Attraction from drama threads?

Wile E Coyote's Avatar
I think it honestly depends. Not only on the posts created, but by the party creating them. There is a difference between someone choosing to defend themselves or others in a polite and intellectual way, and someone who enjoys stirring the pot just to stir or someone who has, in the past, created actual harm for others (outing, threats, etc).

Nothing in this world is black and white, there is always a fairly vast grey area. Originally Posted by Grace Preston
Everyone knows who the members are that enjoy stirring the pot and those members know exactly who to antagonize, to get that person to react and then it all starts to roll downhill, usually ending up that the person reacting is the only one who gets the short end of the stick with points from the mods.

If there were actual rules, then it actually would be black and white. So what you are saying is it has to be two dynamics in play: if someone posts insults, personal attacks, name calling and hijacking a thread, then ALSO it is who it is making the post(s) that determines mod action/inaction.

You are probably right because as has been proven, some of the members that do like to make a post on thread topic, and even tho opinions will vary, would still like to have a cordial discussion. And if they choose to do so, have to post on pins and needles due to the agenda trolls attacking them because they follow those people around and check out what they posted another GL violation, then hijack a thread, doing a personal attack. One post like that is usually worth 15 points given the multiple infractions, yet the person that does it, continues multiple times a day. So, it is cleat that they post with total immunity because of who they are.
BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 08-04-2018, 02:36 PM
someone who enjoys stirring the pot just to stir or someone who has, in the past, created actual harm for others (outing, threats, etc).

Nothing in this world is black and white, there is always a fairly vast grey area. Originally Posted by Grace Preston
This site is filled with predators that take advantage of women and create another new handle and argue with the people that caught them in the first place, outing providers that are a danger to everyone in this site and everything in between. It's not as simple as black and white
If a b little man and his circle jerkers can talk horse fac and turkey basting's all good. Butt damn don't let the ladies talk shit on this man made site lol. Ban town smfh. Thinking st cris wants his glory trump days lol. Keep the women n minority in their place and make America suk again. Just my observation!
littlepickle's Avatar
Vincent: Yeah, but do you consider a dog to be a filthy animal?

Jules: I wouldn’t go so far as to call a dog filthy but they’re definitely dirty. But, a dog’s got personality. Personality goes a long way.
You guys take things way too serious omfg. If you wanna visit her and she agrees to see you than have an encounter. It's not rocket science or a fkn poll lol.

Think I will start a poll on how stupid we men can be. I will be in the 90th percentile
Scribe's Avatar
You guys take things way too serious omfg. If you wanna visit her and she agrees to see you than have an encounter. It's not rocket science or a fkn poll lol.

Think I will start a poll on how stupid we men can be. I will be in the 90th percentile Originally Posted by Tsmokies
Grace Preston
Wile E Coyote

Thank you for adding great dialog.

Tsmokies - the irony of your comment (above) I find amusing, after you're 52 postings in the Texas Jess / Turkey baster thread. I would think that 52 commentary and rebuttal posts in any thread you didn't start - pretty much qualify you as "taking things way too seriously".

And, this IS a poll and discussion thread - unlike the Turkey Baster thread - with many people adding very insightful commentary. And your comments - if you care to keep them on topic - are welcome and invited.

So you can feel heard - I've noted your opinion - that you feel this thread is both "too serious" and "unnecessary"... Now, will you be whipping this horse to death here, with 50 more comments that all basically offer no additional thoughtful opinion? Or, are you comfortable and satisfied that your opinion has been acknowledged - and allow the thread to continue with people who are actually interested in the subject matter? (Which isn't a discussion of "if any person should or shouldn't be seen" due to posting - but rather the positive or negative effects of posting targeted hatred on the business model)
I think it's a dead post now scribe. Unlike the lady bashing post that I really didn't care for. I just want to make the b little fat man infoumus for what he is.

And it's fun to call him out and see his reaction. I'm getting schooled by a loser lol
berkleigh's Avatar
You know my views on it and that will be a WHOLE BUNCH OF NOPE from me!

One way I screen is to check their posting style here and their history of posts.
If he is a douchebag and asshole, troll, negative or has drama...that is a red flag on my end.
Same goes for providers I chose to associate myself with...I keep my circle of girlfriends small.

My Ignore and Block List is long...very long.

This is a Hobby and it's meant to be fun, relax and enjoy each other.

Shep3.0's Avatar
I enjoy reading drama threads. Especially when adults make a fool of themselves.

It's all entertainment to me. 😂
Scribe's Avatar
I enjoy reading drama threads. Especially when adults make a fool of themselves.

It's all entertainment to me. �� Originally Posted by Shep3.0
Shep +1

I TOTALLY enjoy reading them. I think they are funny as hell and show people as they really are... But, would I see someone who posts stuff like that? Nope.

(With beautiful BERK-sweetie on that one, my IGNORE list is used as it should be).
I know it....I would never ever start a drama thread. I guess guys have their reasons though. They are fun to read and reply too though on occasion
Btw scrib...I can't brlieve you took the time to count my post on the lady turkey bashing thread. That's a little much. Stalk much?