The ATF Trading Game: Who Wants to Play?


I for one am getting a bit tired of your being a WK for LL. Your making a lot of assumptions on both the business of a broad number gals and one gals apparent ability to generate relatively HDH business. Only time will tell just where LL fits into the equation.

The way I see this is pretty simple, some gals are a bit open and flexible and truly want to provide an enjoyable experience for a reasonable price. Others posture, preen and try and present an aura of exclusivity. You (and everyone else) are certainly entitled (and expected) to spend your $$$ where you see fit as will I.

My post in the mens lounge reflects my personal thoughts. My "ATF's" are already well known in that venue and as stated there I'll take my cash and spend it on Kelli, Darien, Natalie and Marian before I drop a grand on LL. Then I'll rinse and repeat Originally Posted by TxToast
funny you think that! i haven't seen LL, and im certainly not a WK for her either. i am quick however to point out that she can charge $500 a session and appears to have quite a lengthy list. i think it was blenderhead who plunked down $1,000 to see her. and i believe MetalSmith and cityjazz each did $500. so this girl made $2k in three sessions which is about 10 sessions for some other girls.

i have yet to give LL a red cent myself so i am hardly a WK. however, i am much more guilty of pointing out the shameless self promotion and masked ads by two or three girls on here, who often mask advertising with "discussion threads." that i am guilty of, but they too are just as guilty.

yes, LL has been, in my opinion, targeted by a few members on here who like to blast her and her rates, and after three reviews from reputable members the moderators still refuse to give her provider status (despite at least one girl i know getting provider status on here before having even 1 review - double standard? or perhaps a different reason? who knows on ECCIE, i know how it probably would have happened on the old board but that is a different story). this is off topic so i can respond via PM's or on another thread, so back to my response.

LL says she plans on retiring and i bet she will be gone by January. SHE isn't my point, which you clearly missed. what i am saying is that why are there girls like LL, who can charge $500 an hour (you can see some of these girls advertising in Houston, Dallas, Los Angeles, NYC - but i am using LL because she exists within the same market as these others). and there will be other girls who appear and charge $500 an hour as well in Austin, in the future, be it next week or next month.

if you want to call someone a WK, maybe take a look in the mirror - YOU sir, are more of a WK than me. i could say you are a WK for the original poster, Natalie. how? defending her when i bring up the fact that LL can command not only up to a $1000 session (not from me mind you from someone else) AND have an apparent waiting list of others, booked up per my information into the first few days of December. yet, one of your ATF's that you listed, the OP of this thread, opts to offer a 25% discount to obtain more business. both providers in the same market, both providers catering to the same pool of clients. yet one charges more than double the other one, and seems to get more business. how is this possible?

im not saying what the OP is doing is bad, and i am not saying it isnt good marketing. many hotels, electronics manufacturers, and the like are doing the same this holiday season. Black Friday specials are happening next week all week to get people to blow their cash at their place before they set foot in another place.

what the OP and other girls should take from LL, instead of thumbing their noses at her since she is currently the most popular girl in the room (which we know all the other girls, by virtue of being girls, cannot stand), is this: what exactly is LL doing RIGHT to make guys float around her like a bumble bee, pay more than double the market rate to see her, in this economy, in this market (holiday shopping season), and wait almost 2 weeks to see her?

i think that would be more important to analyze than a simple 25% discount. after all, if what you're offering isn't drumming up adequate business, you need to look at changing some aspects of your business to maximize profits. plain and simple. don't let that affect your ego. it's not personal. it's just that these clients can pick and choose based upon a number of factors, and it is important to be able to analyze those factors to maximize clientele.

it is very interesting that some girls have to offer a 25% off say a $200 session to drum up more business, and girls LIKE LL don't offer any discounts, in fact probably talk more shit than others on this board, don't post any substantive pics to give anyone an idea of what she is like, and then can attract a long list of men, willing to pay more than double than what others are charging?

something has to be different. was go again....
1...people want what they cant have...especially men...especially men with money. you have not seen her...or given her what? obviouly she is very selective who she sees....and thoes that kiss her ass or stick up for her may get on the list...and may even be able to get her old rate. does not 'appear' that NR is huring for business with all the recent reveiws

@toast...who are these atf's you mentioned??? i dont think i have ever heard of them. do you think they will be on anyone elses list? do you think they would participate in such a discount?
lol...OMG...did you just repeat yourself...'ova'...and 'ova'....and 'ova'???

"what is she doing?" why not ask her what she is doing, if you want to know so bad. "how is it possilbe''... my take on it was her STATEGY/DRAMA/PRMOTING and the fact she is NEW. TIMING is everything. This probably wouldnt happen if she had been around almost a year.

I agree we have some self promoting from the glory hole girls...but who doesnt? i thought this was an interesting idea...and if anyone wants to talk about a 25% discount...then im going ot listen...would be the perfect time to get my first double. EVEN THOUGH i posted...i didnt see it working out all that well!

this also sounds like it should be in its very own 'lil happy thread' so everyone can go back and forth bashing again.
1...people want what they cant have...especially men...especially men with money.
so by this logic if all of these girls increased their rates instead of lowering them they'd get MORE business.

you actually believe that? wow, you have no grasp of economics then.

LL isn't getting $500 because she is new. he isn't actually. formerly a girl who worked at XTC in Houston and in her 30's, she isn't a spring chicken either.

she is charging $200 more than Maddie and her group of college coeds. and has a waitlist...

she is charging more than Angelina Adams and has a waiting list....

it isn't because she is talking smack on the board.... is it?

so, a former adult entertainer, in her 30's, talks shit, pisses a few guys off, and still can command over double the going rate and have a waitlist.

gee, that can't all be attributed to being "new" or "expensive..."
so by this logic if all of these girls increased their rates instead of lowering them they'd get MORE business.
i like how you pick one aspect of my reply...and base everything off of it. NO...'all these other girls' have already been seen by many...already been around...already have mixed reviews...despite all the 'yes' recomdations. its wasnt her she had all the hype BEFORE posting a rate. not hard to understand

you actually believe that? wow, you have no grasp of economics then.
no, i dont believe that. and if you have such a grasp..why the fuck are you asking? you obvioulsy have the answer already and you are just pissed of for see this as yet another ad, and 2...LL declined you as a client.

LL isn't getting $500 because she is new. he isn't actually. formerly a girl who worked at XTC in Houston and in her 30's, she isn't a spring chicken either.
we all know the story...thanks for repeating it. this is NOW more of an ad for LL than anyone...thanks to you.
she is charging $200 more than Maddie and her group of college coeds. and has a waitlist...
whasts you point?

she is charging more than Angelina Adams and has a waiting list....
so what? works out for me...cuz AA is just what lil Bubba wants for xmas this yeat

it isn't because she is talking smack on the board.... is it?
well...she isnt really talking anymore...and when she was...she was mostly talking shit

so, a former adult entertainer, in her 30's, talks shit, pisses a few guys off, and still can command over double the going rate and have a waitlist.
yea, thats about it...she was a marketing wiz. i cant even afford her and i wanted to see her punk ass as 5 bills. even after hearing she isnt DDG. even after hearing she is older than me and i like them young. what can i say...she worked it.
AND...the reviews do not seem to match the older pics posted of her...

gee, that can't all be attributed to being "new" or "expensive..." Originally Posted by John_TX cant put it all into two words...
sixxbach's Avatar
after three reviews from reputable members the moderators still refuse to give her provider status (despite at least one girl i know getting provider status on here before having even 1 review - double standard? or perhaps a different reason? who knows on ECCIE, i know how it probably would have happened on the old board but that is a different story). Originally Posted by John_TX
John, you are free to make insinuations but lets not make this into something it is not. It is the PROVIDERS responsibility to contact us that they want that status. Mods do not look at all the registered member providers and look for reviews and assign the status. I guess LL would be the one to ask why she has not chosen to contact us to have verified status.

i was also going to suggest that maybe she wasnt 'refused' anything. maybe she didnt ask. she has aleady said she no longer wanted VP and is going to retire...not that she never goes back on her word...but im guessing she is the type of woman that would just love to prove she doesnt NEED it.

it appears this is a i have not seen any meniton of ATFs in the ML
Perhaps if this thread STAYS back on topic that will change. I, for one, think this is a great idea. Unfortunately, my hobby budget for December is already spoken for, so I won't be participating. But it should be fun for those who do, even if there are only a few.
knotty man's Avatar
during this time of the year i tend to cut back on the frivolous things in my life, like food, water ,and electricity. but, i can never skimp on the essentials BBBJ,DATY, and greek. cmon, a mans got to have his priorties!!! im totally in nat!
I am tired of asking everyone nicely to stay on topic. if you want to change the topic, start your own thread. This is the FINAL warning that I will issue. Future wandering from the posted topic will result in points. Everyone has had fair warning so there should be no whining, crying, and teeth gnashing when it happens.

Your Friendly Neighborhood Moderator
i dont know why she is able to do it, be it her looks, charm, or whatever, but i do find it very interesting that Leslie Lane can command $500+ a session and be booked solid for the next two weeks, and other girls have to offer a 25% discount. just a very interesting note about the economy, the market, and what people are willing to spend on one girl and what they are not willing to spend on another.

the question is, and food for thought - what does one girl have that she can charge $500 AND GET IT, and other girls have to offer a 25% discount just to drum up business, in the same market (Austin), to the same group of guys? s. Originally Posted by John_TX
I wasn't even going to respond to this, but since you're making unfounded assumptions about the state of my business, as well as the business of other providers in this thread, I feel your post warrants a bit of "information exchange" to make sure you've got all the facts.

At the risk of sounding "too busy..." I don't need to "drum up business" with a 25% discount, or any discount for that matter. My appointment requests are consistent, and I have to turn down appointments on a daily basis because I just don't have the time or energy to deliver the same quality session to every hobbyist who requests one in a given day. I have the luxury of being discerning with my appointments. Even if I want to see a particular person one day, if I've already booked up to the level that I'm comfortable with, I will let them know that I'm not available that day. I'd rather postpone a session than have a lackluster exchange because I'm too tired or distracted to really be in the moment with my clients. With that said...

My idea wasn't thrown out their to increase the number of clients I see, or the number of clients any other provider sees. It was meant to add a little variety to the hobby on both the provider AND hobbyist sides. This is an Escort-Client Community Information Exchange, right? I was just presenting a new, fun way to exchange information.

If you don't like the idea, don't play. It's that simple. Take your toys and go home.

Pflugerbill, seriously. Based on some of the hobbyists viewpoints around, here, a provider can't breathe loudly without it being considered an ad. It's just a discussion.

John_TX, I'm quite amused by your assumptions regarding the rates a provider "can command." Has it ever occurred to you that some providers on ECCIE choose to offer lower rates here because of the sense of community they feel? Or because many of the hobbyists here can't afford to see as many ladies as they would like at the ladies' regular rate? I know of several women who would rather keep the money flowing within the confines of ECCIE and see their fellow providers do as well (financially) as they are. I am one of them. My rates on ECCIE are lower than they are on any other site. I also offer shorter sessions, and a greater variety of sessions, on ECCIE, than I do anywhere else. Yes, it would have taken me 8 1-hour sessions at my current ECCIE special to make $2K. I would have needed 6 1-hour sessions at my regular hourly rate to make $2K. Or, I would have needed 2 2-hour domme session at my regular hourly rate to make $2K. I set my donations at their current rates for a reason. I'm not a stupid girl. I know exactly what I'm doing.

The bulk of my sessions are multi-hour sessions with regular clientele. I enjoy finding ways to attract new clientele so that I have the opportunity to develop meaningful, lasting relationships with the gentlemen that I *really* click with. About 90-95% of my clients are not active on ECCIE, and do not post reviews. I certainly appreciate the ones that are active (because I obviously enjoy posting here) and am definitely grateful for those that choose to write reviews, because it obviously helps with the site traffic, and business for me and all the other providers. I also garner business from Google searches,, Cityvibe, TER, Eros, and traveling regulars from cities where I've previously worked or been affiliated with an agency. My domme clients don't even contact me through any board aside from Eros. In reviewing my website statistics, only 20-30% of my web traffic on a weekly basis flows through ECCIE.

I offer special rates and creative play ideas on ECCIE because I like it here. I enjoy the banter in Co-Ed, the camaraderie in the Powder Room, and the social functions. Many of my ECCIE clients can tell you I'm not just here for the cash; I'm here for the community. I have invited hobbyists out for a drink with friends on a Saturday night, and even paid for everyone's drinks myself. I have gone out to lunch or dinner with hobbyist friends with no plans for a date that day or in the future. This hobby is not my life; I have a lot going on outside of ECCIE. But my friends here at ECCIE support and encourage me in a way that no other board does. I genuinely care about a lot of my clients, but I'm not greedy with them. I want them to experience as much of the hobby as possible, and I want my provider friends to enjoy the same great experiences I have. Not everyone in this world is out for themselves. End rant.

Ztonk, you're absolutely right about us needing an exemption re: sharing Locker Room info. Good observation.

Damon Bradley & Fratelli, I didn't consider the fact that hobby budgets might be strictly reserved for ATFs in December. That's a good observation, too. What if the game ran through the end of January to allow a little flexibility?

VictoriaLyn, I considered having the ladies add their ATFs to the Powder Room as well, but thought that it could all get a little (more) confusing that way. Plus, it does open the door for unsolicited contact and potential hurt feelings, which no one wants.

So what do you guys think of extending the game through January? Or even saying that if you participate by listing your current active ATFs in the Locker Room, that your referral discount will be good for 90 days?
love the extended idea
well said reply...btw
Carl's Avatar
  • Carl
  • 11-20-2010, 09:58 AM
If nobody wants to trade ATFs, how about POGs? I have a bunch of Babylon 5 and Red Dwarf and some TekWar if anybody's interested. I also have some Spongebob Squarepants from Mexico but they're in Spanish.

At the risk of sounding "too busy..." I don't need to "drum up business" with a 25% discount, or any discount for that matter. My appointment requests are consistent, and I have to turn down appointments on a daily basis because I just don't have the time or energy to deliver the same quality session to every hobbyist who requests one in a given day. I have the luxury of being discerning with my appointments. Even if I want to see a particular person one day, if I've already booked up to the level that I'm comfortable with, I will let them know that I'm not available that day. I'd rather postpone a session than have a lackluster exchange because I'm too tired or distracted to really be in the moment with my clients. With that said...

My idea wasn't thrown out their to increase the number of clients I see, or the number of clients any other provider sees. It was meant to add a little variety to the hobby on both the provider AND hobbyist sides. This is an Escort-Client Community Information Exchange, right? I was just presenting a new, fun way to exchange information.

John_TX, I'm quite amused by your assumptions regarding the rates a provider "can command." Has it ever occurred to you that some providers on ECCIE choose to offer lower rates here because of the sense of community they feel? Or because many of the hobbyists here can't afford to see as many ladies as they would like at the ladies' regular rate? I know of several women who would rather keep the money flowing within the confines of ECCIE and see their fellow providers do as well (financially) as they are. I am one of them. My rates on ECCIE are lower than they are on any other site. I also offer shorter sessions, and a greater variety of sessions, on ECCIE, than I do anywhere else. Yes, it would have taken me 8 1-hour sessions at my current ECCIE special to make $2K. I would have needed 6 1-hour sessions at my regular hourly rate to make $2K. Or, I would have needed 2 2-hour domme session at my regular hourly rate to make $2K. I set my donations at their current rates for a reason. I'm not a stupid girl. I know exactly what I'm doing.

I offer special rates and creative play ideas on ECCIE because I like it here. I enjoy the banter in Co-Ed, the camaraderie in the Powder Room, and the social functions. Many of my ECCIE clients can tell you I'm not just here for the cash; I'm here for the community. I have invited hobbyists out for a drink with friends on a Saturday night, and even paid for everyone's drinks myself. I have gone out to lunch or dinner with hobbyist friends with no plans for a date that day or in the future. This hobby is not my life; I have a lot going on outside of ECCIE. But my friends here at ECCIE support and encourage me in a way that no other board does. I genuinely care about a lot of my clients, but I'm not greedy with them. I want them to experience as much of the hobby as possible, and I want my provider friends to enjoy the same great experiences I have. Not everyone in this world is out for themselves. End rant.
Originally Posted by Natalie Reign
very nicely said
missi hart's Avatar
yay, natalie. i appreciate your approach to things.