J Gruden, A Brown, and the NFL

dilbert firestorm's Avatar
arians said hes no longer a buc. could take some time before its official.

unless Bucs mgt did some ass kissing...
VitaMan's Avatar
It's always the divas that are in these situations. And the divas always seem to be wide receivers. And the wide receivers always seem to be (fill in)
eccieuser9500's Avatar
Did somebody say diva?

Lucas McCain's Avatar
AB obviously has some serious mental issues. I don't know whether he has had a lot of concussions but there is something going on his head because he can't control himself. That guy has lost tens of millions of dollars because of his behavior. As talented as he is/was, he's just not worth the headache anymore so I'd be surprised if he is ever on another NFL roster... what a waste of talent that people would kill for.

I hope he gets some help before he does something that there are no 2nd chances because he is a father, and his kids don't need to grow up with that shit.
bambino's Avatar
AB obviously has some serious mental issues. I don't know whether he has had a lot of concussions but there is something going on his head because he can't control himself. That guy has lost tens of millions of dollars because of his behavior. As talented as he is/was, he's just not worth the headache anymore so I'd be surprised if he is ever on another NFL roster... what a waste of talent that people would kill for.

I hope he gets some help before he does something that there are no 2nd chances because he is a father, and his kids don't need to grow up with that shit. Originally Posted by Lucas McCain
Since you’re already taking care of other peoples kids, why not his? You can coach them in basketball.

It's always the divas that are in these situations. And the divas always seem to be wide receivers. And the wide receivers always seem to be (fill in) Originally Posted by VitaMan
... Yeah, he pissed ALL-OVER the team that brought
him in, gave him a chance to win a Super Bowl final.

WHO does that?

#### Salty
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
zion williams is a waste of a talent.
eccieuser9500's Avatar
zion williams is a waste of a talent. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
He's a fat slob waste of his self and talent.

If it's genetics, I'll apologize. But if he can't medically transform his body into an adult - he is a bouncing waste of labor.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
He's a fat slob waste of his self and talent.

If it's genetics, I'll apologize. But if he can't medically transform his body into an adult - he is a bouncing waste of labor. Originally Posted by eccieuser9500
he plays well, problem is, hes injury prone.

the slob can lose weight if hes of mind to do so.
Lucas McCain's Avatar
Zion is going to have to lose weight. He is such a genetic freak that he probably doesn't put in the work because he never had to. That worked for him in high school and college because of his superior athletic ability. But you can't play an 82 game schedule at his height and weight in the NBA when you're lazy. He better get serious about his conditioning unless he wants to be a bust who is always hurt because he doesn't put in work.

People can make fun of Greg Oden for being a bust all they want, but at least he put in work. The guy just had the Sam Bowie and Bill Walton big man problems with injuries... Zion is just lazy and won't shed the 30 pounds he needs to do to avoid injuries... basketball is a lower extremity sport. It does not take a genius to know that his lower extremities cannot handle him running around at 285 pounds at 6'7". He's not playing football. He is playing a very quick twitch sport at the highest level in the world.