
Well to the OP's assertion, it's not an obsession, I think your giving yourself to much credit and need to keep the ego in check. I'm merely pointing out what I see as the obvious. Practically every post of yours is slightly interragatio in nature and usually without any meaningful followup. If indeed your not some bristly 30 year male hack writer goading the people of this forum for material, then what harm would it be in letting say Ansley or another known provider here verify your intent? I would think you would jump at the chance to have some facetime with one of the lovely Atl ladies. Originally Posted by Sa_artman
Obsession or not, as an outside observer, I've read many threads of Alex's that you and that Tudor guy hijack with the same accusations. And you question why Alex doesn't have "meaningful" follow through on her posts? How can she when she spends post after post defending what is a reasonable position for ANY writer writing under a nom de plume? The thread then loses value.

If not an obsession then why behave that way? I honestly would like to know. Trying to "protect" us gullible members of the forum? Don't we deserve more credit than that?

Dude if you truly don't care, then let her be, regardless of who/what she is I find her entertaining and she's not hurting anyone. People will respond if they want to and stay on point with her posts instead of hilacking them.
Artman what makes you think I want face time with Alex? Just as she does I value my privacy. Over the years I have met only two other women in Atlanta. I don't plan on becoming the 'Wecome Wagon'. For what it is worth, she and I have exchanged PMs and she is all right by me. Why not let it go and respect her privacy.
Thanks Ansley,

I am still trying to wrap my head around the fact that some people are so angry or upset that I won't tell them who I am. If I did what do you think would happen. There would be a campaign not to see me because of my views and I'd starve and have to shop at K-mart. Thanks again!!!!!!

If the Pringles go with WTF, Alex, and the incest twins to the Bahamas then me, and Ed are going as well .I want my swim with the horny Dolphins

As far as Alex goes I do think that she is a legit escort with a talent for stretching the truth a bit..Of course I also thought that the twins were real, and I still believe in the Easter bunny,so I can be a bit gullible at times.Real, or not I do enjoy reading her posts here, and feel that she has handled all of the accusations about her identity including mine with a lot of class, and patience. While it is fun to try to figure out who she may be if I ever do I would keep it to myself. Because if she is for real the last thing I would ever want to do is hurt another persons chance to earn money.
Good Afternoon Ms. Lieberman;

Might I be so bold as to enquire why you claim to be the 'Reluctant'?

Going by your posts and your blog, this is perhaps the worst description of your persona I could think of.

Perhaps the 'Bolshie' or the 'Sardonic' might be better appellations, but nevermind what you call it; I enjoy reading it.

Shavu'a Tov
I think I use the word reluctant because that is exactly how I feel. I struggle everyday with my decision to escort. I am glad you enjoy the blog.

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  • 08-20-2010, 10:19 AM

Perhaps the 'Bolshie' or the 'Sardonic' might be better appellations, but nevermind what you call it; I enjoy reading it.
Originally Posted by Mr.Oneeye

Send me a postcard WTF. Originally Posted by Alex Lieberman
I'll just hand you yours'.

..Of course I also thought that the twins were real, . Originally Posted by Becky
I'm a pickle and you're a Pringle. Can I start a thread on why people thought the twins were legit and why incest came in vouge with their persona?

Alex....Sa_artman is not so much of a friend that I would not hesitate to dump him in a second for a witty vagina. What say you my Bahama Mamma
A woman up in the Boston area asked for my assistance in a dispute between her and another woman. It actually was about a year ago. I gave her sage advice (ignore her, move on better things to do with your life). The other provider was damaging her reviews on another board (where the owner/mods are less than fair), so her ratings were going down.
Originally Posted by SR Only
I don't get that. How can anyone mess with reviews already posted? Or are you saying she was getting guys to post shitty reviews? Either way, that seems odd.

Alex, jealousy in any kind of rendezvous is always imminent whether paid or unpaid. Prior to escorting, I never really dated. I had a few long term relationships all with men I already knew from my personal circle. No problems there for the most part. Dating is another thing altogether! Escorting allows me the freedom to indulge in a perpetual state of dating without any expectation of a relationship at the end. I love it for now but it will no doubt change at some point. It doesn't come without it's share of problems though. What I don't like is when men see this as a challenge or women see it as competition and attempt sabotage. My escorting is neither (a competition or a challenge)'s something I enjoy without the restraints of something more conventional/traditional. Enjoying dating without any expectation is just too hard for some people to get their heads around.

In direct response to your original post, there is nothing you need do...the other woman has done your work for you. She has shown her arse to your client who has relayed that conclusion to you by sharing the limited informtion he has. You don't need to say anything or know anything more..and you definitely don't need to do anything. The job is done and your approach (whatever that may be) has successfully prevailed. Don't retaliate or take revenge or even reach out to her. She is (as they say in Uruguay) "swallowing her own poison" and her business will eventually erode if she carries on that way. Leave well alone and be satisfied that your buisness model holds strong (or maybe allow yourself to be snarky about it on your blog )

I agree and thank you. I think I'm more upset as I gave her more credit than that. I swear if women weren't our own worst enemies we could take over the world. I say this in my blog too.

To be fair, I think (both) some men and women don't always realize that they are ready to stop dating and to start having a relationship. In the escort world especially, it's time to get out when you hit the latter stage otherwise things start to become both difficult and confusing. We don't typically monitor our rate of just sort of happens....which is why I think a lot of people don't immediately recognize where they are at.
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To be fair, I think (both) some men and women don't always realize that they are ready to stop dating and to start having a relationship. In the escort world especially, it's time to get out when you hit the latter stage otherwise things start to become both difficult and confusing. We don't typically monitor our rate of just sort of happens....which is why I think a lot of people don't immediately recognize where they are at. Originally Posted by Camille
Well said and emotion can then cloud the real life issue of provider and hobbyist. Neither activity (depending on level of involvement of course) is conducive to a long term relationship. Can happen (I married a provider once--big mistake for both of us.)
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  • 08-20-2010, 01:00 PM
(I married a provider once--big mistake for both of us.) Originally Posted by Happy Diver
Big mistake that she was a provider or that you married a provider?
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Big mistake that she was a provider or that you married a provider? Originally Posted by WTF
The big mistake was that she was crazy.
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  • WTF
  • 08-20-2010, 01:14 PM
The big mistake was that she was crazy. Originally Posted by Happy Diver
You married a crazy woman!!!!!!!!!?
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You married a crazy woman!!!!!!!!!? Originally Posted by WTF
Yep. But I'd marry a provider again for sure. My current wife was a serious player (may still be--I travel a lot)