Trump says he’s ‘not allowed’ to say why he’s confident that the novel coronavirus originated at Wuhan Institute of Virology

  • Tiny
  • 05-01-2020, 11:48 AM
The comments undercut a public statement fromthe Office of the Director of National Intelligence issued just hours earlier which stated no such assessment has been made and continues to "rigorously examine" whether the outbreak "began through contact with infected animals or if it was the result of an accident at a laboratory in Wuhan."

the origin from a lab accident has not been ruled out.

and CNN is not your friend for objective news. Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
You don't have to take it from CNN. CBS, BBC, Reuters, the Wall Street Journal and others have pieces on how the Trump administration is on a witch hunt for political purposes. As Daniel Russel, the State Department's top Asia adviser until early in Trump's term tweeted,

"You would be hard pressed to find a political leader in Asia or Europe who does not believe this anti-China push by the Trump administration is entirely a political move."

The administration is looking at additional tariffs on China. It's even discussing canceling U.S. government debt held by the Chinese -- Hopefully LustyLad, uh, Steve Mnuchin, sorry, will keep that from happening.

The witch hunt has now extended to the University of Texas. The Feds are investigating the University's work with the Wuhan virology lab, as well as ties the UT System may have with the Chinese Communist Party, Huawei, and Eric Yuan (Chinese-American CEO of Zoom Video Communications) among others. They're looking into Chinese ties that Harvard, Yale and other universities may have too. (from WSJ)
  • Tiny
  • 05-01-2020, 11:54 AM
Come on, big shooter, aren’t yous tired of that worn out conspiracy theory?

Now eat your Soylent Green and be a good citizens!

Originally Posted by HoeHummer
It's good to see you abandoning partisanship and coming together shoulder to shoulder with President Trump on an issue. I would have picked another issue.

But disgust with China is something most members of both parties agree on. Perhaps this will turn out like the beginnings of the second Iraq war, when Democrats and Republicans rallied around President Bush, and they came together for a short time. And like that Christmas Eve during World War I when British and German troops abandoned their trenches and celebrated together.
Levianon17's Avatar
It is possible Yssup Rider's boyfriends/customers don't want him to be too strong so they can bend him over and fuck him in the ass easier. Originally Posted by friendly fred
Probably, lol.
You don't have to take it from CNN. CBS, BBC, Reuters, the Wall Street Journal and others have pieces on how the Trump administration is on a witch hunt for political purposes. As Daniel Russel, the State Department's top Asia adviser until early in Trump's term tweeted,

"You would be hard pressed to find a political leader in Asia or Europe who does not believe this anti-China push by the Trump administration is entirely a political move."

The administration is looking at additional tariffs on China. It's even discussing canceling U.S. government debt held by the Chinese -- Hopefully LustyLad, uh, Steve Mnuchin, sorry, will keep that from happening.

The witch hunt has now extended to the University of Texas. The Feds are investigating the University's work with the Wuhan virology lab, as well as ties the UT System may have with the Chinese Communist Party, Huawei, and Eric Yuan (Chinese-American CEO of Zoom Video Communications) among others. They're looking into Chinese ties that Harvard, Yale and other universities may have too. (from WSJ) Originally Posted by Tiny
I went to school at Texas and lots of Chinese have been going there for a long time. A fair number of the American students are also commies/socialists there, too.

Yssup Rider went to school there and that proves we had gay people as well.

Thankfully, many conservative Jewish girls went there as well!
  • Tiny
  • 05-01-2020, 03:01 PM
Thankfully, many conservative Jewish girls went there as well! Originally Posted by friendly fred
Does Madison House ring a bell? It had more horny JAPS than you could shake a stick at.
Jaxson66's Avatar
Hey you sniveling cunts take your sewing circle to a personal thread so you can piss and moan about Yassap.

You’re like a starving pack hyenas chasing a healthy gazelle convinced you’re gonna catch him. For fuck sake, give it a rest.
Hey you sniveling cunts take your sewing circle to a personal thread so you can piss and moan about Yassap.

You’re like a starving pack hyenas chasing a healthy gazelle convinced you’re gonna catch him. For fuck sake, give it a rest.
Originally Posted by Jaxson66
You seem a little out of sorts there Jax and openly hostile.

Didn't the WAPO satisfy your needs today?
Jaxson66's Avatar
You seem a little out of sorts there Jax and openly hostile.

Didn't the WAPO satisfy your needs today? Originally Posted by eccielover
Yeah sure, whatever.
Does Madison House ring a bell? It had more horny JAPS than you could shake a stick at. Originally Posted by Tiny
I was partial to A E Phi and Dobie Center. One of my frat brothers lived there.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
You don't have to take it from CNN. CBS, BBC, Reuters, the Wall Street Journal and others have pieces on how the Trump administration is on a witch hunt for political purposes. As Daniel Russel, the State Department's top Asia adviser until early in Trump's term tweeted,

"You would be hard pressed to find a political leader in Asia or Europe who does not believe this anti-China push by the Trump administration is entirely a political move."

The administration is looking at additional tariffs on China. It's even discussing canceling U.S. government debt held by the Chinese -- Hopefully LustyLad, uh, Steve Mnuchin, sorry, will keep that from happening.

The witch hunt has now extended to the University of Texas. The Feds are investigating the University's work with the Wuhan virology lab, as well as ties the UT System may have with the Chinese Communist Party, Huawei, and Eric Yuan (Chinese-American CEO of Zoom Video Communications) among others. They're looking into Chinese ties that Harvard, Yale and other universities may have too. (from WSJ) Originally Posted by Tiny

so, it's a witch hunt to blame the perpetrators of this global farce is it? why?

why is Australia and the UK also claiming China must answer for this? because they must and they will. i want Lord Trump to crush the evil ChiCom's into extinction!!

and no i'm not being sarcastic. China does not want Trump to be re-elected because he's kicking their commie asses in trade. you yourself, at my insistence .. have said trade IS unfair, then whitewashed it as no big deal. it is a big deal otherwise China wouldn't be so opposed to balancing the equation. they can't compete in a fair setting.

why shouldn't we cancel our debt to them? call it reparations. because that's what it is. what are those stinky commies gonna do? start a nuke war with the greatest military on the planet? they might as well just nuke themselves.

in Marvel's "Infinity Wars" Dr. Strange posed this question ..

"What Master do you serve?"

so i'll re-phrase that to ..

"What Nation do you support?"

are you a patriot or a ChiCom sympathizer?

inquiring posters want to know!!

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Hey you sniveling cunts take your sewing circle to a personal thread so you can piss and moan about Yassap.

You’re like a starving pack hyenas chasing a healthy gazelle convinced you’re gonna catch him. For fuck sake, give it a rest.
Originally Posted by Jaxson66

news flash valued poster .. you don't get to pick and choose who posts in a thread you start. no one does. if you don't want any dissenting opinions then contact the staff and open a private invite only forum and then yous and your ilk can post all the ChiCom crap you like.

butt yous can't do that here. capeesh?

  • Tiny
  • 05-01-2020, 06:22 PM
so, it's a witch hunt to blame the perpetrators of this global farce is it? why?

why is Australia and the UK also claiming China must answer for this? because they must and they will. i want Lord Trump to crush the evil ChiCom's into extinction!!

and no i'm not being sarcastic. China does not want Trump to be re-elected because he's kicking their commie asses in trade. you yourself, at my insistence .. have said trade IS unfair, then whitewashed it as no big deal. it is a big deal otherwise China wouldn't be so opposed to balancing the equation. they can't compete in a fair setting.

why shouldn't we cancel our debt to them? call it reparations. because that's what it is. what are those stinky commies gonna do? start a nuke war with the greatest military on the planet? they might as well just nuke themselves.

in Marvel's "Infinity Wars" Dr. Strange posed this question ..

"What Master do you serve?"

so i'll re-phrase that to ..

"What Nation do you support?"

are you a patriot or a ChiCom sympathizer?

inquiring posters want to know!!

BAHHAAAA Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Yep, looks like Iraq all over again. Or the Cold War. Maybe somebody like Joseph McCarthy will find some alleged "ChiCom sympathizers" to incarcerate.

I'm no economist but suspect if you cancel Chinese debt you're looking at loss of faith in the U.S. dollar. Its status as a reserve currency goes down the tubes, and interest rates go up. A lot of people aren't going to want to hold U.S. government debt. Why would they if the government's potentially going to cancel it?
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Yep, looks like Iraq all over again. Maybe somebody like Joseph McCarthy will look for alleged "ChiCom" sympathizers to incarcerate.

I'm no economist but suspect if you cancel Chinese debt you're looking at loss of faith in the U.S. dollar. Its status as a reserve currency goes down the tubes, and interest rates go up. A lot of people aren't going to want to hold U.S. government debt. Why would they if the government's potentially going to cancel it? Originally Posted by Tiny

and if the US does nothing to the Chicoms for this egregious incident what does that do for confidence in America and our dollars?

you are making several false equivalences. first you are trying to equate Iraq with this issue. they are not the same. there is no correlation. for the record i was against the invasion of Iraq the second time. the first time we had a clear mandate. the second time it was blind retribution for 9/11. don't forget that the bulk of the US wanted blood for that terrorist attack and that both houses of Congress voted overwhelmingly to take that action. don't bother to try the "Colin Powell" argument. there were WMD's in Iraq. what they didn't send to their frenemy Iran they hid. and they were found too.

the next false equivalence is that by taking punitive action against China that it somehow erodes faith in US Gov bonds. you are implying Trump would do this for no reason. you may have heard of the pandemic .. right? so how is taking such an action unwarranted? eating about a trillion dollars or so might be just the push to send the Chicoms over the cliff and into total financial meltdown. if Trump accomplishes that he should get the Nobel prize and be enshrined on Mt. Trump .. er Rushmore.

Yep, looks like Iraq all over again. Or the Cold War. Maybe somebody like Joseph McCarthy will find some alleged "ChiCom sympathizers" to incarcerate.

I'm no economist but suspect if you cancel Chinese debt you're looking at loss of faith in the U.S. dollar. Its status as a reserve currency goes down the tubes, and interest rates go up. A lot of people aren't going to want to hold U.S. government debt. Why would they if the government's potentially going to cancel it? Originally Posted by Tiny
From a debt standpoint, I'm not sure you would see a major slide at this point given what's transpired.

China is #2 in holding US debt. Japan, the UK, Brazil, and Ireland round out the top in that order for US debt. I don't think any of those other countries lose faith in the US for taking retribution actions against China.

It will be an interesting economic exercise should the US and other countries take such retribution against China.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
From a debt standpoint, I'm not sure you would see a major slide at this point given what's transpired.

China is #2 in holding US debt. Japan, the UK, Brazil, and Ireland round out the top in that order for US debt. I don't think any of those other countries lose faith in the US for taking retribution actions against China.

It will be an interesting economic exercise should the US and other countries take such retribution against China. Originally Posted by eccielover

it will in fact go a long way to restoring faith in the US with a strong leader like Lord Trump!!

unlike the sniveling butt kissing regime of Benedict Obama!