Bullshit. the Volstead Act was never about funding. It was an effort to legislate morality, something shitheels like you oppose with your dying breath...though we haven't gotten that far with you yet, though I will admit its fun watching this meltdown shape up.
Are you saying that if Congress had adequately funded a national police force, that prohibition would have succeeded. I guess that the courage of prehistoric Teawipes prevented it from being funding, thus leading to its demise. AFTER 14 years.
Ooops... Then there's that little FBI thing that arose from that era.
Explain how this is related to the Affordable Care Act, brilliante! Explain the parallels between the Prohibitiofxand Obamacare.
You're off in meta bullshit argument world again, shitboy.
Your links are bullshit. Your arguments are bullshit. You'd prefer to argue than prove.
It ain't and argument if all you're doing is stamping your little feet and calling people, names, IBIdiot.
I think we're all anxious to see the correlation between prohibition and the Affordable Care Act.