Are muslims unfairly Demonized????

Yssup Rider's Avatar
The Crusades were a power play by the Catholic Church.

The Mohammedans weren't the only folks slaughtered during the Church's conquest of the east.
I B Hankering's Avatar
When was it that Mohammed had his visions? No matter how you deflect, Islam launched its jihad against Christendom before Christendom retaliated with its Crusades.

The works of scholars and Eastern Christian writings state that Christianity was introduced to India by Thomas the Apostle, who visited Muziris in Kerala in AD 52 to spread the gospel among Kerala's Jewish settlements.

Pantaenus, the head of the Christian exegetical school in Alexandria, Egypt went to India during the reign of the Emperor Commodus and found Christians already living in India using a version of the Gospel of Matthew with "Hebrew letters, a mixture of colture." This ... Pantaenus' evidence thus indicates that Syriac-speaking Christians had already evangelized parts of India by the late 2nd century.

Christianity was as such established in India even before some nations of Europe had been Christianized. (wiki)
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
WE is amazingly on point here. All three Abrahamic religions are violent and bloody. The problem is religion itself. 5000 years of history of people killing others in the name of their "God of Love". Religion is a control system. Nothing more. Jesus tried to teach people to rise above religion, but once Constantine got ahold of it, it returned to its bloody ways. Threaten people with Hell, take their money, and kill them if they don't believe properly. It's bullshit. All of it. Throw away the Torah, the Bible and the Koran. Destroy the Churches, Mosques and Temples. Recognize the inherent value of each individual, and abandon this idea that "My God is better than your God". Your "God" isn't. Deal with it.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
So based on the above reference material- muslims have a lot of killing to do before they catch up with Christians. Sadly you guys blame the actions of few and stick to the masses of billions who have nothing to do with the radicals. Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
Nice cut and paste...I don't read cut and paste unless you add your own point of view and from here it looks like you are a Muslim apologist or you sound just like one. Bad things have been done by many people but you confuse politics with religion. Despite the differences in Ireland, it was more of a political war than a religious war. Some thing with the KKK, politics using religion. ISIS is also politics and religion. I would say that Christianity has evolved whereas Islam has not. You've taken the side of a 8th century barbarous cult, added automatic weapons, and expect civil discourse? I hate to say that because you seem to be trying but you are an idiot. Those pictures come from the last year but we could also look back a decade and see the same thing in Bosnia, Somalia, Iran, and Afghanistan. Go back century and we see it in Turkey and Saudi Arabia. Go back a millenia and we see the same thing in Israel, Libya, Spain, and Morocco. Go all the back to the beginning and we Jewish villages wiped out by Muslim invaders, entire peoples put to death by the sword. Islam has not really changed in all that time. Christianity has.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Christianity has not matured, it's simply become a big business.
rioseco's Avatar
Christianity has not matured, it's simply become a big business. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy

That being so, a christian one should ask,
"Where is my slice of this so called big business ?"
"Where the hell is my army of savage killers to match Islam's ?"
This 2015. Not 15 AD, not 1015, not 1215 and so on.

We know the historical person Muhammad. By today's standards he would be on the same level as a Joe Stalin politically, and a pedophile morally.

The simple truth is, Muhammad was murdering meglamaniac no different than Attilla the Hun, Genghis Khan, Julius Ceasar, Adoph Hitler, or any other notable Despot who used murder and subjugation as a political, , and religious, tool.
say what you will about anything but....

what i don't get is why liberals will defend islam by any means...

while at the same time vociferously and vehemently and vocally hating practicing jews and christians
boardman's Avatar
WE, You seemed to be relatively well versed in the Quran, Hadiths and the Holy Bible.

Tell me what Judeo-Christian principle equates with takkiya.
I B Hankering's Avatar
say what you will about anything but....

what i don't get is why liberals will defend islam by any means...

while at the same time vociferously and vehemently and vocally hating practicing jews and christians
Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
That's my complaint as well. The crimes committed in the name of Christianity can indeed be tallied and numbered, but to pretend and claim that Christians were/are somehow more evil than Muslims or atheists is demonstrably preposterous.

The English, French, and Spanish conquest of the Americas killed a lot of natives, but the purpose was empire, not religion. Religion did ride along with the settlers, but that wasn't the reason. Originally Posted by ExNYer

While declaiming the evils of Christianity, people like WE also fail to consider the role Native Americans religions played in Native American subjugation.

While it's true that Native Americans were technologically outclassed by European weapons, the Native Americans outnumbered the invaders many times over. This is very evident in Mexico.

Cortez conquered the Aztecs -- an empire numbering hundreds of thousands -- with only 500 men. The Spaniard's crossbow was a very deadly weapon, but it had a slower rate of fire than the native bow and arrow. The psychological impact of Cortez's few arquebuses was more important than any other military advantage it possessed: it was cumbersome and slow to fire. Swords made of Spanish steel were obviously superior, but only marginally, to Aztec war clubs made of wood and edged with glass sharp flakes of obsidian, but Cortez only had 500 men and maybe 8,000 Native allies against tens of thousands of Aztec warriors. The Aztecs should have won, but they didn't.

First off, there was the character of the Spanish conquistador. He was forged by 700 years of war, the 'Reconquista', against the Moor: Islam. From this experience, the conquistador's derived purpose in battle was to kill and maim the enemy, and he did this well. Meanwhile, the aim of the Aztec warrior in battle was to capture the enemy for ritual sacrifice; that is what his religion demanded. That difference in how these two enemies approached war is what gave Cortez and his men their edge in battle.
You can go suck a *Staff Edit - JCM - you are the ignorant one if you truly believe that only muslims have committed atrocities throughout history. Nearly every religion has committed horrific acts of violence, but somehow we are going to use muslims as a scapegoat. It's sad that media mainly controlled by the Jews have brainwashed you morons into believing the muslims are the new "boogeyman". At first, it was the Russians- then the Japanese and now muslims are the worlds problem. Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
Stop putting words in my mouth, idiot.

I never said that ONLY Muslims have committed atrocities. I simply pointed out that Muslims are WAY AHEAD of Christians and all others on the killing scale.

This is because Mohammed, unlike Christ, was not just a religious leader. He was also a military, political, and social leader of his tribes of Arabs. And like most authoritarian political leaders, he used religion as a tool of control and subjugation. So control, domination, and elimination of others is woven through every aspect of his "teachings".

On the other hand, Christ died the squalid death of a common criminal.

And, considering all the past squabbles we have had over the idiocy of creationism, I cannot believe that it is me that is standing up for Christians this time instead of you. What happened? Are you converting to Islam?

I'm pretty much an atheist, so I don't have any skin in the game. But I definitely know who worries me more: Muslims. Not Jews, Christians, or Buddhists.
Wakeup's Avatar

Yes...some Christians overly demonize Muslims...and some Muslims overly demonize Christians. The only thing that can ever change that is education of the outside world...which a lot of the world's Muslims, and a lot of the world's Texans, obviously don't have...
and a lot of the world's Texans
If a native Texan leaves Texas and takes permanent residency in another state, how many years must pass for him to no longer be considered a Texan
Islam is a plague. There is no moderate islam. It will be an even bigger problem for the west in the next few centuries.
Muslims are unfairly angelized by the media and liberal nutjobs.

Why do liberals demand tolerance for an extremely intolerant culture.