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cant find any reviews on her though but always does ads for $80
TexasCowboy's Avatar
Pictures 1 seems to be of a different girl then pictures 3 & 4....

lda523287's Avatar

cant find any reviews on her though but always does ads for $80 Originally Posted by thicknesslover
Has anyone seen this provider?
i had have a older post asking about her in the request page and one guy responded but no reviews that i can find
toohappy's Avatar
Found me a 25yr Blondie about 5.3/140 near NW highway/Plano road. in Dallas, she needed a ride when I picked her up, one minute later she had my dick in her mouth while driving and not long after i busted my load, she spit it out next intersection.

she mentioned she wanted to f*** but was already late to work, I gave her a 20 for being a good girl and left her at the McDonald's, not writing a review because she had no cell or contact info. Originally Posted by biglatinmale
well how are we going to get to find her biglatinmale? hook me up with any more details, i would like to make a drive by.
Tx Noob's Avatar
Kim Sparks from BP is pretty good for .5 if you find yourself around Arlington 360.
BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 03-20-2012, 12:16 PM
well how are we going to get to find her biglatinmale? hook me up with any more details, i would like to make a drive by. Originally Posted by toohappy
It was being at the right place at the right time kinda deal, We all get lucky once in a while.

I would like to add Marie to the list, she was a good treat.
Debra is near DFW per the last review I saw of her.
Craps7's Avatar
This young lady does 60 for 30min. Her name is Mandy, she is located in Arlington. Discreet and safe location. Originally Posted by filthyfilmore
Link is dead. Can you provide a new one or name etc., to search further?
any contact info or website for Dallas debra
any contact info or website for Dallas debra Originally Posted by txman1965
You dont want to see her. She is a hag. And that is being polite. In all honesty the best description of her is a recently released parolee. Yep, you read that correct. And she acted like she was on the smack. I THREW UP IN MY MOUTH AFTER 5 MINUTES OF HER DILLUSIONAL BEHAVIOUR AND LEFT. I WILL NEVER TRUST ABRAHAMS REVIEWS AGAIN. You have been warned
Kim Sparks from BP is pretty good for .5 if you find yourself around Arlington 360. Originally Posted by Tx Noob

I have given this one some thought recently.
Ashphuckems01's Avatar
You dont want to see her. She is a hag. And that is being polite. In all honesty the best description of her is a recently released parolee. Yep, you read that correct. And she acted like she was on the smack. I THREW UP IN MY MOUTH AFTER 5 MINUTES OF HER DILLUSIONAL BEHAVIOUR AND LEFT. I WILL NEVER TRUST ABRAHAMS REVIEWS AGAIN. You have been warned Originally Posted by dallas_mike75074
This x 10!!!... Worst $70 I ever spent....someone should tell her that a hummer does not mean literally humming on your dick. I hate to write bad reviews unless they are alert worthy but she was bad!!!! LOL @ the guys that call her a milf....