The Male Perception of Hobbying in the Real World

I do not discuss this with my friends. I have told my cousin about a few instances but not the whole extent of it. The less people that know my business the better. I have brought it up and made it look like a friend at work was doing it because his wife was not giving him pussy at home. I tried explaining that its not what you would think. But most of the time these people say they would not buy pussy. Some would rather have an affair and get caught. This hobby keeps me from even looking into or getting involved in an affair. Most people think that its just trashy women selling pussy. They have no idea. Most people just see the busts on tv and the newspaper. Most of those people look really bad. So naturally they think its how the whole industry is. As much as I’d like to share information with people I just cant risk my security so I keep it to myself.
Randall Creed's Avatar
I reiterate that it is a billion dollar business, so...our friends, associates, and others can deny all they want, but SOME of them are doing this as well.

I know I ain't spending a billion on this by myself.

Find a way to casually say the word 'Eccie' (or some variation of it...i.e. icky), or even Eros or any of the sites known for this...line of work, in front of one of your 'I don't pay for it' pals and see how they react.

[stealthily see how they react...don't stare them down or anything]