Black NBA Player Calls Caucasian Opponent “Bitch Ass White Boy”

winn dixie's Avatar
oeb11, I challenge you not to use "racist" when talking about these NBA players. Look up the definition of a racist.

This shit is cute to you with your hyperbole, but sit down and think about it. Why would these rich athletes take a stand? It's not just the NBA, it's even hockey now taking a stand. There is a problem now in this country. All races are taking a stand for justice. How difficult is this for many of you to understand? To me though, it's pretty easy to comprehend but I'm a hell of a lot smarter than most. Originally Posted by Lucas McCain
OK! Take the word racist out of they mouths and they be sounding like a bunch of howler monkeys!
Lucas McCain's Avatar
OK! Take the word racist out of they mouths and they be sounding like a bunch of howler monkeys! Originally Posted by winn dixie
Those "howler monkeys" make more in a year than you could make in ten lifetimes you old racist pathetic illiterate redneck clown. Those are the facts.

You old losers are more than welcome to try to bring it to me.
  • oeb11
  • 08-29-2020, 07:53 AM
LM - You are part of the group deluded by the racist, marxist DPST party - that only White folks are


i disagree - when black NBA spouts off as 'bitch ass white boy" - it is the same as the 'n' word.

Blacks are entirely as capable of racist thought and behavior as any other human beings.

OBLM is a prime example of DPST Racism, along with race- baiting al sharpton and his ilk.

Feel free to watch and defend yoour NBA - you have that freedom.

you may well have no freedoms under teh Cosntitution and Bill of rights under a racist, marxist K harris totalitarian regime.

Care to define to me 'racial Justice' - to entitled, over-paid racist black NBA entertainers???
how about - reparations for slavery, a separate set of states for blacks only, confiscation of white homes and property , and millions of white deaths demanded by OBLM - a marxist, racist, and Gay organization committed to the destruction of representative democracy.

That is your 'racial justice' ????
Or, is this your 'racial justice???

Destruction of the civil Rights Acts of 1964 , and all the efforts to improve racial relations - sabotaged by the racist, marxist DPST and their al sharpton race-baiters in the purpose of keeping blacks in their DPST run shit hole tenement cities and under the thumb of the Democrat racist administrations for decades - to control their Plantation 'racial identity' politics. And votes of the blacks they feel belong to them .

How difficult is 'That' to 'understand'?

Perhaps some self- examination - is it "White guilt" to avoid being labelled a 'racist' One is trying to avoid??
News Flash - to OBLM and the terrorists of the racist, marxist DPST party - if you are Caucasian - you are a 'Racist' regardless.

And will be treated as an enemy of the new "Diverse" state under K harris and her racist , marxist DPST party.
Lucas McCain's Avatar
oeb11, I said what I said. I am not going to argue with you about your silly narrative. You old fuckers in here like to be redundant. I don't. Thanks for taking the bait though when I acted like I cared about your thoughts. Trust me, I don't give a shit about your thoughts and I only care about mine.
  • oeb11
  • 08-29-2020, 08:44 AM
LM - you are welcome to be an apologist for the racism you refuse to acknowledge as reality.

Until k harris imposes a totalitarian regime in which you will be forced to bow to the racism and marxism of the NBAj, OBLM, and DPST party.
HoeHummer's Avatar
LM - you are welcome to be an apologist for the racism you refuse to acknowledge as reality.

Until k harris imposes a totalitarian regime in which you will be forced to bow to the racism and marxism of the NBAj, OBLM, and DPST party. Originally Posted by oeb11
When are yous going to post something cogent and constructive, herr oebsy?
Lucas McCain's Avatar
LM - you are welcome to be an apologist for the racism you refuse to acknowledge as reality. Originally Posted by oeb11
Again, you need to look up the definition of racism and sit down and think about it. These guys only want their skin color to be considered as equals. What the fuck is racist about that simple fact? If you are too fucking stupid to understand that, be well in your stupidity and I wish you the best.
  • oeb11
  • 08-29-2020, 10:27 AM
Unlike under a K harris totalitarian regime - LM - I agree you have the right to your opinion that black people cannot be 'racist"!
I do not call you out as 'stupid' - nor name-call.

use the ivy league education to further cogent and constructive intellectual discourse.
Again, you need to look up the definition of racism and sit down and think about it. These guys only want their skin color to be considered as equals. What the fuck is racist about that simple fact? If you are too fucking stupid to understand that, be well in your stupidity and I wish you the best. Originally Posted by Lucas McCain
I would argue they want far more than just to have their skin color be considered equal. They want retribution. They want adulation.

Anyone who doesn't give it to them is a racist.

White people like you who do not see it are the problem. You people give them the power.

It would be poetic justice for them to confront you in a restaurant and force you to raise your fist up in support of their BLM cause. I'll bet you wouldn't have the guts to oppose them.

Ironically, in reading your other posts, when you stay away from the issue of race and Ivy League, you are in fact a reasonable sounding person. Why don't you come on over from the dark side and join your fellow brothers in opposing BLM tyranny?
The NBA has shown itself to reserve Racism to its Black players

The marxist DPST narrative is that blacks cannot be racist.

Yet racism is now the public and approved province of Black NBA players, and other blacks, approved and endorsed by the marxist DPST party and its' OBLM pet terrorists.

Biden and Harris - exemplify black racism against Whites and anyone else - with the demands for reparations, white property, and support and segregation.

It is a horrifying state - that the major leftists political party embraces Racist and racial identity plantation politics to advance their marxist overthrow of representative democracy.

They resemble nothing so much as Bull Connors and George Wallace in their promotion of Racism in America. and the use of violence to cow and control those who oppose their "Institutional black racism".

Fuck lebron and the marxist DPST's!! Originally Posted by oeb11
Very well said and it is a shame more people do not understand the points you raised.

Our society and country, once so great, is becoming more and more pathetic and fractured everyday. It will likely be looked upon someday as a case study in why multiculturalism doesn't work.
winn dixie's Avatar

Howler monkeysare loud and unpredictable. When approached their sounds get louder and the group gets tighter. Once worked up enough they begin to get hostile all while fighting amongst themselves. Throwing any object they find! With no care they are destroying their own environment!

roaringfork's Avatar
Who can take black people seriously after all of this nonsense? Originally Posted by Strokey_McDingDong

At this point I fancy I can actually read the exact thought of many (if not most) AA's in our country: "Damn. We've had a good thing goin' for a long, long time. Can't all you crazy niggers just BE COOL?"
  • Mjay
  • 09-22-2020, 12:29 PM
Jokic knocked the Dippers out in the 2nd rd, so justice was served.
Lucas McCain's Avatar
Well, my Lakers looked like complete shit tonight against the Nuggets. They had a nice run in the 4th quarter, but they were just completely gassed at the end and there was nothing left... when you are breathing heavily and bending over with both hands on your knees, you are exhausted. I've played enough basketball to know how it feels when you have no gas left in the tank and you are just running on fumes. When you are that tired, your legs go and you are done.

When I saw they had nothing left, I just turned to Netflix because I knew the game was over. They were only down by 8 but they were done.
winn dixie's Avatar
Well, my Lakers looked like complete shit tonight against the Nuggets. They had a nice run in the 4th quarter, but they were just completely gassed at the end and there was nothing left... when you are breathing heavily and bending over with both hands on your knees, you are exhausted. I've played enough basketball to know how it feels when you have no gas left in the tank and you are just running on fumes. When you are that tired, your legs go and you are done.

When I saw they had nothing left, I just turned to Netflix because I knew the game was over. They were only down by 8 but they were done. Originally Posted by Lucas McCain
Great observation lucas boy!
Fuck lebron!
I'm lolling he didnt get mvp and cried about it!