Interesting survey-Clients dating providers

  • MrGiz
  • 07-31-2012, 05:43 PM
Profit? WTF?

That's not what my monthly bank statements say!! It's the simple things that cross you up, eh?

All's good. . . you've been a gift that keeps on giving. . . enjoy!
Profit? WTF?

That's not what my monthly bank statements say!! It's the simple things that cross you up, eh?

All's good. . . you've been a gift that keeps on giving. . . enjoy! Originally Posted by MrGiz
From what I remember of your lady, I don't doubt you for a second.
I can see why I was crossed up now, thanks for the clarification.
And all is good, I don't mind giving, it's the taking I can't stand.
Chica Chaser's Avatar
Lets move along here gentlemen.
Lets move along here gentlemen. Originally Posted by Chica Chaser
Sounds good CC.
So if I'm working in an office nine to five and making more money than my partner, is he still a pimp? Originally Posted by Lovely_Lilianna
Only if you're the office whore.

  • MrGiz
  • 07-31-2012, 07:00 PM
We're moving CC.... try keeping up.... it's an educational thread for the naive/ignorant!

As long as we're clarifying... she "profits" quite well... she's chosen an occupation in which she naturally excels.
Her hard earned "profits" are her's to keep! I'm simply the lucky dawg who gets to play this hobby a hell of a lot safer and less stressful than most!

BTW.... I haven't even mentioned the 3-sum advantages!

CC.... feel free to close the thread if you think too much "real" info has been exposed....
I did it for a 2.5 years and it worked while it lasted. Today we are still great friends. I do not regret it and I do not think he does. I am glad he was part of my life during that time.
Carolina Girl Holly's Avatar
I've had one long term boyfriend while in the business who after making a real move away from "home" he turned out to be a user: drugs, alcohol, gambling, other women. I dealt with him not working for a while because we traveled together a lot and it was nice to have companionship, security and a partner on the road; however, when we were settled several times usually short term rentals, he wouldn't do much to try to work and finally when his gambling, drinking and girl habits took the best of him, I dumped him. (One rule I had, don't cheat on me, this is personal, we didn't meet thru business, and I was upfront about what I did for a living. At the end of the day, they - the clients - leave, I wanted someone for myself that wasn't shared. He was okay obviously with the business because I made enough money for the both of us.)

Having said that, the short time I've been in the business I never dated a client, until we moved to Mississippi and I was having issues with this bf that I moved here with. I asked a client who I'd seen 3 times who was SINGLE, to meet for dinner just to talk; I dumped the bf and have been dating him now for almost 3 months. We had chemistry from the beginning and yes, he says he is greedy and has a sexual appetite that is insatiable like me, but he is faithful and hardworking and I'm grateful for a friend/partner/lover/local to show me the ropes here on a personal level. However, he understands what I do just doesn't want to talk about it, see it, know about it and lets me have my independence. But when it's our time, its his dominating masculinity that really turns my head, heart and turns me on. Its not even about the money, he's no sugar daddy or I'd be out of the business, but yes as someone said eventually we will find a way for us to be together solely.

My clients are friends and though I'm single, and many do get addicted or jealous, its kinda nice to have someone who has your back ladies and eventually we all can't be in this business forever. Age happens. its early, hope this makes sense ....
I dated a provider or 2 in my life. Last one was for about 6 months. Was a great time till she realized she was getting too serious and it could never be more than a GF/mistress. Jealously never entered the picture for me.

It can happen, just way long odds on it lasting any amount of time
I've only dated strippers, never a provider. Actually, I think she was secretly providing, which is a huge part of the reason I left. I was not okay with that. At the time, I didn't hobby and monogamy was a big deal. (What a tool I was!)

Here's my question. If a provider and a hobbyist DO get into a relationship, assuming the provider is still an active provider, does that give the hobbyist a free pass to fuck whomever he wants provided it's just sex and not emotional?
Gucci's Avatar
  • Gucci
  • 09-23-2014, 07:57 AM
It would take a strong mind to know and accept that your GF or wife is leaving the house to go have sex with a different man everyday. I'm in the hobby for what it is. . . . . have sex and send you on your way with NO attachments. If I wanted to find a girlfriend this wouldn't be the place. Now don't get me wrong, I have met quite a few ladies that I like personally and I may text from time to time, but I never forget what we are to each other.. . . . provider and client. Always remember you must think of this hobby like its McDonald's, it doesn't matter how many combos you buy and how friendly they are you're still a customer and they sell their mcmuffins to everyone so don't get too attached because there's biscuits and pancakes on the menu as well.
My ATF and I have gone out several times OTC (don't bother looking, I would never review her). I can't speak for her, but I do it because I enjoy her company. The first time happened because she was traveling and had nothing to do that evening. I am not wealthy and had expended my hobby budget for the month. I said (honestly) that if I was wealthy I would spend to whole weekend with her. It was her suggestion that we go out and it was clear it would be off the clock. I would date her with out a doubt. I would never expect BCD activities off the clock, but I think the thought has crossed both our minds