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Admiral Giggle's Avatar
Never posted on BP.
Have fun lobbying, your way ....
You don't know beans Originally Posted by GayleMeyers
I know you are but what am I, I know you are but what am I?

Children please, stop before I pull over and take off my belt.

This isn't OH2, if you were Karrissa the beauty or her illiterate ebonics speaking pimp you would have already sent BLM a pm titled "Cease and Desist"

We get it. You're a provider who has been around the world and BLM is a hobbyist who has been around the world. Different worlds, but the only ones who care are the ones who look in the mirror.

Just stop the madness.
pyramider's Avatar
Taint photos will make Admiral Giggles keep the car running into the river.
lovehound69's Avatar
Got info from the Austin forum

Use the “Puffin” app browser and you can get on OH2. It’s a little slow though
Vanilla Gorilla's Avatar
I heard that if you get some jumper cables along with a crow bar that you should be able to log in with no problem.

Also make sure that your computer is running on MS/DOS for optimal compatibility.
BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 03-12-2022, 03:23 PM
I heard that if you get some jumper cables along with a crow bar that you should be able to log in with no problem.

Also make sure that your computer is running on MS/DOS for optimal compatibility. Originally Posted by Vanilla Gorilla
A lot of suffering over OH2 😂, that's what that SIMP CK gets for letting the drama whores take over. Now deal with the people trick
TinMan's Avatar
Got info from the Austin forum

Use the “Puffin” app browser and you can get on OH2. It’s a little slow though Originally Posted by lovehound69
What’s the point, though, if only a few people are showing up? I’m still trying to figure out why people are so desperate to get on there when there is very little activity and the site is under attack. I know ck1942 believes he hasn’t been hacked, but it seems the risk/reward is unfavorable right now when there is so little payoff. He says he is still working on a solution, so just wait for it.

As an aside, I bypassed my browser’s security warning one time, for a non-hobby site. My computer got infected with malware. I ain’t doing that again.
winn dixie's Avatar
What’s the point, though, if only a few people are showing up? I’m still trying to figure out why people are so desperate to get on there when there is very little activity and the site is under attack. I know ck1942 believes he hasn’t been hacked, but it seems the risk/reward is unfavorable right now when there is so little payoff. He says he is still working on a solution, so just wait for it.

As an aside, I bypassed my browser’s security warning one time, for a non-hobby site. My computer got infected with malware. I ain’t doing that again. Originally Posted by TinMan
Why would anyone believe his claims? That site is toast.
Some desperate ones still posting ads there!
Precious_b's Avatar
I heard that if you get some jumper cables along with a crow bar that you should be able to log in with no problem.

Also make sure that your computer is running on MS/DOS for optimal compatibility. Originally Posted by Vanilla Gorilla
Trying to figure out if its the DOS 3.22 or the money I have by the keyboard that is letting me get through.
BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 03-13-2022, 12:09 AM
Why would anyone believe his claims? That site is toast.
Some desperate ones still posting ads there! Originally Posted by winn dixie
Desperate is a understatement 😂
pmdelites's Avatar
while it could be true, i dont understand how a DDoS could fuck up that system so much - no photos, login in problem, security certificate problems, posting problems, unable to RTM posts, etc.

my guess is that it was something in ADDITION TO DDoS that got OH2 in a mell of a hess.

until he gets it sorted out, OH2 isnt gonna amount to much more than a hill of beanie-weenies :^} ... if that.
Precious_b's Avatar
while it could be true, i dont understand how a DDoS could fuck up that system so much - no photos, login in problem, security certificate problems, posting problems, unable to RTM posts, etc.

my guess is that it was something in ADDITION TO DDoS that got OH2 in a mell of a hess.

until he gets it sorted out, OH2 isnt gonna amount to much more than a hill of beanie-weenies :^} ... if that. Originally Posted by pmdelites
A site with decent tech would have already come up with a workaround and things would be normal on the user end.
Ralph Fults's Avatar
Trying to figure out if its the DOS 3.22 or the money I have by the keyboard that is letting me get through. Originally Posted by Precious_b
OS/2 is the answer!
Jethro Gibbs's Avatar
I successfully logged on with Safari today for the first time since the trouble started and the site seems to be mostly working.
Bald Bryan's Avatar
My OH2 on firefox seems to be working. Could be temporary or it could have caught stride again.

If (and that's a big "if") OH2 is close to becoming fully operational again, some of eccie's resident woman hater yard dogs will be happy to see the gals head back over there so that they can have their circle jerk time back here.
GayleMeyers's Avatar
Sent you a PM

Hope you get it ....