Slang term for having Sex? What's ur funniest?

Don't forget "Make'n Bacon",and my favorite "making Love"
mtabsw's Avatar
Popular one I've seen, not sure I like:

Wreckn that ass
Rippin that up

My hobby favorite from one of the nastiest:

"Well... you know..."
Didit's Avatar
  • Didit
  • 05-22-2013, 07:08 AM
And straight from farm country.
Plowin the field
Sewin oats
Spreadin seed
Taking the tug boat to Tuna Town

Term for jerking off - Roughing the Suspect, LOL.

Taking the Hershey Highway
Stabbing some ass

Polishing the pole
Sucking the Trailer hitch through a garden hose
Slam the ham..
rodog44's Avatar
When I was in the navy a popular term was "gettin some dirty leg". ???????????
Getting Jiggy With It...
mad469s's Avatar
jbravo_123's Avatar
Poke ----Lonesome Dove Originally Posted by i'va biggen
Along that line... "free one", from Unforgiven.

With the advent of the Internet... "having teh sex"

A True Blood reference - "I wanna do bad things with you"
RandB fan's Avatar
roaringfork's Avatar
rumpy pumpy
doin' the nasty
tearin' me off a chunk
Gettin' your nubbin shucked.
Playing with Power Tools

Checking the oil.
snowman123's Avatar
Gettin' lipstick on the dipstick
Playing Pinnocio - sit on my face and I will LIE, LIE, LIE!