Every incident should be judged on it's individual merits. We can't give the same penalty to the guy who gets distracted and accidentally backs over his neighbor as we can to the person who got ticked off that his neighbor's dog was chewing his paper up, got a gun and pulled the trigger, or do we see the offense as one and the same since somebody got hurt? Originally Posted by FancyinheelsNo, every outing incident should be judged the same, without regard to the merits of the individual or the situation in which they did it. You got off easy because of the argument that you're a nice person, didn't mean to do it, it was the first time, and it was an accident...you shouldn't have...none of those things matter...and because of that, every other whore you report is getting off easy as well. The penalty is the same, no matter what, or else there is no meaning to the "zero tolerance policy" you keep touting...
Of course I have an agenda...I'm trying to make sure you whores get punished the same as we do when you out people in your forums. That's obviously not happening now, because you're reporting them all, and we don't see all of them getting year long bans, do we?
The time for this idiotic "provider security" bullshit to end. Your alerts do nothing to enhance security without outing us...and outing us is not a permissible way to protect your security. It's that simple...