nebtex1's Avatar
I would think the percent of escorts that have diseases would be alot lower than percent of ladies that do not provide. Most of us use condoms with every person we have sex with. I know so many ladies that are not in the biz that sleep around alot and do not use protection. We also get tested more often since we have a higher risk. Originally Posted by mikahranae

OK your response is serious and I agree with it.

(since my previous post follows your's ... it is not in reply to you ... I posted when reading page 2 of the posts).
datyking's Avatar
yes. I had chirpes, its a canaryal disease that untweetable.
Darth I think you should pattle me with one of those....whoops did I do it again??
landon's Avatar
STD's is just one of the risks in the Hobby. Being a player is probably as dangerous as Naval Aviation. Your either in the program and excited to fly jets or your not.

I always use condoms and shun BBBJ. Never had any problems. But wait a minute - what about PG? Get a dancer PG and your really screwed. Any gal your doing be cognizant of what kinda bc she is doing. If a condom is your only defense then you may want to think again.

Look there are risks of being in the hobby. I minimize mine by concentrating on this one gal I have been a reg with quite awhile and avoid others I may perceive as high risk. A red flag would be a provider who does lots of bareback with many partners. The bottom line is you really know where anyone has been no matter how safe they appear. I have heard stories of dancers passing out from drugs and then being gang banged bareback by their BF friends.

Either way its like what I said above - your either in the program (and comfy with the risks to a certain degree) or your not. Best thing go covered - always.
tracer's Avatar
I would think the percent of escorts that have diseases would be alot lower than percent of ladies that do not provide. Most of us use condoms with every person we have sex with. I know so many ladies that are not in the biz that sleep around alot and do not use protection. We also get tested more often since we have a higher risk. Originally Posted by mikahranae
I have always contended the same thing. The ladies here know the risks and don't lie to themselves about it. There are a lot of sluts and tramps out there (bless their hearts), who like to pretend they are pure as driven snow and use that facade as justification for not protecting themselves. Possibly setting aside some ladies who find themselves subject of discussion in the "Other Reviews" section, I believe most here are likely to be safer choices than your average bar slut.
Catching an std can happen to anyone who is sexually active. As providers we do our very best to be careful, but accidents can happen. Does this mean a provider has something? Absolutely not, this just means we are much more aware of our risks and probably practice safer sex than the average Jane.
This is a tad bit off subject, but I just came across both this thread and the one I linked today. Kind of scary.
DianaDeepthroats's Avatar
Does anyone think that most of the hobbyists have an STD of some kind.. along with their wives & mistresses?

Come on.

we all want to avoid this. So why not make it a serious topic so we can practice safe. Communication builds strong communities. Just saying.......