Biden's getting blown apart and Warren's feasting on the remains body parts

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  • 10-05-2019, 11:44 AM
No, he would be for freedoms. The right to do what one pursues. They don’t want high taxes, gun control, what car you drive or what you eat. They don’t like frivolous wars. If that’s the case, vote for trump. Even Bill Weld dumped the Libertarian party. Their best candidate was Ron Paul. His son would be a good Libertarian. Originally Posted by bambino
If Trump was cutting the deficit....I'd be voting for the liberal SOB but he isn't.

That is why he is the exact opposite of me.

The most important thing is the deficit. Trump in good times, has exploded it.

If you do not want high taxes....CUT SPENDING.

Trump hasn't done that.

And Trump is actually for gun control.

The only good thing about Trump is that he is anti war.

  • Tiny
  • 10-05-2019, 12:43 PM
I want the American people to know wtf they want cost money and to pay for it.

If they want a stupid for it. If they want the largest military in the world , pay for it.

If they want SS and Medicare , pay for it. Oh wait they already do do that. They pay for SS and Medicare.

I want taxes to equal what we want and seeing how those are the three biggest expenses and two are fully funded....I'd like taxes to go up or military spending to go down.

It is very simple but people tend to twist simple when it does not fit their narrative. Originally Posted by WTF
Yeah, I agree about deficit spending. However, the solution to stupid wars and spending too much on the military is not raising taxes. The solution is not having stupid wars and not overspending.

As to social security and medicare, we've been round and round about that. You're right if you're just looking at the short term. You look out 30 or 40 or 50 years and the situation is frightening, especially for Medicare, Medicaid, Obamacare and private health insurance. Health care costs will bankrupt the country if things stay on the current path.
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  • WTF
  • 10-05-2019, 12:56 PM
Yeah, I agree about deficit spending. However, the solution to stupid wars and spending too much on the military is not raising taxes. The solution is not having stupid wars and not overspending.

. Originally Posted by Tiny
Which means cutting military spending. Because even without stupid wars....we spend too much on the military to cut the deficit without cuts there.

And we do not have to project out 30-40 years.

As to social security and medicare, we've been round and round about that. You're right if you're just looking at the short term. You look out 30 or 40 or 50 years and the situation is frightening, especially for Medicare, Medicaid, Obamacare and private health insurance. Health care costs will bankrupt the country if things stay on the current path. Originally Posted by Tiny
So which problem do you fix first....the present soon to be 30 Trillion dollar deficit or the Medicare crisis in 20 years?

Or both?

I've just never been stupid enough to believe that SS and Medicare are the only two legs of the three legged chair that needs to be cut.

Our so called conservatives think SS and Medicare is all we need to cut. And Trump has made it clear he is not cutting Medicare....which is why Paul Ryan got shown the door.
  • Tiny
  • 10-05-2019, 01:14 PM
So which problem do you fix first....the present soon to be 30 Trillion dollar deficit or the Medicare crisis in 20 years?

Or both?

I've just never been stupid enough to believe that SS and Medicare are the only two legs of the three legged chair that needs to be cut.

Our so called conservatives think SS and Medicare is all we need to cut. And Trump has made it clear he is not cutting Medicare....which is why Paul Ryan got shown the door. Originally Posted by WTF
The problem is that if you wait too long on social security and Medicare it's going to bite you in the ass big time. We've debated this ad infinitum. My favorite idea, which isn't in the Libertarian playbook, would be to follow in Singapore's footsteps. Have people and their employers contribute more for retirement and medical into something like combination 401K/Health Savings Accounts (HSA). Instead of operating a Ponzi Scheme for social security, where new people coming into the system pay off the ones who've been around longer, the proceeds get invested in bonds (including government bonds) and stocks. The first $30,000 or so of medical expenses come out of your 401K/HSA, so you're motivated to shop around and get the cheapest quality care, so hospitals and some doctors will actually have to compete instead of charging whatever price they can get away with. Everyone has major medical insurance for catastrophes. We actually start doing something about price gouging by drug companies. Shortening the lives of patents would be a good start.
Which means cutting military spending. Because even without stupid wars....we spend too much on the military to cut the deficit without cuts there.

And we do not have to project out 30-40 years. Originally Posted by WTF

I'm afraid that we have to keep wasting more on the military, fittingly or not since the Chinese are getting much bigger bang for their buck.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Which means cutting military spending. Because even without stupid wars....we spend too much on the military to cut the deficit without cuts there.
Originally Posted by WTF

military procurement is a problem that needs to be fixed. the upcharges is ridiculous.
I B Hankering's Avatar

I'm afraid that we have to keep wasting more on the military, fittingly or not since the Chinese are getting much bigger bang for their buck.
Originally Posted by andymarksman
Odumbo let the Chinese buy the technology that was developed at American taxpayer expense.

Sale of A123 Systems to Chinese Gets Final U.S. Approval

Retired Navy vice admiral, Barry Costello... the former commander of the Navy’s Third Fleet noted how A123’s batteries – developed at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology – performed well in extreme weather conditions and how it “serves critical military applications like satellites, communications, unmanned aerial vehicles, high energy lasers, advanced armor and tactical vehicles.” And Costello agreed with Skelton and Hunter that simply selling the military contracts to a U.S.-based company wasn’t good enough.

“…The core technology will still belong to Wanxiang and is potentially available to the Chinese military,” Costello wrote. “Furthermore, that American company will still have to rely on Wanxiang’s manufacturing assets and willingness to share future intellectual property. In other words, the sensitive technology today will be exported, and our future military supply — and troops — will be dependent upon a Chinese entity.” ....

“This disappointing decision represents a 180-degree reversal by the Odumbo administration in just 8 days, from the President’s Inaugural pledge to no longer ‘cede to other nations’ critical energy technology,” Council co-chair and former Army Acquisition Executive Dean Popps said. “Far from protecting America’s lead, as the President promised... his administration has just allowed China to leapfrog the world in advanced batteries at the expense of American taxpayers.”


Odumbo: “We cannot cede” energy technology to other nations

“This is ... technology that will power the jobs and industries of tomorrow by powering our electrical grid and our communications system. Even more central to the President’s concerns, this science will power our satellites, unmanned military drones and our soldiers in the field. This highly sensitive technology with key military applications should not be handed over to China. American taxpayers own this technology; we paid for it and, like the President said, we should claim its promise.”

(Strategic Materials Advisory Council)
bambino's Avatar
The problem is that if you wait too long on social security and Medicare it's going to bite you in the ass big time. We've debated this ad infinitum. My favorite idea, which isn't in the Libertarian playbook, would be to follow in Singapore's footsteps. Have people and their employers contribute more for retirement and medical into something like combination 401K/Health Savings Accounts (HSA). Instead of operating a Ponzi Scheme for social security, where new people coming into the system pay off the ones who've been around longer, the proceeds get invested in bonds (including government bonds) and stocks. The first $30,000 or so of medical expenses come out of your 401K/HSA, so you're motivated to shop around and get the cheapest quality care, so hospitals and some doctors will actually have to compete instead of charging whatever price they can get away with. Everyone has major medical insurance for catastrophes. We actually start doing something about price gouging by drug companies. Shortening the lives of patents would be a good start. Originally Posted by Tiny
Shortening the lives of patients? Really? Vote for a Democrat then. The government option will certainly accomplish that.
LexusLover's Avatar
Has math changed along with everything else?? Originally Posted by biggeorge565
It changed in 2016. The "New Mathers" put their money on HallariousNoMore....

... Obaminable's CHOICE!!!!!!!!!! And his PRIOR CHOICE .... is now in the shitter also.
LexusLover's Avatar
military procurement is a problem that needs to be fixed. the upcharges is ridiculous. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
WTF would prefer to "OUT SOURCE" our military preparedness to China!
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  • WTF
  • 10-06-2019, 10:32 AM
It changed in 2016. The "New Mathers" put their money on HallariousNoMore....

... Obaminable's CHOICE!!!!!!!!!! And his PRIOR CHOICE .... is now in the shitter also. Originally Posted by LexusLover
  • Tiny
  • 10-06-2019, 12:41 PM
Shortening the lives of patients? Really? Vote for a Democrat then. The government option will certainly accomplish that. Originally Posted by bambino
No, lengthening the lives of patients. You might want to re-read my post. I wrote about Singapore, not about Democrats or a government option. Life expectancy in Singapore is third longest in the world, 83.1 years. The U.S. at 79.3 years is in 31st place, just behind Costa Rica (30th) and just ahead of Cuba (32nd). I'm proposing that hospitals and doctors compete on price AND quality of care.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
No, lengthening the lives of patients. You might want to re-read my post. I wrote about Singapore, not about Democrats or a government option. Life expectancy in Singapore is third longest in the world, 83.1 years. The U.S. at 79.3 years is in 31st place, just behind Costa Rica (30th) and just ahead of Cuba (32nd). I'm proposing that hospitals and doctors compete on price AND quality of care. Originally Posted by Tiny

i hear those last few years of drooling on yourself and crapping yer underwear are overrated ..
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  • WTF
  • 10-07-2019, 10:34 AM
i hear those last few years of drooling on yourself and crapping yer underwear are overrated .. Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Awwww but you'll be a millionaire!