Clients cancelling last minute

Bella Noel's Avatar
I normally wouldn't either, except possibly for a significantly longer date. To clarify, I was describing what some ladies do in exceptional circumstances. Such as if

the guy cancelled on her at the last minute the last two times he'd scheduled and was now scheduling for a third time. In those circumstances, he probably won't pay a deposit, but she reasonably might refuse to schedule a third time (without a deposit) when she knows from experience he's an habitual canceller Originally Posted by Chevalier
Exactamoondo lol
I am blacklisting on my end not on a specifc webiste. For my records. I should have made that clear Originally Posted by Noelshaker

Save yourself the trouble and us the drama: Blacklist all of all of Dallas
Bella Noel's Avatar
[QUOTE=yourself;1051928436]Save yourself the trouble and us the drama: Blacklist all of all of Dallas[/QUOT

Grow up honey. This is s discussion board.
Bella Noel's Avatar
I've talked to so many girls having this issue not just in dallas and that's why I brought it up because it should be addressed.
"I'd be offended. It would indicate that she had a pretty poor opinion of my integrity."

Dude, she/they already have a poor opinion of everything about you except your ability to perform the singular act of payment. C'mon, John Integrity? Does that come with a secret handshake and a T-Shirt?
Chevalier's Avatar
P4P is not inherently inconsistent with integrity and honorable behavior, whether the ladies or clients. You seem to be demonstrating that "just a ho/just a john" mentality you deplored yesterday. Why criticize others for that mentality when you seem to have it yourself?

And, yes, I think most of the ladies I've seen would believe my explanation for having to cancel and would not think it was BS.
Well said, Chevalier!
I didn't deplore, I said it was sad. But accurate. I didn't criticize anyone specifically, only the people (generally) who stand on the sideline and pretend to play, wasting their own time as well as others. Which was, unless I'm mistaken, the OP's original complaint.
Chevalier's Avatar
Yes, that was her complaint.

Yes, part of the reason that they do that may well be that they think it's "just a ho" they're inconveniencing.

We'd be better off if we treated each other with respect, instead of "just a ho"/"just a john." It would seem from some of your previous posts -- and your criticism of the people who casually cancel at the last minute -- that you might agree, at least to some degree.

In which case, why undermine that attitude of treating others with respect by buying into the "just a john" mentality and criticizing those who aspire to better? "Just a john" (there is no integrity among P4P clients) is as disrespectful and corrosive to the community as "just a ho" (it's acceptable to jerk around a lady by scheduling and cancelling at the last minute). Isn't it better to criticize "only the people (generally) who stand on the sideline and pretend to play, wasting their own time as well as others" instead of implying that everyone is "just a ho" or "just a john"?

People tend to live up to or live down to expectations of others. Let's expect more of ourselves and others in the community.

My opinion -- YOMV.
nonfatmetal's Avatar
Noel. I have seen you previously and enjoyed you but i agree with one poster on this board. You are catering to a different level of client and anyone that can afford your rate is most likely a VERY busy person. One suggestion would be to follow up with the individuals that schedule with you like you do when you are trying to get the businessin the first place. I receved a ton of emails when i was initially trying to schedule but When i did schedule with you i received very little follow up after the initial "sale". I felt like i had to do the follow up with you. If you engaged your clients more between initial scheduling and the date itself you would have a higher success ratio. One other note, when a client drops a grand on a multi hour date with you some sort of thank you email or even text would be classy. Make us feel like you want to see us again and am not just an atm.

Guys, noel is beautiful and really cool. She is not at all like she may be coming across. She just may need to change her approach to the clients she is trying to get.
  • Rehke
  • 11-21-2012, 04:30 PM
Damn, it's amazing how upset providers get when they they get cancelled, even when they at least get a call. But so many will totally blow off a guy with out even that courtesy and not blink an eye.

As far as I'm concerned, you and anyone with an attitude like yours can go fly a kite. For everyone once that I've ever had to cancel (usually work and why I tend not to schedule too much in advance, and always they've gotten some notice), I can point to 10 or more times where different providers have NC/NS'd me, kept me waiting and all other kinds of BS.

Frankly, what you posted just shows me that it's all about "the game" to you and I've known enough providers personally to know that you're just in the game to get as much as you can for as little work as you can, and to you, us guys are just tricks to be used.

If that means I'm going on a bunch of DNS lists, good! I'd rather not deal with this kind of attitude. You and those who think like you can go walk the track with it and give your daddy his $$.

OTOH, those girls that I have had to cancel on in the past, if they deal with it gracefully, almost always get another appointment out of me. Sometimes it takes a while to connect, but remember to treat me with dignity and respect and I will continue to try to see you and I'll treat you the same.

You may not be butt hurt, but you have certainly guaranteed that I will never even think about seeing you.

I'm not buying this "life happens" shit.
Either you are ready to fuck or you just called my phone for BS.

I have yet to have a valid NCNS. Nobody died, nobody was in a car wreck, nobody ran out of gas, not sick, no sick wife or child, no babysitter cancled, no house fire, no police brutality, no asteroid fell out of the sky and killed you.

Guys just call to be calling and have 0 intentions of fucking. If they did, they would have the money in the right hand the their cock in their left hand putting it in my mouth. I've only experienced the NCNS bullshit when I offer incalls. PMs and emails all day long but not a hard dick in sight.

I'm not butt hurt about NCNS and I wouldn't bother putting them on a DNS list. I would just like for guys to be serious. Getting some pussy should not be this difficult. Originally Posted by ArisRose
  • Rehke
  • 11-21-2012, 04:35 PM
See my other response in this thread. From my viewpoint, the NC/NS from the girls is far more frequent than the guys.

Oh, and I'm sure at least some of it is us guys feeling like we have to have a plan B because we've been NC/NS'd so much.

You want to start addressing the issue, look to your own house first. Try getting the girls to stop NC/NS'ing the guys.

Oh, and yeah, I've actually been a driver and listened to girls NC/NS one trick because another was going to be more $, so don't act like it doesn't happen.

I've talked to so many girls having this issue not just in dallas and that's why I brought it up because it should be addressed. Originally Posted by Noelshaker
Sleepy363's Avatar
Honestly never had to deal with this issue as much as a do here in Dallas. I don't mind them cancelling. My issue Is with the last minute cancel. 4 last minute cancellation. That is ridiculous. This is not to say all of dallas is this way because everyone else I've met is great. These bad habits need to stop Dallas. . Originally Posted by Noelshaker

I've talked to so many girls having this issue not just in dallas and that's why I brought it up because it should be addressed. Originally Posted by Noelshaker

You are contradicting yourself. First you say it's pretty much just a Dallas issue, then you say you talked to a bunch of girls having the problem not just in Dallas so that is why you brought it up.
  • Rehke
  • 11-21-2012, 05:03 PM
Time is money and money is time in this business. Originally Posted by Noelshaker
It's funny, but I spend a shitload of $ on Apple products. iPhone, iPad, MacBook Air, Mac Mini's (multiple), I mean I've got close to a dozen working apple computers in my house.

I spend that $ quite happily for a few simple reasons.

1. They work as advertised.
2. Apple takes care of me.

When I call Apple for tech support, I'm not on hold forever and they get me to someone who can fix my problem. I take my stuff into the Genius Bar and they take care of my issues. Fast, easy and so far, they under-promise and over-deliver.

It's not about time or money. That is the kind of talk I here from girls who have been walking the track. You really want to be successful? Take care of your customers!

I work in the consulting industry. I bill out at a rate as high as some providers. I routinely have repeat engagements with my clients. Why? Because I take care of them and I focus on giving them the best service possible.

Yeah, I do believe in firing bad clients. Not every customer is right all the time. Sometimes you do have to weed out the "bad" customers. But by and large, most people are not bad customers.

People willingly purchase value. Not cheap, but value. Apple's stock is stupid crazy high and they continue to rake in huge profits because of the value they offer customers. Really, the difference in the two viewpoints is how lazy criminals think versus good merchants.

A lazy criminal is all about making as much as fast as possible. A good merchant is about providing good value for a fair price and everyone coming out better. A lazy criminal doesn't want to work hard. They want stuff handed to them or to take it easily, the easier the better. A good merchant works hard to satisfy good customers and make a good living from the fruits of his labor.

Funny thing is that in the street, all these "street-wise" people, pimps, con artists, hustlers all talk like they know all kinds of stuff and when you really look at it, they can't hold onto shit. Yeah, when things are good they have good stuff. Things go bad and they got nothing.

Look at who really has the $$$. Apple. Walmart, when Sam Walton was running it...people who worked damn hard to provide value. Hell, even as much $ as I waste hobbying, I've got my house and my cars and my shit is taken care of. You really want to make a good living? Then tell that pimp to take a hike no matter how good a game he talks. Go check out the honest, hard-working, non-hustling people. Most of them are getting along just fine. Most of the hustlers are just constantly hustling and talking like they know how to get ahead in life. It's like a fat person telling you how to lose weight.

Even in the hobby, with it's own set of legal issues, those who focus on providing good value do much better than the one who listened to the pimps and try to run game. Yeah, your game may be good enough to get you a little now, but I can guarantee you that my hard work will ensure that my stuff is still in good shape while you're still out hustling.

Once you realize that hustlers not only are always having to hustle, but that they live a lot more stressful life, then maybe you see streetwise ain't all that it's made up to be. And it ends up being a lot more jail time too.

Like I said to the other girl, you can take that kind of talk and go walk the track with it. I won't be seeing you, just the fact that you think that way tells me a whole lot about what kind of person you are.

And yeah, I'm sure I just told you a whole bunch about me too.
Save yourself the trouble and us the drama: Blacklist all of all of Dallas[/QUOT

Grow up honey. This is s discussion board. Originally Posted by yourself
Really Noel? Exactly what is it that you hope to accomplish from this "discussion thread" you have started?

In your initial post, all you did was bitch about your observation and tell us how you retaliate. Not very classy, little miss "grown up"