Rick Perry -- Socialist!!

CPT Savajo's Avatar
Since the mainstream media is publisizing that Cain beat Perry in a straw poll it's seems as if the media is sending Perry a message that he is not the man for the GOP! But at the same time they keep pushing him as if he's some type of political saviour for the GOP who is at the top of his game. As we've seen with each passing debate Perry's ship is sinking fast.

Ron Paul is in the top 2 for the GOP!
TexTushHog's Avatar
Perry served - honorably - in the military; less can be said of Obama and Clinton (who dispised the military).

BTW; I don't think Perry is a Conservative; he is a Chamber of Commerce Republican, in the Bush model.

And Romney with his hand over his heart doesn't impress me. He is a father of five boys all military age when the Iraq/Afghanistan war was in full tilt, all of whom were pro war, but none served. IMO to have five boys in one family (a familly that was urging others into war) and not one serves is a disgrace !

At least Clinton and the other 1960s anti-war protesters were yelling stop the war and refusing to join; compared to the Romney's who were yelling "USA, USA" into war but not serving. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Nobody who has any education or money has kids that serve. It's only lower and middle class kids in the military. I don't know a single person with a kid in the military. That's why they made it all volunteer, so the political elites wouldn't have to send their kids off to war. We'd end all this ridiculous Republican chicken hawk bullshit if we reinstituted the draft with no student deferments.
TexTushHog's Avatar
Good grief.

Dude, the crickets you hear are in your emty head. You're never alone with a schizophrenic.

The race card is all you play when you've got nothing left to offer.
Do you call Herman Cain a racists too?

You yourself have stated before that you wished there was some one else in BO's party to challenge him in a primary. I guess that makes you a lying racists to.

Your post tells more about you and the hate that you have in your own heart than it does about Rick Perry. You Sir are the disgusting racists.

BO is also half white.

I love is black half..it's the white Liberal Socialists I can't stand. Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
OK, if it wasn't race that prompted all the hysteria with the photo you posted, why haven't we heard a peep out of Faux and the rest of the right wing echo chamber/hate radio about Perry not having his hand over his heart?

And neither Clinton nor Obama "hated" the military. But neither did they go around all day falsely venerating it for their partisan political purposes. They saw it for what it was, a tool for national policy to be used in certain limited situations.
TexTushHog's Avatar
And speaking of race as a motivating factor, not the Birther nuts are going after a Hispanic Republican and claiming he can't be President!!


But it's not about race, right?
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 09-25-2011, 05:12 AM
As for Bush II, if you could stomach the arrogance, sleaziness and sanctimoniousness (made up word or at least the spelling?) of Al " I invented the internet" Gore, then "I think that is all we need to know" Originally Posted by katinsa
What is getting tough to stomach is living in a country where i need to put up with the voting habits of people who are ignorant enough to believe Al Gore actually claimed he invented the internet.

Mr. Doove - and this is coming from an agnostic - saying demeaning things about other peoples' faith is just one more form of bigotry. Surely you understand that. Considering your liberal viewpoints you might want to rethink the way to talk about other people.
Where did i say anything demeaning about anyone's religious faith? Putting words in Al Gore's mouth, putting words in my mouth....

You Conservatives sure do like to carry on an argument with yourselves. Go ahead, claim i said a couple other things i didn't say just so you can turn around and argue with me.

Edit: Oh, you're talking about my signature line? Too bad. If you're complaining about someone saying something "demeaning", then you must be new around here.
LexusLover's Avatar
Nobody who has any education or money has kids that serve. It's only lower and middle class kids in the military. I don't know a single person with a kid in the military. Originally Posted by TexTushHog
You must live in Mexico.
Mr. Doove, you miss the point - well, let's be serious, you don't care what the point is so that really doesn't matter, does it? The point was that Gore is arrogant and just a tad hypocritical. You know that stuff about global warming, co2, carbon credits all the things he is so concerned about US not being the cause of but he happily goes on his way his huge "carbon foot print" that I suppose he can "offset" by buying those carbon credits. That sounds like something you would accuse Conservatives of doing to protect their rich lifestyles while the poor have to walk or ride bikes. Nope, Liberals.

Speaking of hypocritical: if you are going to run a signature line that belittles others because of their beliefs, that's fine but don't expect others to respect you or your liberal opinions when you don't even try to live by them yourself. You would appear to be a typical liberal. The only people who have rights are the ones you choose. The only people who have privacy are the ones you choose. You can call people names and you can say nasty, mean things about candidates wives, husbands or children and it is all okay but let a conservative say one single bad remark about the current president, his wife or their children and all hell would break loose. And, of course, the first words out of your mouth and Jessie Jackson and the Reverend Al Sharpton would be...yep, you guessed it - whoever said it must be a racist!
Regarding Perry's stance on college education. The "illegal" aliens who go to college and pay in state tuitioin are kids who were brought to Texas by their parents. Many of them have lived in Texas most of their lives, went to elementary through high school in Texas. Many of them don't even speak spanish. Other than inadvertently being here illegally through no fault of their own, they are Texas Residents. If you are not going to deport them once they become 18 years old, then maybe it is good that they be allowed to go to college and pay in state tuition rather than out of state tuition rates. Texas needs all the college educated people we can get regardless of ethnic background. The Texas Legislature did pass the bill authorizing this by an overwhelming majority. (a Republican legislature at that). Perhaps Perry failed to answer the question properly when he said you don't have a heart but the idea is sound, and fair to those affected children. They are not getting a free education out of this, they are paying in state tuition fees and they have lived in Texas long enough to qualify for in state tuition.
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 09-25-2011, 03:04 PM

What the frick are you talking about?
I'm not going to gig Perry for not putting his hand over his heart. All you have to do is watch the debates to tell how he's handling himself. It seems as if his history isn't much better. If you look to Perry's left you can tell that Ron Paul is standing next to him and he also doesn't have his hand over his heart. The thing worries me about Perry is who he is going to serve if becomes the president. Originally Posted by CPT Savajo
Oh probably the same people Obama has been working for, Wall Street.
Mr. Doove, I would say let me spell it out for you but I already did. Simply responding to your comments. So, from what I have seen so far is that everyone who disagrees with you is either stupid or ignorant or you don't understand what they are talking about. Oh, and excuse me, Mr Gore said "I took the initiative in creating the internret" speaking to W. Blitzer. If what I have read is correct the internet was already up and running before Mr Gore was elected to office. I suppose if Obama can accept an Noble Peace Prize for having done nothing but talk then I suppose Mr Gore can take credit for creating something that already existed! It is the liberal way, take things from those who do and give it to those who don't. It is such a shame that the Peace Prize didn't go to someone who truly worked hard and did the things to earn it.
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 09-25-2011, 04:32 PM
Mr. Doove, I would say let me spell it out for you but I already did. Simply responding to your comments. Originally Posted by katinsa
You've got 6 posts. 3 are directed at me. All 3 are little more than overly generalized gibberish that makes it clear you have little to no idea what you're talking about.

So, from what I have seen so far is that everyone who disagrees with you is either stupid or ignorant or you don't understand what they are talking about.
Not everyone. Just the ones who rattle off inane nonsense, like you're doing now.

Oh, and excuse me, Mr Gore said "I took the initiative in creating the internret" speaking to W. Blitzer.
I'll let snopes take it from here.

So it's not just me who thinks people who believe it are ignorant.
waverunner234's Avatar
Perry served - honorably - in the military; less can be said of Obama and Clinton (who dispised the military).

BTW; I don't think Perry is a Conservative; he is a Chamber of Commerce Republican, in the Bush model.

And Romney with his hand over his heart doesn't impress me. He is a father of five boys all military age when the Iraq/Afghanistan war was in full tilt, all of whom were pro war, but none served. IMO to have five boys in one family (a familly that was urging others into war) and not one serves is a disgrace !

At least Clinton and the other 1960s anti-war protesters were yelling stop the war and refusing to join; compared to the Romney's who were yelling "USA, USA" into war but not serving. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Your post only shows how stupid you are, don't you have it together yet?
Smart people don't serve in the army, they don't have time for that.
They go to high school, then college, get a masters degree and spend the rest of their life becoming rich and tell stupid guys like you to join the army because that's the most honorable thing you can do.
Would they ever join the army themselves? No way!
Why not?
Because they are smart.
Your post only shows how stupid you are, don't you have it together yet?
Smart people don't serve in the army, they don't have time for that.
They go to high school, then college, get a masters degree and spend the rest of their life becoming rich and tell stupid guys like you to join the army because that's the most honorable thing you can do.
Would they ever join the army themselves? No way!
Why not?
Because they are smart. Originally Posted by waverunner234
Well, you can say one thing for the dumb guys that join the military. They're not cowards.
waverunner234's Avatar
Well, you can say one thing for the dumb guys that join the military. They're not cowards. Originally Posted by acp5762
Nor am I, and I didn't join the army (I'm too old anyway)