Instead of, they are getting 145 miles of Trump's wall that we are still waiting for Mehico to pay for

Dev Null's Avatar
You forgot to mention the fabulous immigration reform under Obama. Opps, didn't he do those cages? Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
There was an immigration reform bill that had bipartisan support in the Senate during the Obama administration. It was squelched by House Republicans. Is that the one you're talking about?

The so-called cages were built for temporary holding of a few days or so while waiting for Health and Human Services processing.

The Trump administration used those facilites for long-term detention of immigrant children under squalid conditions after separation of families. An unprecedented number of children died under custody as a result of Trump's zero-tolerance policy and his piss-poor planning.

Surprised you would bring that up, since that disgraceful chapter in American history will cost your guy a shit-ton of soccer mom votes in 2020.
Dev Null's Avatar
duplicate post
Precious_b's Avatar
Precious, please check your history. The Berlin Wall was built to keep people in and capitilism out. Not the same thing. You can't compare apples to oranges. It needs to be apples to apples. Try again. Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
No. You try again. Try to read what i've previously stated. Walls don't work. Apples, oranges, whatever fruit. I supplied a link in the past about the person who did a paper stating such. Just another example that they fail across a broad spectrum. But to humour you and do the apple/apple thing: it was illegal for the citizens in the USSR to move about freely. Hence the Wall was a deterrent in the western direction to keep the unlawful migration of the people of the State.

And Fearless Leader will be remembered as fondly as Erich.

When are you going to tell us when Mexico is going to pay or admit Trump lied? It's one or the other. Don't do the Conservative dodge/Repub tap dance around the issue. Take care of old business before trying to inject into another comment.
Precious_b's Avatar
... Try to think in an abstract manner and not so concretely. It is the idea of a wall that is a joke. ... Originally Posted by sportfisherman
SFM, don't even try to give a cognizant point. She repeatedly fails at understanding them/ignores them/doesn't want to admit what is true.

I keep an open mind and wish to go further with the dialogue when she tells when Mexico will pay for the Wall or admits Trump lied about it. Or, as I asked before, tell us how big a check she wrote to help pay for it.
Precious_b's Avatar
Dr. can you provide a link please showing that President Trump is addicted to Adderol. I haven't heard that one before. Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
I still have an open question you refuse to address.
The "I don't know" response doesn't cut the mustard.
When is Mexico paying for the Wall.
It's okay for you to say he lied about it.
One little (?) lie surely won't diminish you love for him.

Answer that and than quid pro quo the response from the doc.
BlisswithKriss's Avatar
I would like reputable links to this nonsense!
Fact: The wall is being built!
Fact: messico will end up paying for it! Originally Posted by winn dixie
Hey’s spelled MEXICO. Did you ever go to school ?
Trump lied about Mexico paying for the wall. All lies.
He also lied about the cost. You know Trump LIES all the time. Truth is not his strong point.
IMHO all his dumb supporters should pay for the wall if they want it that badly.
At the last count, roughly 80 tunnels were active that run under the border, for the drug trade etc.
Big waste of resources perpetrated by the grifter and con artist.
If folks come into the country just bypass the wall and fly into the country.
Dumb Trump hasn’t figured that out yet.
Precious_b's Avatar
Trump lied about Mexico paying for the wall. All lies.
... Originally Posted by BlisswithKriss
Can you get Ellen to say that first? She finally admitted Mexico ain't paying.
BlisswithKriss's Avatar
It’s all going to be academic. Trump and his stupid wall will never be built or completed. Folks on the border are sick and tired of Trump and his bully tactics. They’re ready to fight back and sue. This debacle will stew in the courts nd litigation for years. What the border authorities really want is more manpower. IMHO walls don’t work. We have seen walls in countries such as the UK and China. Did they work in the long run? Nope. But as we all know here you can’t make those dumb dimwit Trump supporters figure that out duh !