ok ... i have seen enough of it recently and it's just getting sad

Sleepy363's Avatar
No one seems to want to put it out there for fear of backlash but here it is.
90% of the African American Pimps do Not allow other blacks to see their girls.
Worried about their Game and another Pimp running off with them.
So call me what you want but first thing I think when I see a no NBA policy. Is Management Originally Posted by Extreme

No one wants to put it out there? It has been mentioned twice in this thread already.

and many times by their pimps (of whatever ethnicity). At times it's the provider's preference, and many times it's the pimp's preference that the girls in his stable not be allowed to see AA men. It's not always the provider who controls her ads, texts, pm's, etc and what is put there. Some don't even know at ALL what is posted. Originally Posted by Sleepy363
Seriously, it is mostly a Pimp thing IMHO. Originally Posted by Mavs fan
And it's usually stated in just about every discussion started on this topic. It is put out there a lot.
I know PLENTY of black men who don't sleep with white women because they are NOT physically attracted to white women but are not racist in any way shape of form.

Because a person doesn't fuck a certain type of person doesn't make them a racist asshole. Originally Posted by Kayleehotchick
Amen! We'll make progress toward curbing racism when we can have sex or not have sex with any race we choose without scorn from those with political, religious or ideological agendas rooted in the racism they claim to detest.
Jules Jaguar's Avatar
I am AA, this is the hobby, get over it, everyone has a right to conduct business and themselves in the way they choose. There is no point to gripe about it. Oh you don't see AA? FUCK IT, move on. There are plenty of fish of all shapes sizes colors etc.....One thing no one can complain about in the Dallas hobby scene is a lack of or limited anything. Take all of the feelings out of it and have a good time. There are multiple Yes answers for every No. Originally Posted by dongeykong
Best answer ever!

You can and will drive yourself nuts trying to figure out why ppl do what they do.
bojulay's Avatar
Anybody got any aspirin?

I don't have a headache, I just collect aspirin.
I'm going to start going up to gay men and yell at them, "you're discrimating! Sleep with me!" No one is denying anyone a right, people are choosing who they want to have sex with. If someone wants to disqualify all men due to race, religion, whatever, bring them my way!
gntman's Avatar
Profiling exists for a reason. It's certainly not always right but by definition, but it is what it is because it was created by behavior of the majority in your profile. I'm not just talking about Black, though that seems to be the thrust of this post and of most of the profiling in the U.S., there are many kinds of profiles. Sorry, but those who live in the profile are affected by the majority of those whose observed habits, attitude, demeanor, behavior, etc., contributes to their profile. Can't help that. Don't like the profile? Then start changing it one person at a time. I know... I know it cannot happen overnite. That can take a generation or two or at least years but it is what is is. You are what people perceive you are. It's up to you individually and you peer group to start changing it one example at a time.... a VERY slow process. "We don't always get what we want.... but we get what we need."
Hey Str8, How can you say America is more racist and intolerant than Muslim Nations that think it is ok to kill Christians because of their beliefs. How about Germans that killed millions of Jews, gypsies, mentally ill, gays etc. That was a ridiculous statement. If you don't like America, Ill buy you a one way plane ticket to anywhere you want to go. Originally Posted by Mavs fan
Easy...100 million native Americans and 300 million Africans.

I obviously like Murica as I am an honorably discharged veteran of Uncle Sam's Yacht Club. That said, I don't need anyone's petty cash to buy a ticket to go anywhere.
doug_dfw's Avatar
As a former sailor, I've been around the world 3.5 times. And I can honestly say that no place is as racist as America...bar none.

But it's racism on every side. I'm pretty racist myself (against humans in general). Americans are pretty separated in everything from religion to sports to sex. And it's not even color. It's beliefs, sexual orientation, education, politics (remember when people could believe differently and be civil?)...everything. No matter what it is, Americans can find someone to hate. I would say that it's "sad", but it just is what it is. Originally Posted by str8.2.bbbj
I can agree that America is racist, more than many nations. First, we have freedom of speech protected ( at least until Obama arrived) ; no other nation does; not even jolly old England! who was the founder of free speech in Hyde Park only!.

Second: America is a melting pot of all races, religions, sexualities, idiocies, unlike any nation except Canada, Australia, New Zealand who do not permit freedom of speech as permitted in America.

Third: We up till now, until Obama arrived, have been entrepreneurial, meaning even the bigots the likes of Reverends Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, Wright play the race card for their own wealth creation. can't name another race that does such a good job in that department.

Fourth: The Liberals do nothing constructive to improve the wealth creation opportunities for minorities because they want them on government dole for their votes.

Fifth: The Conservatives who want to create wealth creation opportunities for all can't stay in office long enough to get it going, cause the takers are now greater than the makers.

I will stop. Some of you will get the picture. Most won't. That is why we have racism in America. Wow good to get that off my chest!
thechocolatebanana's Avatar
Excellent... bravo! And we all can now say we have heard both of you perfectly use your freedom of speech to express your racist views on both sides.

And at this point, I move for the mods to close this thread. It crashed long ago.
threepeckeredbillygoat's Avatar
It crashed before she ever hit the submit button like so many of her other posts.

Some people never learn. I'm out, data charges are killing me. Anybody got some WIFI I can jack?
gntman's Avatar
[QUOTE=str8.2.bbbj;1055385598]Easy...100 million native Americans and 300 million Africans.

[QUOTE]The peer group (Africans) needs to stop calling themselves Africans and start being American. The sooner that happens the sooner that peer group profiling goes away. The ethnic thing is great to preserve. That's okay. That's family. But what's with hanging on to the ethnic thing at all costs. It's costing you a ton in image. The Italians did, the Germans did, the Polish did, the Irish did, etc.. I'm not sayin they should be denied their heritage but stop wearing it on your sleeve. Lighten up, and the profiling will slowly melt away. The sooner the better. Keep marginalizing yourselves and it just prolongs the stereotyping and profiling. I'm just sayin'.
gntman's Avatar
Easy...100 million native Americans and 300 million Africans.
Originally Posted by str8.2.bbbj
The peer group (Africans) needs to stop calling themselves Africans and start being American. The sooner that happens the sooner that peer group profiling goes away. The ethnic thing is great to preserve. That's okay. That's family. But what's with hanging on to the ethnic thing at all costs. It's costing them a ton in image. The Italians did, the Germans did, the Polish did, the Irish did, etc., etc.. I'm not sayin they should be denied their heritage but stop wearing it on their sleeve. Lighten up, and the profiling will slowly melt away. The sooner the better. Keep marginalizing themselves this way and it just prolongs the stereotyping and profiling. I'm just sayin'.
benssin's Avatar
The peer group (Africans) needs to stop calling themselves Africans and start being American. The sooner that happens the sooner that peer group profiling goes away. The ethnic thing is great to preserve. That's okay. That's family. But what's with hanging on to the ethnic thing at all costs. It's costing them a ton in image. The Italians did, the Germans did, the Polish did, the Irish did, etc., etc.. I'm not sayin they should be denied their heritage but stop wearing it on their sleeve. Lighten up, and the profiling will slowly melt away. The sooner the better. Keep marginalizing themselves this way and it just prolongs the stereotyping and profiling. I'm just sayin'. Originally Posted by gntman

While I see the intelligence in your argument, I think you are flawed/misguided in your evaluation. Like you, I indeed would like to see African Americans, blacks, or any group, stop using such racial identications and we all can be one big HUMAN family. But the truth is, even if the entire AA community stops this, OTHERS won't. Our government, (Census) corporations (hiring practices), colleges (affirmative action), and others entities will continue to label us as such, even if we stop. But the most consistent group of all to do this is...the White Community.

Let me say it this way, what's the first thing you think about when you open your door, get into your car, and starting driving, but see a darker pigmented man walking down the sidewalk or in his own vehicle. You say subconsciously, "Oh, that's a black man." Even if he isn't...ie, if he is Asian Indian but dark, or Hispanic but dark, or even bi-racial. The truth is, even if it's not racist or bigoted, you analyzed that person's outward appearance immediately based on the same truth that in appearance, you saw a difference in another human being than in yourself. Even if that difference is just skin deep. It's nothing to be upset about. It's human.

So, as I've learned from so many wise experts, analysis, and people in all walks of life, people, particularly in white America, need to stop making the victims of racism/profiling into the problem. You're telling a group of humans, who have spent hundreds if not thousands of years being categorized and persecuted based only on their skin colors that, now that we live in a "post racial" society, we all just need to forget the past and move forward. Forget. Stay silent. Move on. But it's not that simple. How can it when the exact same group that's saying "stop labeling/profiling or bringing up race" is the very same one that is continuing a mantra of separate but equal in practices and communication.

In the end, it's going to take more than 50 years to get us all to be one blended family, like it took hundreds of years for Irish/English/European and now in some extend Hispanic people to band together under the moniker of "white". And that didn't happen b/c everyone in that group stopped labeling them as such. It was a generational effort, as much as it was one for distinguishing who is or is not apart of the "white race." So the problem isn't so much one community self-labeling as it is the larger HUMAN CONDITION which seeks to label and control all things in a particular worldview. Same with religion, gender, orientation, and other social aspects.

Let me apologize upfront for the length of my lecture here, and if I offended any one in the white community for my words. However, it stands to say, we can't drop labels b/c society and the forces in them wont'. Both in and out of the "black" community. But here's how we change things...we discuss, talk, share, blend, and be-friend. And in a few generations, who knows. As for me, I am an American, and view myself as that, but I know I am also within America, a black African American (because you DO know that there are WHITE Africans or what not, right? lol). It's a label that both identifies a present and continuously struggle as well as a connection to one's past and heritage.

Ok, Mods, take me, my fingers, and mouth away. These people are probably sick of me by now Happy hobbying this week to all btw. Just enjoyed a lovely Sunday fun day time with a young provider this afternoon (but still not ready for review yet sadly).
B.discreet - that's like when I check in to a hotel. I can assume that the check in person is typing, "hooker! Hooker is here!!" I have just learned how to act like a human. I let them assume. If someone has time to waste to worry about my life, well.. Bless them.
So what I'm a hooker. That aside, I am one of the most polite guests a hotel can ask for. I make no noise, I make no mess, I tip housekeeping.. If it was legal I would have no problem letting them know what I do.
Anyway, we all live up to stereotypes. All we can do is be the person that we wish them to see. Baby steps, one person at a time.
benssin's Avatar
B.discreet - that's like when I check in to a hotel. I can assume that the check in person is typing, "hooker! Hooker is here!!" I have just learned how to act like a human. I let them assume. If someone has time to waste to worry about my life, well.. Bless them.
So what I'm a hooker. That aside, I am one of the most polite guests a hotel can ask for. I make no noise, I make no mess, I tip housekeeping.. If it was legal I would have no problem letting them know what I do.
Anyway, we all live up to stereotypes. All we can do is be the person that we wish them to see. Baby steps, one person at a time.
Originally Posted by Alyssa Marie
Alyssa, very good points made. One difference, and it's a constant difference in many other claims such as "being Jewish", "being gay", "being this one or that", etc....in your example that "being a hooker" (which, I for one would never use to describe you or any of you gorgeous ladies on this board, mind you...just using what you said)...if you wanted to blend into society in large, without it being known or being at face value, you could.

This is totally different from living as black in America. A black man or woman cannot simple "hide" their identity b/c it's right there in face value. It's the Cover of the book! You can't avoid it. It's a reality. For anyone that really wants to dive into this experimentally, please research/read the book, "Black Like Me" by John Howard Griffin (wiki or google it). Fascinating and eye opening. That's the reality that continues to persist. But here's the good news to everyone (since it is Sunday, I'll lay some 'gospel'...ie good news :P lol), we are improving. Slowly. Better-ing ourselves. I see it everyday.

You are very right though that it takes baby steps. It truly does. One person and touching one's heart/mind at a time is the way to go. And anyone, provider, client, or reader of these threads that wants to contribute to those steps can. Just by living and treating everyone with respect and dignity. The other things, like confronting the problem when you see it, or helping the next generation, who will replace us, not see race all contribute to the rainbow's effect.

Lastly, my dear, I hope you know many of us including myself have a deep respect as well as support for what all providers and ladies do. As practitioners of the oldest and most beloved craft of human interaction, you have mastered the art of making everyone feel good and treated many with equal respect. You showcased it very well; an example we should all try to emulate. One person at all time...