Abortion is WRONG

oilfieldace's Avatar
No I am a person who doesn't buy your pathetic shit. Not a coward and sel defense is not a topic, killing a viable human being is . A clump of cells isn't the issue and that isn't what the majority of abortion is about. You mess my family, me or any of my numerous animals and I will kill you in a heartbeat and let the buzzards pick you clean. But again that isn't the topic
skirtchaser79411's Avatar
right oil can man stick to the topic I have always heard roe v wade is settled law
oilfieldace's Avatar
Gk your reading comprehension skills are lacking
Yssup Rider's Avatar
right oil can man stick to the topic I have always heard roe v wade is settled law Originally Posted by skirtchaser79411
It is.
pyramider's Avatar
Human Fetus viability outside the womb gets lowered as years pass. Modern Medicine is the blame.
Abortion will always be a continuous topic. But by the Government's win statistics, over 95% of all abortions are for convenience.

This is not a religious issue. Basic human dignity should tell us that there is something very wrong with the fact that we kill our unborn because we just don't want to be bothered.

One thing that strikes me as odd is with all of today's affective birth controls measures, it is extremely irresponsible for a couple to end up with an unwanted pregnancy. Originally Posted by Jackie S
If someone would teach the kids sex education a lot of abortions could be avoided. Real sex education, Just Say No is not sex education. Parents do not want to do it and do not want the schools to do it.

Our grandson was born with cerebral palsy. During our daughter-in-laws prenatal sonograms, they noticed that the fetus had no brain. It's skull was empty. But due to that state' abortion laws, she was not allowed to select having an abortion. My wife and I urged them to go to a neighboring state where an abortion is allowed, but they refused.

Our daughter-in-law was raised in a church that teaches a non-Biblical doctrine that abortion is a sin.

Today they are 'raising' our grandson, he is 2 years old. He is a huge burden to them, and from all appearances, he will continue to be a huge burden as long as he 'lives'.

He has a shunt installed that drains excess spine fluid from his skull and into his abdomen. So if his brain ever decides to grow to fill his skull it can. At 2 years old, his brain is around 10% of the size it should be, to be healthy.

He has no eye-sight, no muscle control, no communication. He is fed via a G-tube, and requires round the clock care.

Our son and his wife have ran out of funds, caring for him. They have confided that their marriage is near its end.

The burden of caring for our grandson will continue to grow larger, as he continues to grow and to put on weight. Imagine caring for him when he is 20, or 30. Originally Posted by RetiredSubmariner
Many of the Pro Lifers do not care what the burden, or marital stress, is ...

Nor do the Pro Lifers help out with assistance after the child is born. States have cut aid to single moms ... It takes money to raise a child. States have cut education ... It takes money to raise a child.

WTF the reason is my mother wasn't a killer. I agree with Ellen there are some reasons that make abortion ok, I want list those because anyone with a brain can figure them out. What isn't acceptable is all the other excuses. This poor poor pitiful me that woman use is down right pathetic. Weak minded people are pathetic women or men. I tell you who isn't a winner is all these human being killed by weak ass single minded selfish women Originally Posted by oilfieldace
Not really because you have not figured it out.

My best guess after reading your posts is she has changed her mind...

. Originally Posted by WTF
She should have ...

Nothing gives one human human being the RIGHT to kill author human being I don't care if you have a uterus or not. Originally Posted by oilfieldace
Really? You stated you would kill anyone messing with your family or animals. So what gives you the right? Oh wait, a law. What about Death Penalty? What gives the state the right? Laws that you probably voted for.
Are you ok with a woman having a medical abortion (i.e. morning after pill) within the first week or two of knowing they were pregnant? If so, how many weeks would you be ok with allowing this?

Personally, I don't care if someone has an abortion in the first trimester. But I think it is pretty sick and irresponsible to have one in the third trimester. So for me the gray area would be somewhere in the second. Originally Posted by SeekingFun69
I agree, first trimester is acceptable. Anything close to viable is bad in my opinion.
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
I agree, first trimester is acceptable. Anything close to viable is bad in my opinion. Originally Posted by B Three
And this ^^^^ is an excellent abbreviated version of Roe vs. Wade (1973) as modified by Planned Parenthood V Casey in 1992.
RetiredSubmariner's Avatar
Nothing gives one human human being the RIGHT to kill author human being I don't care if you have a uterus or not. Originally Posted by oilfieldace
I served in a career field that included killing other humans, for 20 years.

Among my friends 'killing others' is a normal requirement for their jobs.

But, hey thanks for paying your taxes, someone needs to provide my salary.
  • grean
  • 10-12-2018, 07:10 AM
If someone would teach the kids sex education a lot of abortions could be avoided. Real sex education, Just Say No is not sex education. Parents do not want to do it and do not want the schools to do it.

Many of the Pro Lifers do not care what the burden, or marital stress, is ...

Nor do the Pro Lifers help out with assistance after the child is born. States have cut aid to single moms ... It takes money to raise a child. States have cut education ... It takes money to raise a child. Originally Posted by pyramider

This! Exactly!
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
there are groups that do go out of their way to get pregnant women & babies get help. Its not fully national tho. but they are out there.

it takes a certain amount of commitment to raise these kids.