...... they actually believe conservatives are the stupid ones! Originally Posted by LexusLover
Not all "conservatives are the stupid ones." For example, the 20 percenters from W's 2nd term might not have actually been "stupid" but they were seriously handicapped.
I B Hankering's Avatar
The lefty-loons seek to stifle free speech. Anyone who parodies, or even criticizes, this president is termed a 'racist', and the lefty-loons seek to immediately penalize those who violate their self-defined notion of 'political correctness'. There hasn't been a single president since Washington who wasn't lampooned. This freedom to parody even the greatest of our elected officials (and Odumbo is certainly not in that category) has been a hallmark of American republicanism (note the small "r"), and, indeed, a hallmark of political discourse in all true democracies. The unwillingness of this buffoon and his Kool Aid sucking supporters and enablers to suffer satire and parody is the stamp of very different kind of government than the one established by the Founding Fathers. It is despots who stifle criticism.
LexusLover's Avatar
Not all "conservatives are the stupid ones." For example, the 20 percenters from W's 2nd term might not have actually been "stupid" but they were seriously handicapped. Originally Posted by bigtex
... I'm thinking you are about to find out the true meaning of .... "handicapped" ...

I've met very few "stupid" conservatives ... but may be that's the "crowd" around me.

At the same time I've met very few "stupid" liberals ...

... acting stupid and being stupid are two different "conditions" ...

.. the former being temporary while the latter has a more permanent status.

Clinging to the perforated, flimsy life boat drifting in the White House ... is not bright ...

... particularly when the clinging is out of unwarranted loyalty without any direction.

Standing in a lush garden surrounded with staff while telling the warring factions in Egypt to "play nice" has a naïve tone to it, and even suggests that someone is out of touch with reality, not to mention nurturing an overinflated assessment of his influence in the World.

The ugly part of this World is about to have their way with Obaminable, and Putin led the charge!

Unfortunately the U.S. taxpayers and citizens will suffer as "collateral damage" ...

.......... from his unfounded arrogance.

Now you can go back to bashing Bush, if that makes you feel better and you think it makes any difference.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 08-16-2013, 12:19 PM
The lefty-loons seek to stifle free speech. Anyone who parodies, or even criticizes, this president is termed a 'racist', and the lefty-loons seek to immediately penalize those who violate their self-defined notion of 'political correctness'. There hasn't been a single president since Washington who wasn't lampooned. This freedom to parody even the greatest of our elected officials (and Odumbo is certainly not in that category) has been a hallmark of American republicanism (note the small "r"), and, indeed, a hallmark of political discourse in all true democracies. The unwillingness of this buffoon and his Kool Aid sucking supporters and enablers to suffer satire and parody is the stamp of very different kind of government than the one established by the Founding Fathers. It is despots who stifle criticism. Originally Posted by I B Hankering

you're so full of shit, flies hold conventions on the top of your head
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
You know it's one thing when a private concern tries to prevent free speech which is atrocious but it is quite another when a private organization uses the government or the government does it on it's own to prevent free speech. That is an abomination. Case in point; the rodeo clown. The feigned outrage is stupid and ridiculous. It also takes away from any real cases of racism. That the Missouri Rodeo group fired him for an old joke is almost criminal. The NAACP calling on the Justice Department, the FBI, and the Secret Service is beyond the pale. Using the government to stifle free speech or dissent based a nebulous charge of racism, and the government does not yet appear to disagree, is just un-American.

I still point out, why did the Missouri Rodeo Association fire this guy? Did they receive a phone call or visit from some organization with a threat? Did they just try to get ahead of a possible threat. A law was passed in Missouri in 2004 that could shut down almost every rodeo in the state. It was passed as the cock fighting and bearing baiting law. However, as some of us tried to point out in 2004 that the bill was a bit ambigious about what kind of animals and under what circumstances. The proponets admitted that it "could" be used for rodeo regulation but it was never intended for that.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 08-16-2013, 12:27 PM
You know it's one thing when a private concern tries to prevent free speech which is atrocious but it is quite another when a private organization uses the government or the government does it on it's own to prevent free speech. That is an abomination. Case in point; the rodeo clown. The feigned outrage is stupid and ridiculous. It also takes away from any real cases of racism. That the Missouri Rodeo group fired him for an old joke is almost criminal. The NAACP calling on the Justice Department, the FBI, and the Secret Service is beyond the pale. Using the government to stifle free speech or dissent based a nebulous charge of racism, and the government does not yet appear to disagree, is just un-American. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn

if some comedian put on a skit of a man being shot wearing a Reagan mask, the right would have shit fits

not that I agree with the outcome of the clowns actions because I don't ... that's just a simple fact imo
You know it's one thing when a private concern tries to prevent free speech which is atrocious but it is quite another when a private organization uses the government or the government does it on it's own to prevent free speech. That is an abomination. Case in point; the rodeo clown. The feigned outrage is stupid and ridiculous. It also takes away from any real cases of racism. That the Missouri Rodeo group fired him for an old joke is almost criminal. The NAACP calling on the Justice Department, the FBI, and the Secret Service is beyond the pale. Using the government to stifle free speech or dissent based a nebulous charge of racism, and the government does not yet appear to disagree, is just un-American.

I still point out, why did the Missouri Rodeo Association fire this guy? Did they receive a phone call or visit from some organization with a threat? Did they just try to get ahead of a possible threat. A law was passed in Missouri in 2004 that could shut down almost every rodeo in the state. It was passed as the cock fighting and bearing baiting law. However, as some of us tried to point out in 2004 that the bill was a bit ambigious about what kind of animals and under what circumstances. The proponets admitted that it "could" be used for rodeo regulation but it was never intended for that. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Of course. An "abomination"...."criminal"... ..and yes, I am certain there is a conspiracy here somewhere. Where was Obama? There should be committee hearings on this matter immediately!

And, thank god for freedom fighters like Professor Dufus doing their all to protect all Missouri Cock Fighters and Bear Baiters! Thank you Professor. Cock Fighters and Bear Baiters everywhere thank you.
I B Hankering's Avatar
you're so full of shit, flies hold conventions on the top of your head Originally Posted by CJ7
It's obvious you lacked the substantive evidence and mental wherewithal to formulate an intelligent rebuttal, so you instinctively find comfort in and resort to another of your mentally defective, ad hominem attacks, CBJ7.

if some comedian put on a skit of a man being shot wearing a Reagan mask, the right would have shit fits

not that I agree with the outcome of the clowns actions because I don't ... that's just a simple fact imo Originally Posted by CJ7
You fucking lib-retards did precisely that with Bush, you fucking moronic hypocrite:

Death of a President (2006)

Peddle your lame-ass hypocrisy elsewhere, CBJ7.

CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 08-16-2013, 02:17 PM
You fucking lib-retards did precisely that with Bush, you fucking moronic hypocrite:

Death of a President (2006)

Peddle your lame-ass hypocrisy elsewhere, CBJ7.

so, exactly what did think about it?

even though your lame ass link isn't apples to apples with the rodeo clown

Now you can go back to bashing Bush, if that makes you feel better and you think it makes any difference. Originally Posted by LexusLover
And now you can go back to bashing Obama, if that makes you feel better and you think it makes any difference.
I B Hankering's Avatar
You fucking lib-retards did precisely that with Bush, you fucking moronic hypocrite:

Death of a President (2006)

Peddle your lame-ass hypocrisy elsewhere, CBJ7.

so, exactly what did think about it?

even though your lame ass link isn't apples to apples with the rodeo clown Originally Posted by CJ7
It does apply to your ignorant and lame-ass remarks, Bozo.
LexusLover's Avatar
And now you can go back to bashing Obama, if that makes you feel better and you think it makes any difference. Originally Posted by bigtex
I guess you saw the poll numbers after all.

Seems like that are tied within a statistical error margin, with Bush a slight edge ahead.

Of course, you can always "Al Gore" the stats with a ...

.... "the fact that Bush is slightly ahead shows that Obama is actually ahead" ... kind a thing.

Like ... the reason why we know there is global warming is because it's colder now.

But it'll be ok, BT: http://www.gallup.com/poll/163022/fo...s-improve.aspx

Bush now 2013: favorable = 49% and unfavorable = 46%. Have a nice weekend, ok?
I guess you saw the poll numbers after all.

Seems like that are tied within a statistical error margin, with Bush a slight edge ahead.

Of course, you can always "Al Gore" the stats with a ...

.... "the fact that Bush is slightly ahead shows that Obama is actually ahead" ... kind a thing.

Like ... the reason why we know there is global warming is because it's colder now.

But it'll be ok, BT: http://www.gallup.com/poll/163022/fo...s-improve.aspx

Bush now 2013: favorable = 49% and unfavorable = 46%. Have a nice weekend, ok?
Originally Posted by LexusLover
BigKotex: Florida is "trending" Gore!
I guess you saw the poll numbers after all.

Seems like that are tied within a statistical error margin, with Bush a slight edge ahead.

Of course, you can always "Al Gore" the stats with a ...

.... "the fact that Bush is slightly ahead shows that Obama is actually ahead" ... kind a thing.

Like ... the reason why we know there is global warming is because it's colder now.

But it'll be ok, BT: http://www.gallup.com/poll/163022/fo...s-improve.aspx

Bush now 2013: favorable = 49% and unfavorable = 46%. Have a nice weekend, ok?
Originally Posted by LexusLover

In a way the late night shows had a lot more material.
LexusLover's Avatar
In a way the late night shows had a lot more material. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
They got some new fodder now ...