an EO. It could be shot down by a court at anytime. These "kids" could be sent back immediately. So now you're all weepy about babies and children? What a hypocrite. Or are you to stupid to know you're a hypocrite? This forces Congress to craft a law. I doubt Congress will send them back. It will force these "kids" to come here legally going forward. Fucking idiot

LexusLover's Avatar
DACA isn't a law, it's an EO. It could be shot down by a court at anytime. Originally Posted by bambino
That's why I think the DOJ with the Solicitor General should file a declaratory judgment action to have it thrown out ... then agree to a temporary order prohibiting tossing out the folks who were qualified to remain under EO as it is written literally for a six month period of time so Congress had "fix it."