
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
A little something??
Is that a smidge more than Nothing?
Clearly way less than Everything.
But, where is Something?
Cendell M's Avatar
I’m not sure I’m confused about everything…and anything….which means nothing to me then. But if it turns out to be something, somebody please explain
TryWeakly's Avatar
..that's fine butt ifn someone explained said "something" ... it doesnt belong here.... try and keep up buttercup
Cendell M's Avatar
^^^^ hahaha
TryWeakly's Avatar
Some people will try to get away with anything UITB...
Michael8219's Avatar
^^^ not sure what this applies to, could be a little something or everything
With a little nothing applied Originally Posted by Cendell M
Hi C!

: knot(s)formed by doubling a ribbon or string into two or more loops
: a bending of the head or body in respect, submission, assent, or salutation
also : a show of respect or submission

So my “Anything” progressed or digressed from/to the first definition of “bow” on top of a wrapped gift. Or a Lexus in “December to Remember.” Or a bow tied around a young woman’s breasts or wet pussy yearning for my rock hard manhood.

Which then led me to Tom T. Hall’s meaning of life (one of which is younger women). That then will or can lead you to being on the highway to hell which quite ironically Bon ended up dead in a car on Overhill Rd, which is not a highway. Of course there’s some deeper meaning there as well.

I’d also settle for a bow wrapped around Big Mikey with 3 to 10+ women unwrapping the bow and playing the instrument. Now that would be a December to Remember!

Cendell M's Avatar
Hi Michael,

I’m not sure I got Anything for that hmm let me think I’m sure I can bow to something but not everything

Oops we better look out Try might get upset if we make displaced comments on his thread.

Might get a spanking now that would be Something!
TryWeakly's Avatar
Anything for a laugh.....
Cendell M's Avatar
So we don’t get it twisted around here

Learn to pronounce
used to refer to a thing, no matter what.
"nobody was saying anything"
used for emphasis.
"I was ready for anything"
used to indicate a range.
"he trains anything from seven to eight hours a day"
TryWeakly's Avatar
Sometimes, peeps just gotta say anything UITB...
Cendell M's Avatar
Just another definition so people know any things not everything
TryWeakly's Avatar
Mmm... It could be, riight? By order of inclusion...
Cendell M's Avatar
Then don’t get all touchy when we talk about everything

I’m getting to confused lol
TryWeakly's Avatar
Then don’t get all touchy when we talk about everything

I’m getting to confused lol Originally Posted by Cendell M
You misconstrue my rhetoric, boo.

Butt I could see how one could get touchy talking about everything in the ANYTHING thread.
Cendell M's Avatar