A series of Questions for the GOP/TEA Party supporters in this forum...

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  • 07-07-2014, 04:12 PM

If my ideology causes you to put a label on me then that's your intolerance and stupidity. Originally Posted by boardman
You put the label on yourself.

The Tea Party.

I have only made fun of it.

You had your rallies.

You marched around dressed as George Washington...

It was my right to give it the respect you and others gave say OWS.
wellendowed1911's Avatar
Only a fucking moron questions someones patriotism simply because they disagree with the political agenda of the sitting president.
If hoping he fails means that he wouldn't get his Universal Healthcare, Gun Control, Wealth redistribution etc. passed then yes I had hoped he would fail at those agendas. He seemed to want to appease our enemies and apologize for American Exceptionalism, I had hoped he wouldn't do that as I feared it would make us look weak. I want a smaller, less intrusive government with more personal liberty AND personal responsibility. I want everyone who benefits from our system of government to have a vested interest in it. He doesn't see things that way. Obama seems to want a Utopian World(Not that the idea is a bad thing) but unfortunately it isn't realistic when we have people wanting to destroy the West.

I vote, I complain, I have the right to do both. I pay taxes as I expect to. I want everyone to pay something, EVERYONE. I expect the Executive branch to obey the law, not write it, and investigate those who seemingly don't obey it. I want the Legislature to pass only those laws that are necessary and can be justified directly through the Constitution and Bill of Rights. I respect the fact that if Judicial appointments come up during his tenure, the President has the right to endorse those judges that he feels represent his ideology but they have to pass muster with the Senate. I expect the Supreme Court to call balls and strikes not legislate from the bench. In short I believe in the checks and balances set up in the Constitution.

If my ideology causes you to put a label on me then that's your intolerance and stupidity. Originally Posted by boardman
So are you calling McCain and Palin morons when during their campaign they used the "more American" slogan throughout their campaign ? What about the Tea party and their slogans about who is a real American and which party has repeatedly questioned Obamas birth and religion? So go fuck off !!!

Also your analogy that the POTUS had nothing to do with the UE rate is pure bullshit. It's the presidents policies that determine if whether consumers or businesses will have confidence - are you saying if Mickey Mouse was president the economy would be where it is right now ? How stupid can you be ?
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  • WTF
  • 07-07-2014, 04:25 PM
So are you calling McCain and Palin morons when during their campaign they used the "more American" slogan throughout their campaign ? What about the Tea party and their slogans about who is a real American and which party has repeatedly questioned Obamas birth and religion? So go fuck off !!!

? Originally Posted by wellendowed1911

The Tea crowd loves to question things....just not be questioned.

You put the label on yourself.

The Tea Party.

I have only made fun of it.

You had your rallies.

You marched around dressed as George Washington...

It was my right to give it the respect you and others gave say OWS. Originally Posted by WTF
Why are you so skeered of the TEA party? Oh because you are WTF the Moronic Buffoon with the tiny toolkit.
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  • WTF
  • 07-07-2014, 04:51 PM
Why are you so skeered of the TEA party? Oh because you are WTF the Moronic Buffoon with the tiny toolkit. Originally Posted by gnadfly
gnad is projecting again...
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
So are you calling McCain and Palin morons when during their campaign they used the "more American" slogan throughout their campaign ? What about the Tea party and their slogans about who is a real American and which party has repeatedly questioned Obamas birth and religion? So go fuck off !!!

Also your analogy that the POTUS had nothing to do with the UE rate is pure bullshit. It's the presidents policies that determine if whether consumers or businesses will have confidence - are you saying if Mickey Mouse was president the economy would be where it is right now ? How stupid can you be ? Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
How many people did Obama hire for his "shovel ready" jobs? We all know the answer to that one.....zero! What else did Obama do to create jobs? Did he sign the Keystone Pipeline authorization? NO! How many green energy jobs have just disappeared (along with the money)? Most of them! It is a strong and working economy that determines whether a consumer has confidence in the economy and not the policies of the POTUS. FDR tried everything (of a socialistic nature) to stimulate the economy in the 1930s and it didn't work. Real jobs is what turned the economy around then and only that will do it now. At least Disney knows how to make a profit and produce a product that people will buy without forcing it on them. Funny you should think of Mickey Mouse. Something in your thinking about Obama must have screamed Mickey Mouse.
boardman's Avatar
You put the label on yourself.

The Tea Party.

I have only made fun of it.

You had your rallies.

You marched around dressed as George Washington...

It was my right to give it the respect you and others gave say OWS. Originally Posted by WTF
You have no idea even though I try to explain it to you.

Tell me, which of my political ideologies do you disagree with.
Smaller government?
Stronger military?
More personal freedom?

You believe in nothing except criticizing others points of view and you can't make an argument why they are wrong because that would mean you would have to take a stand...for something.
boardman's Avatar
So are you calling McCain and Palin morons when during their campaign they used the "more American" slogan throughout their campaign ? What about the Tea party and their slogans about who is a real American and which party has repeatedly questioned Obamas birth and religion? So go fuck off !!!

Also your analogy that the POTUS had nothing to do with the UE rate is pure bullshit. It's the presidents policies that determine if whether consumers or businesses will have confidence - are you saying if Mickey Mouse was president the economy would be where it is right now ? How stupid can you be ? Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
What part of "Only a fucking moron questions someones patriotism simply because they disagree with the political agenda of the sitting president." did you not understand that caused you to question the statement?

Where did I comment on the UE rate?
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  • WTF
  • 07-08-2014, 07:56 AM
You have no idea even though I try to explain it to you.

Tell me, which of my political ideologies do you disagree with.
Smaller government?
Stronger military?
More personal freedom?

You believe in nothing except criticizing others points of view and you can't make an argument why they are wrong because that would mean you would have to take a stand...for something. Originally Posted by boardman
Ideologies are one thing , governing is another. So I disagree that your view of reality in these three things. Reality is where I live....not at some rally , spouting off ideology.

1) Smaller government? Who doesn't want a smaller government ...except when a flood strikes, or when you propose to trim their government Medicare....

2) Stronger Military? WTF...we spend more than the entire world combine on our military. Why do we need a stronger one? How about we quit policing the world and use our military to protect our borders. We could cut our military budget in half and not compromise our security within our borders. Multinationals doing business in other parts of the world may not be as safe and then they would start having to factor that cost into their business model. See that is a true conservative principal. Not this Strong military policing the world crap. That is a liberal mindset stolen by neocon's to promote their industrial military complex desire for growth from others taxes.

3) Personal Freedom. You mean the personal freedom to have a abortion. Smoke pot. Fuck for money....or the personal freedom to accept the danger of working in the WTC prior to 9/11 , brought on by our multinationals to do business in many parts of the world under the protection of our military. Do you respect other nations citizens personal freedom to not want our military in their country pulling their leaders strings? Do you understand the concept of blowback? How your so called strong military has triggered asymmetrical attacks on this country all because some multinationals are making money all over the world and do not even want to bring that profit back into this country to be taxed....taxes that should go to pay for the military security that receive from citizens of this country....which then put citizens of this country in harms way due to that blowback...

Or are you just talking about the personal freedom to bitch about Large government, Not enough spent on our present military and not having a clue on how to combine those things into governance?

I like you bm but you and your TP pals are out of your league in the reality of governance. Had you studied the reality of third parties....you would know that you will never come to power. You have joined up with the religious right and the religious right is not interested in personal freedom....except as it pertains to them.

You Tea Nuts are the Ross Perot of the 1990's....the John Birch Society of the sixties.
boardman's Avatar
Ideologies are one thing , governing is another.

1) Smaller government? Who doesn't want a smaller government ...except when a flood strikes, or when you propose to trim their government Medicare....

Yes smaller. People endure disasters without massive government assistance. The size of government shouldn't affect Medicare. In fact a smaller more efficient government would hopefully make Medicare less costly and benefits better.

2) Stronger Military? WTF...we spend more than the entire world combine on our military. Why do we need a stronger one? How about we quit policing the world and use our military to protect our borders. We could cut our military budget in half and not compromise our security within our borders. Multinationals doing business in other parts of the world may not be as safe and then they would start having to factor that cost into their business model. See that is a true conservative principal. Not this Strong military policing the world crap. That is a liberal mindset stolen by neocon's to promote their industrial military complex desire for growth from others taxes.

Peace through strength is what I support. Not jumping into every regional conflict. History shows that when our military is more effective and willing the world becomes a more peaceful place. Also a stronger military does not necessarily mean a bigger one. A stronger military can be one that is smarter, more capable, uses the best technology and is nimble. Larger government directly impedes the fluidity and potency of a smart, strong military.
Putting troops on the border is a great idea and in my mind falls in line with repelling invasion(a legitimate reason to do so). It could be a slippery slope if the military wanted to declare martial law within our borders. I can see that getting out of hand. I want to be able to travel within our borders both freely and safely. I could see the military establishing a zone of 100 miles(arbitrary number) where I could be stopped and searched for no reason. I personally don't like the check stations 50 or 60 miles in where the border patrol stops you to check your vehicle now. Point is, if we stopped it AT the border we wouldn't need those other check points. We need to put up a fence AND stop making it so attractive for people to come here illegally.

3) Personal Freedom. You mean the personal freedom to have a abortion. Smoke pot. Fuck for money...Exactly! and much more like hiring and firing who I want and making my own healthcare decisions just for starters.

Or are you just talking about the personal freedom to bitch about Large(or small incapable) government, Not enough(or too much) spent on our present military and not having a clue on how to combine those things into governance? Those too...

I like you bm but you and you TP pals are out of your league in the reality of governance. Originally Posted by WTF
Governance would be much less difficult if we stuck to the principles that our government was founded upon.

You really don't know me because you have a preconceived idea of what I believe in because I use words like smaller government and personal freedom. You automatically associate that with the Tea Party and then illogically take it one step further to associate anyone who believes in those concepts of freedom with the radical right...And then YOU love to throw out the word hypocrite every chance you get. It might be time to take a moment for serious introspection.

If you'd read my statements with an open mind rather than projecting what you think you already know about me you'd see we are, more often than not, on the same side.
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  • WTF
  • 07-08-2014, 09:04 AM

If you'd read my statements with an open mind rather than projecting what you think you already know about me you'd see we are, more often than not, on the same side. Originally Posted by boardman
Oh I realize that...maybe you should be the one doing the introspection. I realize you are the dreamer. I am the realist....one that has to laugh at ideologues...which would include you and me and the CuteOldGuy's of the world. This is a hooker board....and while I have noted that you take this subject seriously even on a hooker board. My personal freedom allows me not to take it so....
lustylad's Avatar
How many people did Obama hire for his "shovel ready" jobs? We all know the answer to that one.....zero! What else did Obama do to create jobs? Did he sign the Keystone Pipeline authorization? NO! How many green energy jobs have just disappeared (along with the money)? Most of them! It is a strong and working economy that determines whether a consumer has confidence in the economy and not the policies of the POTUS. FDR tried everything (of a socialistic nature) to stimulate the economy in the 1930s and it didn't work. Real jobs is what turned the economy around then and only that will do it now. At least Disney knows how to make a profit and produce a product that people will buy without forcing it on them. Funny you should think of Mickey Mouse. Something in your thinking about Obama must have screamed Mickey Mouse. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
But but but but but... don't you remember how bad the UE rate was when Obama took office? According to woe-endowed:

"...many economist had it in the mid to upper teens with worst case scenario it could have hit mid 20's."

Who were those prominent economists? Sorry, don't ask him for names, just take his fucking word for it.

Remember, Odumbo made the oceans stop rising, the planet start healing, and he kept the unemployment rate from hitting 25%!

boardman's Avatar
Oh I realize that...maybe you should be the one doing the introspection. I realize you are the dreamer. I am the realist....one that has to laugh at ideologues...which would include you and me and the CuteOldGuy's of the world. This is a hooker board....and while I have noted that you take this subject seriously even on a hooker board. My personal freedom allows me not to take it so.... Originally Posted by WTF
So you prefer not to be taken seriously in this forum because it is part of a hooker board? Duly noted...
TheDaliLama's Avatar
So you prefer not to be taken seriously in this forum because it is part of a hooker board? Duly noted... Originally Posted by boardman

WTF is my favorite bomb thrower.
WTF is my favorite bomb thrower. Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
his "above the fray" haughtiness, "a pox on both houses", im the only one who can see the issue, as if he is even-handed, approach, only reverted to when even he feels its impossible to support Obama or the democrats on some issue, is quite off-putting but he is at his best when he is merely cussing someone out and not trying to think, he gets in trouble attempting to think