August 1st catholics have to give up their religion.

Randy4Candy's Avatar
Typical. The liberal mind in its corruptness can never see reality for what it is.
Originally Posted by I B Hankering
So, what those posters were talking about never happened, right? Probably so in your little world, which is why everyting you post here carries so much weight.....dead weight.
Sorry IB, that's the right wing approach when responding to people who don't agree with their views.

The atheist approach to the religious in the 20th Century.

Chairman Mao Zedong's firing squad taking aim at Jesus entitled, "The Execution of Christ" (2009) by the Gao Brothers. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Still waiting for you to answer the basic questions:


1. Do you also oppose the political activism of other tax exempt organizations like the NAACP, NRA, and NOW?
Absolutely, non-profits should stick to the service they were chartered for. Political activism should be taxed.

2. What "political action" has The Church taken that they should lose their tax exempt status? Originally Posted by Whirlaway
When the priest reads a letter after mass bitching about how the government is forcing them to do something against their will, that's political activism. If this was about persecution, I get it, but ultimately it is not the church that has to provide coverage for contraceptives, it is the insurance companies that insure beneficiaries. The church simply doesn't want the expense and they're hiding behind the shield of "it's against our beliefs". They're not forced to provide insurance to their employees, they can drop the coverage and let each employee buy their own insurance. No one is putting a gun to their heads to do something they don't want to do.
Bringing up 400 hundred year old crimes against the catholic church. Why did we ever stop bombing the Germans, the Japanese, or the Souix?

With handle like "I cum in peace" should be careful. That is probably what they said when they arrived. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
So since the holocaust was almost 70 years ago, we should be nice to the neo-nazis. I get it.
cptjohnstone's Avatar
its a statue representation of the National Guard shooting a hippie kid at Kent State during a war protest ....

its simple


step over that line and all rules are null and void Originally Posted by CJ7
I fought in that war, here is the pic. I am in there some where
We had the hippies singing "Give peace a chance"
The goat ropers were singing "Okie from Muskogee"
and the jocks were hanging the windows saying National Guard 3 Kent State 0
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Actually four students were killed at Kent State. Read the opus written by James Michener.
I B Hankering's Avatar
So, what those posters were talking about never happened, right? Probably so in your little world, which is why everyting you post here carries so much weight.....dead weight. Originally Posted by Randy4Candy
RandyforAndy, you, like those other two posters refuse to see what the work really represents: an atheist state persecuting those who chose to believe in a divine being. Evidently, your "shamanistic experimentation" in the 60s, wherein you trusted your prayers to rising smoke, has left you too addled to perceive reality.

Sorry IB, that's the right wing approach when responding to people who don't agree with their views. Originally Posted by icuminpeace
Really, ICUP? The Gao Brothers created the work in memory of their father who died under Mao's repressive regime: a regime that was intolerant to those who held to any religion.
RandyforAndy, you, like those other two posters refuse to see what the work really represents: an atheist state persecuting those who chose to believe in a divine being. Evidently, your "shamanistic experimentation" in the 60s, wherein you trusted your prayers to rising smoke, has left you too addled to perceive reality.

Really, ICUP? The Gao Brothers created the work in memory of their father who died under Mao's repressive regime: a regime that was intolerant to those who held to any religion.
Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Yes IB, ask all the peasants that have been killed in Latin America by right wing dictators supported by the US government.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Yes IB, ask all the peasants that have been killed in Latin America by right wing dictators supported by the US government. Originally Posted by icuminpeace
Notice how you do not concern yourself with the feelings of Latin American peasants killed by left wing dictators supported by the communist regimes in Cuba and in the USSR.
Ah, and you're concerned about them. That's mighty nice of you. If you actually knew some history, you would know that 95% of the crimes against civil societies during the Latin American revolutions were perpetrated by the right wing military dictatorships supported by the US government. By the way, these are studies done by no less than the Catholic Church as independent research in order to reconcile the consequences of the civil wars after peace accords were signed and determine who was responsible for the crimes committed from both the military dictatorships as well as the communist guerrillas.

I have said it in previous posts, I'm not a lefty or a righty, extremes are bad and not healthy and I have no problems bashing whoever deserves to be bashed regardless of political party or leaning.
And since you like links, here they are. I hope you speak Spanish. By the way, Bishop Gerardi who prepared this document after the peace accords were signed in Guatemala, was assassinated by a Guatemalan Army Captain after the report was published. Today, Captain Lima and his father, Colonel Lima are serving their prison terms after being found guilty of the assassination. I'm sure whoever issued the order still walks a free man.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Ah, and you're concerned about them. That's mighty nice of you. If you actually knew some history, you would know that 95% of the crimes against civil societies during the Latin American revolutions were perpetrated by the right wing military dictatorships supported by the US government. By the way, these are studies done by no less than the Catholic Church as independent research in order to reconcile the consequences of the civil wars after peace accords were signed and determine who was responsible for the crimes committed from both the military dictatorships as well as the communist guerrillas.

I have said it in previous posts, I'm not a lefty or a righty, extremes are bad and not healthy and I have no problems bashing whoever deserves to be bashed regardless of political party or leaning. Originally Posted by icuminpeace
ICUP, it is YOU who is enormously IGNORANT of history if you mean to compare the atrocities of right wing governments in Latin America against those perpetrated by the atheistic-communist regimes of the 20th century.

And since you like links, here they are. I hope you speak Spanish. By the way, Bishop Gerardi who prepared this document after the peace accords were signed in Guatemala, was assassinated by a Guatemalan Army Captain after the report was published. Today, Captain Lima and his father, Colonel Lima are serving their prison terms after being found guilty of the assassination. I'm sure whoever issued the order still walks a free man. Originally Posted by icuminpeace
The Civil War in Guatemala lasted 36 years: 1960 to 1999. It was one of the legacies of the Cold War. Once again you try to obfuscate the fact that the communist governments of both Cuba and the U.S.S.R. were directly involved in arming communist rebels in Guatemala, and that Castro, in particular, especially aggravated the conflict with his support. The rebels and the government employed exactly the same terroristic tactics that resulted in some 250,000 killed and missing (93% attributable to the government; 3% to the rebels: wiki). That you should take umbrage with the fact that one side – the government – used those tactics more successfully than the other side – the communist rebels – is completely inane. Furthermore, in a body-for-body comparison, the number killed and missing in Guatemala attributable to the government is less than 1% of those killed and missing in the People’s Republic of China during the 27 year rule of the atheistic Mao. Rudolph Rummel estimates Castro's bunch killed some 74,000 in Cuba. And, if one throws in that atheist Uncle Joe's contribution to mega-murder, your right wing governments in Latin America look absolutely civilized, ICUP.

Source: Rudolph Rummel author of Death by Government. 7th ed. New Brunswick, N.J.: Transaction Publishers, 2010. pp. xxiv, 496.
Randy4Candy's Avatar
1B, I see you accidentally tripped over a witticism and now can't let go. I know that they're all shiny, purdy and all that, but.....

I'll ask you again. I'm nice that way, always respectful of you kids on the short bus.

"So, what those posters were talking about never happened, right?"

BTW, 1960 - 1999 is 36 years, right? Hmmmm, well 3 + 6 DOES = 9. 1B, are you some kind of code talker?
I B Hankering's Avatar
1B, I see you accidentally tripped over a witticism and now can't let go. I know that they're all shiny, purdy and all that, but.....

I'll ask you again. I'm nice that way, always respectful of you kids on the short bus.

"So, what those posters were talking about never happened, right?"

BTW, 1960 - 1999 is 36 years, right? Hmmmm, well 3 + 6 DOES = 9. 1B, are you some kind of code talker? Originally Posted by Randy4Candy
Whoop-dee-doo, Randy4Andy! It should read "1996". You found a typo, jackass.

Given your professed proclivities, it's no wonder you cannot correctly see and comprehend what you are looking at. Lay off the prayer smokes for a couple of days, Randy4Andy. Then take another gander at the picture. If you examine the picture while not in an altered state, you'll find it's still Chairman Mao Zedong with a firing squad taking aim at Jesus. And it's still entitled, "The Execution of Christ" (2009), by the Gao Brothers
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
They tried executing Jesus once before, I believe. I don't think it took.