The Shrub doesn't “blame her a bit.”

And are those questions too difficult for an Odumbo supporter like you to answer? Yeah, figured so.

So tell us, as a dye-in-the-wool Odumbo supporter, how did he know the troops he ordered in his surges would accomplish the mission he assigned by 2015.. all the way back in 2009? Was he elected with a magic crystal ball to be able to see the future? Because if he did... how come he didn't know his economic plans would be such an amazing failure when he put them into effect in 2009? 6+ years later.. 8 trillion added to the debt.. and 2.2% growth is all he can achieve? Wow.

Lemme guess.. is this where, after defending him all over the political threads.. you say "I'm not for him, I just hate seeing you folks whine about him"? Originally Posted by RedLeg505
Don't say you're not taking a position and then proceed to ask four goddamn questions. It's dyed-in-the-wool, you fucking knuckledragger. Your form of questioning illustrates the simple way in which your mind works. Always a cause and effect, nothing more. No nuanced view or critical thought to be found. You don't even know what you're talking about. You throw out numbers like 2.2% growth, with no context. You throw out the money added to the debt, though I'm not even sure you know the difference between the debt and the deficit.

Last year was the best year of employment growth since 1999. 65 percent of people say they are in the same or better financial situation than they were the year before. 52 percent view the economy favorably. GDP, that's gross domestic product for you mouthbreathers, actually grew 2.4 percent in 2014. That's an improvement over the previous year and much better than 2009-10. Are they as good as they can be? Of course not. We can always do better, but to lie and obfuscate and say that it's a failure is simply not true.

As for the troops; do you think the joint chiefs of staff are a bunch of fucking idiots? These are seasoned military men. Do you not think they can crunch the numbers and give a reasoned estimate on when a campaign might be finished?

Look, I get it. You hate Obama and you want to beat him over the head every chance you get. The problem is that you're just not very good at it. You aren't smart enough to go toe to toe on these issues and come out on the other side looking like anything but a fool.