You have no game sucka, keep paying for play!

Jasser's Avatar
Why, oh why? Why would anyone who is married and can afford the hobby try to bed down a civilian? Originally Posted by sirliamscross
I can only speak for myself, but here is why I do it.

1. They are hot, have a nice ass, and I can visualize myself pumping away for a whole 2 minutes.

2. Nothing against the ladies here, but I like knowing that someone is really attracted to me. Let's be real here, most of us do get the "illusion" of passion or attraction, but it is an illusion. Don't get me wrong, I know what I'm paying for and why, but when I know someone is truly attracted to me, it's one of the greatest feelings in the world.

This is something I took for granted before marriage. Now that I'm married, I've forgotten what it's like to truly be wanted in a sexual way. When I pay for play, yes I'm satisfied, but I also know that it was business for her and pleasure for me.

My situation isn't really a confidence issue as much as it is being stuck in the same rut. When your partner loses interest in your sex life, it's only natural you miss the feeling of being attracted to.

Here's another WTF realization....Believe it or not, I actually got more ass when I was more immature. I was more of an asshole, cocky, and just plain rude, but I got a lot more ass, lol.

I guess being married and having kids have changed me a bit. Go figure.
slims099's Avatar
Reese, maybe it's because you're what, 35? I can't tell how old you are cause you're smokin hot. Reviews say 39, so close to 40. I guess it's that because I'm 27 and I've met NO men(friends) who wanna settle down and NO women I wanna get with who want all these booty calls and stuff yall are talking about. It's so opposite it's unbelievable.

Maybe it's the area I'm in? Addison-ish. I hear Ft Worth people are like a different country compared to us Dallas-ites. I wanna meet some Ft Worth-IANS!!

I could probably get in better shape and be more confident as well... But I love the hobby!
Fiero's Avatar
  • Fiero
  • 07-08-2010, 11:33 AM
This is one of those threads that makes me think a lot...not always a good thing.

It resonated for me because I left the hobby world for a few years to try and fill my intimacy void in the non-hobby world. Honestly, I just have a hard time getting past paying someone to spend time with me and so I left to find something more "real". I was successful by the measure of being able to generate interest from other women...married, single...didn't matter much and it was easier than I ever imagined. I don't have pickup "game" but given some time I do fine but that also leads to more of a connection which leads to...As others have said and what I experienced, a real difficulty in lining up expectations so while it was a great short term high to feel attraction and even love that in the long haul ultimately someone got hurt and that wasn't really my goal and it was a lot worse than my ego not liking to pay for companionship.

So I recently came back to the hobby because the one thing that I have decided is that I "deserve" to experience intimacy with another person. It still makes me feel a little yucky to think if I wasn't paying I wouldn't be seen...but it is what it is and I've come to realize that this is for now, my preferred choice. I also have realized that I'm very attracted to the women here...the directness, outward confidence, strength...I have to be those things in all my other's nice to just let that go and be with someone who knows how to let you relax and give you peace. If they are really pretty and have a great personality that doesn't hurt either

So...go for it...but you may feel better long haul if you know what you really want going in and communicate that.

Enough rambling from me...I think I can skip therapy this week I appreciate all the different thoughts and ideas people are willing to share here.
Thank you very much, PM. Unfortunately, I do not have an answer for you. Hell, in RL, I can't find a Booty Call. Guys these days want to settle down and call and text uncontrollably the next day. Trial and error, I guess. I am sure most women aren't like myself and Dannie, but I am guessing that the odds are better the older the ladies are.

I assume that most ladies in their mid 30's and older, that are mom's and stressed out are the ones to "target".(horrible word, I know) We just want to have fun and and a couple of orgasms. Hell, if I didn't have an army to feed on a daily basis, I would probably call one of the fine gentlemen escorts. Originally Posted by reese foster
Reese, I don't believe you would ever have a problem getting any one to join you for a booty can't be trying that hard!!
OK - maybe I spoke out of turn. I don't care that the providers don't like or want me... Because my SO does. I guess I take for granted that I have that at home and don't need to fill that need elsewhere...

Color me taken aback, as Prince once said.

I guess I never thought about how lucky that makes me. I really do have my cake and more cake and eat it, too
Boltfan's Avatar
BTW, attractive is not a prerequisite for pussy. Almost all of my ex's are unattractive by society's standards, but confidence, humor, and intelligence are top on my list of things I look for in a man. If I can't hold a conversation with you, I don't want anything to do with you. I like more 'cerebral' types. Originally Posted by Dannie

So you're telling me there's a chance???
ridinrails's Avatar
I was at a very nice hotel downtown last week...I was sitting outside the hotel waiting on some friends who were very late. I noticed a very good looking guy walk by, I checked him out, he kept walking, not much thought of him after that. UNTIL he walked up about 20 minutes later and asked if I minded if he sat down next to me (HELL NO I didn't mind, LOL!). I really liked how straightforward his approach was. I am pretty shy in RL social situations so I like when guys are assertive. Anyway, he sits down next to me and starts talking about the football camp he is coaching, he's from Philly, he starts showing me pics of the camp on his phone, him at the new stadium, etc. Nice, light conversation but all I can think about is that I can't believe this guy is giving me the time of day. He's so.....well......NORMAL. So my friends have pissed me off at this point and I decide to go back to my room. He decides it would be a great time for a swim (it's about 2 am) and as we are walking back to the elevators, he is pressuring me to go swimming with him. He's almost begging. After the 10th time saying "no", I'm starting to get irritated with his inability to hear me say "no". I would have totally seen him the next day and I probably would have fucked his brains out and sent him back to Philadelphia with a sore cock (I've always wanted to do that to an Eagles fan ) BUT, he managed to talk himself out of the panties. I told him I would meet him at the pool in 10 minutes and then I went to my room and went to sleep.

His initial approach was awesome, and if he would have just let me go to my room and go to bed, I would have gladly called him the next day and gave him some action he would have never forgotten.... I prefer a straightforward, no bullshit approach.
I guess the moral of the story is, don't talk yourself out of the panties. Originally Posted by Dannie
hahaha words to live by "That woman was sexy...Out of your league? Son. Let women figure out why they won't screw you, don't do it for them."