Question about tipping

Eccie Addict's Avatar
Personally, if I was making $300 per hour and my company wanted to tip me $25 per hour I would be very happy. Over the course of a year, that would be an extra $50,000 based on a 40 hour work week and a 2-week vacation.

Many providers are struggling, and getting an extra $25 from customers can start to add up. For a provider who averages one appointment a day, that's an extra $750 per month. For a provider who averages 2 appointments a day, that's an extra $1,500 per month. Originally Posted by BFCjosh
I'm a little different. To me if one makes 20 an hour and the boss decides to give the guy a 25 cent an hour raise most are gonna be like "you gotta be shittin me right". They'd rather the company wait for a significant raise rather than insult with a quarter. To me 25 bucks when your making 300 hr Isherwood same scenario in my eyes.

That said however I'm not a provider and I can't relate to being one so who knows.

Still I don't tip but will pay more due to various reasons.
Brooke Wilde's Avatar
I still have a bunch of baby wipes I brought back from Iraq, not expiring until 2014, if you need it I can give it you for free but I do require a tip after I deliver it to you. Originally Posted by joecholo

Military strength baby wipes?
Wow, certainly those things would freshen me up, thus increasing my tips

I bet Wakeup loves pussy that has been freshly wiped with a military baby wipe, it brings him back to the good ole days ... Hell, I bet he even tips when he smells that military freshness
joecholo's Avatar

Here you go BW. Military strength baby wipes that will make even the stinkiest poontang stink good!

Here you go BW. Military strength baby wipes that will make even the stinkiest poontang stink good! Originally Posted by joecholo

I guess military strength baby wipes are good to have because some poontang's can have some military strength stink!!!
Wakeup's Avatar
Methinks Brooke has missed the concept of the Ignore function again...oh wait...
*Harley*'s Avatar
Tip me after if you want to; some girls actually ask for tips.

Military strength baby wipes?
Wow, certainly those things would freshen me up, thus increasing my tips Originally Posted by Brooke Wild
Too freakin funny!
No one wants to see a lawyer or a surgeon. Originally Posted by zerodahero
Not even a naughty surgeon?

Misogynistic pimp...more like it.
Originally Posted by Sarunga
Do Nanny's get tips? Originally Posted by LexusLover
except he is neither a pimp or a nanny...Come on guys, if you're going to carry on attempting to insult WU at least try to come up with something accurate...

And as far as tipping goes, I certainly don't think most ladies expect it, but it is always appreciated, regardless if its 25£ or 100£. I personally notice a difference in the amount and frequency of tipping depending on the region. For me, I get tipped about 70-80% of the time in places like DC, New York, San Francisco, & Seattle. Whereas most places in the southeast, probably 30-40% of the time...I do however find tipping before the sesh even takes place to be a bit odd..
But generally, tipping is for low paid jobs where the worker needs a little more to make decent money.
For instance, one would not tip your interior decorator...thats just dumb.
If you don't see the difference, check it out...
Go to an excellent restaurant... you can tip the waiter without problem.
Try calling the chef out and see if he will accept a tip. If he is well known, it is very unlikely that he will accept your money...he doesn't want or need it for his art.
You may disturb him by offering.

Go to any top hotel and try to tip the concierge, they too will politely decline.
In the hobby, Hobbiests are just not fiscally reasonable...that is putting it politely.

Just my $0.02
r9 Originally Posted by rhino9
I guess by the logic put forth above I have offended a few ladies by tipping them after a great session. I am sure those ladies will avoid me in the future to prevent further insult. Originally Posted by inctown
I suspect they will continue to serve you, just as the chef or concierge would...
If they were truely professionals, they would have smiled and declined your "tip"...there are several providers on this board that have and will do so.

Tipping ettiquette is based on non-professional low paid positions.
Perhaps your actions just confirmed your penchant for irrational expenditures and she now knows you are a dumb ass who will likely pay more with a little upsell.

That is, of course, your perogative.
Hell, no one here would bitch at you if you forked over your entire months wages for a 30 minute blowjob...tip away..
We are all, of course, just glad you had a good time.

oilfieldscum's Avatar
Tip me after if you want to; some girls actually ask for tips.

Too freakin funny! Originally Posted by *Harley*
Another version of upselling.
linux's Avatar
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  • 03-18-2013, 09:48 AM
I tip waitresses or delivery people that make a couple of bucks an hour.

Dorian Gray's Avatar
Ah.... Mr. Pink. When waitresses made minimum wage.
Tipping is not a town in China...
I don't care for tips, the worst is accepting a tip and then a guy expects you to something you're not comfortable with and tries to pressure you.
And it's a turn off when a guy says at the beginning of the session "If you do a good job I'm a big tipper" And then he pulls out his wallet and hands over the only $20 bill in there
inctown's Avatar
Perhaps your actions just confirmed your penchant for irrational expenditures and she now knows you are a dumb ass who will likely pay more with a little upsell.

That is, of course, your perogative.
Hell, no one here would bitch at you if you forked over your entire months wages for a 30 minute blowjob...tip away..
We are all, of course, just glad you had a good time.

r9 Originally Posted by rhino9
Hard to say spending any money in the hobby is rational. I do have a bit of logic to what I do but you and I have argued that before in another board. Clearly you have your stand point and I give you credit. It appears that you have put some real thought into what you believe.

I happen to disagree with your views and I have my reasons which are also well thought out. My main objection to what you do is that you try to pressure people into acting with your belief system. "If she had been a real professional she would have refused" or "you are a dumb ass"

You don't know me who I hobby with or anything else. I could explain why I do what I do but that will get us no where as you are who you are. You are a much more well known hobbiest than I am. If you don't believe it ask any random 10 providers "what do you know about inctown" most will say "who". Ask those same 10 about you I doubt "rationale spender of his money I respect him for that" will be stated it will be something derogatory as they roll their eyes.
Hard to say spending any money in the hobby is rational.
Perhaps true...same with golf or other activities only done for "fun"

I do have a bit of logic to what I do but you and I have argued that before in another board. Clearly you have your stand point and I give you credit. It appears that you have put some real thought into what you believe.
Thank you sir, you are a gentlemen and a scholar.

I happen to disagree with your views and I have my reasons which are also well thought out. My main objection to what you do is that you try to pressure people into acting with your belief system. "If she had been a real professional she would have refused" or "you are a dumb ass"
Apologies to anyone who felt "pressured" by this comment. In my attempt to communicate a well known behavioral characteristic of "tipping" ettiquette, I should have removed any first person context...
The only "pressure" to be applied here would be based on logic and reason...not my personal preferences...

You don't know me who I hobby with or anything else. I could explain why I do what I do but that will get us no where as you are who you are. You are a much more well known hobbiest than I am. If you don't believe it ask any random 10 providers "what do you know about inctown" most will say "who". Ask those same 10 about you I doubt "rationale spender of his money I respect him for that" will be stated it will be something derogatory as they roll their eyes.
You make an excellent point about what one KNOWS vs. what one THINKS they know...
You are correct about the "rational spender of money"...LOL...those that know me well know I spend way too much on people in the hobby.

Being well known...that can happen over years of hobbying/posting, especially if one does not change handles or positions on different boards... for whatever reason.

As for asking any 10 random providers anything...of the estimated 60,000 Houston is highly unlikely that 10 random providers will know anything about me at all.
If we limit the "random" Houston providers to the ones on this board, say less than 1000 total...all they could say would be what they have read or had been told...unless they have personal experience.

Hence, dis-information abounds in the hobby as unverified stories are passed as valid...
Sometimes such info is so hurtful people actually leave the boards, others have thicker skins and eventually the truth comes out. Originally Posted by inctown
My intention was not to offend you over your tipping was only to point out that from my perspective...they are somewhat mis-aligned with what the rest of the 100-500/hr professionals expect in the business world.

We all know the girls (professionals) want more money...some even try to work for it...a little.

Pay what you want...the only pressure you should feel is your peers looking at you like they would anyone that overpays for anything.
Hell...Give the guy in Stop&Go and extra $20 for gasoline next time you fill up...I certainly don't care.

My only comment would be...
Consider that the provider works for you...they are not your friend or lover.
don't be so naive as to think that the overpaided providers do not roll their eyes behind your back...
You make some very good points.