A Thief Among Us

Thank you Ginger!! I'm eager to get back to the playground!!! We need to go out and have drinks some night
It makes sense if her boyfriend was there why you didn't try and fight her or do what ever. I don't blame you in the least. I'm sure he wanted the money as well.
politebluefish's Avatar
I'm so sorry that happened to you, Ginger.
I, for one, appreciate the alert. If she would do something like that to a "friend," what would she do to a hobby acquaintance? I do not wish to put myself within striking distance of a thief.
Ginger's posting is certainly hobby related and therefore appropriate. The DUI analogy doesn't make sense. A provider who steals from another provider is just as likely to steal from a hobbyist. It's like saying if a provider murders another provider, don't bring it here because it's not "hobby related".
The English philosopher William of Occam coined the phrase that later became to be known as "Occam's Razor." When confronted with 2 competing explanations for the same circumstance the simpler explanation is preferred. Ginger's explanation of how this all went down makes sense. And it is certainly the preferred explanation in light of the fact that there is no response. At least not yet anyway. That. too, speaks volumes.
I, too, must speak up and say 'Thank You' to Ginger for the valuable information. We all are here just to have FUN, and we need to be made aware of those that can ruin the fun quickly! We've all heard the saying: "Once a thief, always a thief"...so if this chick rips someone off, at least they were warned.
Ginger and Sydney, you gals have warned us before and taken lots of heat for it, but time proved you right. I thank you both for all that you do to keep our hobby safe and exciting!
biomed1's Avatar
When one friend steals from another friend, not only is your "stuff" gone but so is your trust.

"Stuff" is easy to replace, Trust may never be replaced once lost.

Be Careful & Enjoy!

herky's Avatar
  • herky
  • 10-16-2012, 07:32 PM

Well Some of you'all can play the what IF game all you want, I know if 1 provider whom is permanantly off my bucket list.. An it's not Ginger.. ;p
I'm sorry that you're having to deal with all of this Ginger!!! Being betrayed by a friend is one of the worst experiences.
Adrianna xo's Avatar
I've kept my mouth shut for quite some time on this thread, primarily because this whole story has been twisted in ways im blown away by. Let me address the "allegations" accordingly.

1. On the night we all went out, while at her house. She discovered there was money missing- 100$ bill from her purse. Which she claimed her child took. After getting into her car (i decided to ride with her instead of Syd because Sydney and myself had been drinking i believed it was the better option) BIG MISTAKE! I guess during the ride she disclosed to me not only she believed Sydney had stolen the money out of her purse but she already hadn't trusted her and hid money else where "in a bag of sugar" I, half listening to her because Im on the phone dealing with hospitals/ family issues etc. Plus everyone knows Ginger willl talk your ear off and ramble on for hours if you allow her. I had no idea she had placed any money- Sugar bag or not in the truck of her car.

2. As far as being at the strip club and being caught "red-handed" Also a lie. It's a dry bar after 2 am. Prior to heading there we stopped by my condo to pick up some alcohol. We continue to our destination. Inside I buy Ginger a lap dance and pour us all a drink. After my flask runs dry I ask her for her keys to retrieve some more liquor from the CAB of the car. After filling it up and knowing Washington county having a HUGE non-tolerance policy for drunk drivers and ALSO not wanting to carry my purse anymore. I decided it was best to place both the liquor and purse in the truck. Sydney and Ginger then come around from the opposite side of the building... Ginger "What are you doing in my trunk?"-- Me "Putting my purse and liquor inside?!?!" Ginger then walks over to the car and pulls a bag of sugar from the side of trunk (hidden in the side) I myself had no idea that it was even back there. I suppose the bag of sugar had opened. Idk, how I suggested during the ride it had shifted. The bag of money was NOT open or "scattered" all over the place. Seeing as how she was accusing me of tampering with it somehow I asked her to take it inside the club and count it IN FRONT OF ME. (in the ladies room might I add-- no "BIG" bf around LOL) Ginger counts it THREE! times and tell's me "It's all there." Even after her counting it and telling me that she decides to go have another drink in the gentleman's club and then wants to go to breakfast... Her, Myself, and My boyfriend. Sydney WAS still there she did not leave and Ginger was NOT "stuck" with him and I. Now, I'm confused If I just stole money from you. Why would you not confront me after counting it, when it's just you and I? Why continue to hang out in the club with my boyfriend and I? Why still go to breakfast with my boyfriend and I? Sydney opted not to attend breakfast she went to grab something to eat after her and ginger "caught" me STANDING behind her trunk-- but then returned to the club.--- Which says we were still inside for sometime hanging out.

3. As far as being intimidated by my bf!? This is a whirlwind! Not only has she been out with us NUMEROUS times. But has never expressed a concern. She has made a few racists comments when she's upset. But seeing as she disrespects her own family in the same manner, It didn't offend me. Ginger aims to hurt others and seek revenge more than anyone I have ever met. Anyone who browses the board can contest to that. She actually prides herself for it. How pathetic. You a 39 yr WOMAN! That's besides the point I suppose. And "scared" NOT GINGER. Who's always bragging about her guns and carrying a pistol on her at ALL times. She's just itching to use that thing. So I also don't believe that.

I am an established provider. I have NEVER had any problems in 3 years of being in the hobby. I have been in Ginger's home countless times, I have toured with her, I have had plenty of opportunities to take from her if I had wished to do so. Why would I start now? As well as other providers I've traveled with and stayed with and vice versa. I allow Certain providers and hobbyist in MY HOME, In my safe haven and I would never want to be disrespected by being "stolen" from or "taken advantage of" The only thing being taken advantage of right now is an opening to slander my name. Ginger i'm sure did not count the money she had hidden before she left the house. There was no way she had time to. Also the amounts of money she has accused me of taking has changed 5 different times (I will upload photos later) My option is the money was taken prior to our night even beginning and I'm having the finger pointed at me because I was standing "in front of the trunk" This is ridiculous and disappointing that a trusted friend would do something to harm me or my reputation off of an incident she can not account for nor prove. I'm just blown away.
All I fucking know is that most of YOU and ME do not know WTF is/has been going on.... and most of us probably never will. SO I go back to my original statement. THIS SHOULD BE FUCKING PRIVATE! Posting this in public is creating a RAT STORM, which I believe was the OP's basic intent. This has NOTHING to do with protecting anyone!
Adrianna xo's Avatar
This isn't even hobby RELATED. Ginger is an attention whore. LOL No Pun intended, I''ve gone to Mods about it!
diveguy6's Avatar
We are all attention whores...some donate, some accept...
DaChef's Avatar
Sounds like Alchol is to blame for stories not so clear.
Why is this on the board in the first place. It's one thing if this was a fucktard and hooktard session issue but this is btn two alleged friends ijs