McKinney Police Video - Did anybody see that roll?

Frique-Me's Avatar
So i have been gathering facts by looking for evidence.

1. I still tear up when the girl gets thrown down.
2. She should have STFU and walked away. Or offered any info to help with the investigation.
3. The gun drawn was over the top a bit but there were two guys rushing up behind him about to do whatever. I would have preferred mace or tasor but they shouldnt be rushing him
4. I saw a white guy do the same thing as this girl by not laying down and resisiting. He got his face plowed into the pavement by 3 cops because he was strong. Blood everywhere. But that isnt police brutality is it? Originally Posted by mediavolume

Well... After ingesting more facts I'd have to say the kids were wrong... and when you're wrong you have to be smart enough to know when to walk away.

The pool belongs to the community... That's it.
so you feel its ok to escalate things based upon words being thrown around. if she really did say those things then I probably would have said something back to her and then turned around and walked away.

I learned a long time ago people call you names it doesn't mean s*** but others seem to think that it's time to throw down
Well... After ingesting more facts I'd have to say the kids were wrong... and when you're wrong you have to be smart enough to know when to walk away.

The pool belongs to the community... That's it. Originally Posted by Frique-Me
I am still at the point that I don't know and I am okay to say that. it irritates me that a lot of people want to jump to conclusions based upon their experiences
So there was a pool party and kids started showing up uninvited? Jumping the fence and otherwise crashing a private pool party on private property?

The local police were called, not knowing what they were dealing with and rolled up on that melee?

Is that the genesis of what happened?
Frique-Me's Avatar
I am still at the point that I don't know and I am okay to say that. it irritates me that a lot of people want to jump to conclusions based upon their experiences Originally Posted by mediavolume
Let me be clear, the kids were wrong and so was the officer. There's enough to go around.
so you feel its ok to escalate things based upon words being thrown around. if she really did say those things then I probably would have said something back to her and then turned around and walked away.

I learned a long time ago people call you names it doesn't mean s*** but others seem to think that it's time to throw down Originally Posted by mediavolume
No sir your conclusion is a misinterpretation of what I am stating. The ass whipping was a consequence of a stupid decision she made. Words don't really matter and we know this as being logical adults.

I don't feel that violence is ever in line based on mere words. However, I don't feel any sympathy for her as she was ignorant enough to put herself in that situation. Stupid decisions always have consequences. In this case, it was an ass whipping. Do I think that was the appropriate and/or correct consequence, I don't. Do I think she deserved it as in "she got what was coming to her"? Yes, just think about the bully in school who mouths off all the time until the quiet kid puts a hurting on him. Violence is still not a palatable method of resolution in that matter, however I think we can agree that he "had it coming".
OldGrump's Avatar
There will be many tales of what started it, but it appears that some kids were busting a pool party on private property and were causing a disturbance and refused to leave. Since when is it ok to violate laws and disobey legal police orders? Race doesn't get you in or keep you out - membership and dues do.

True, the policeman overreacted badly and it is frightening. We do expect much more self control from our armed "protectors". There was no threat that justified lethal force or the suggestion of it. If they are violating the law, wait for help, round them up and ticket or jail them. The only way one man can subdue multiple people is with the use of force that is not justified under those circumstances.
I am an old white republican but I hate guns. The reason is simple; I know myself; if I had a gun and came upon that scene and that cop was on my daughter or a child I knew... I'd have shot him dead.
Everything stems from the officer losing his cool. Looked like teenage kids acting their age in a large group. Black, white or Hispanic; a crowd like that... at that age... will act like they did.
He lost it. He was the adult. He must be held responsible. I'm sure the City of McKinney will be paying for that girls college education.
Boomstick's Avatar
I skipped 3 pages of this, but I read that some uninvited DJ set up outside the party and started tweeting about a party. apparently he sets up raves around town. this wasn't a case of a few kids crashing a party, whats the new term " flash Mob" ..It was a mad house...... so I see the point of the police being called. I don't agree with the out of control officer
No sir your conclusion is a misinterpretation of what I am stating. The ass whipping was a consequence of a stupid decision she made. Words don't really matter and we know this as being logical adults.

I don't feel that violence is ever in line based on mere words. However, I don't feel any sympathy for her as she was ignorant enough to put herself in that situation. Stupid decisions always have consequences. In this case, it was an ass whipping. Do I think that was the appropriate and/or correct consequence, I don't. Do I think she deserved it as in "she got what was coming to her"? Yes, just think about the bully in school who mouths off all the time until the quiet kid puts a hurting on him. Violence is still not a palatable method of resolution in that matter, however I think we can agree that he "had it coming". Originally Posted by DarkeyKong
I can agree to that
You seem reasonable; but don't you think the officer was justified pulling his gun when those 2 kids came rushing him from behind and to his right side?

He didn't have time to determine the threat from those 2 kids; he didn't know if they had/didn't have a weapon.

There will be many tales of what started it, but it appears that some kids were busting a pool party on private property and were causing a disturbance and refused to leave. Since when is it ok to violate laws and disobey legal police orders? Race doesn't get you in or keep you out - membership and dues do.

True, the policeman overreacted badly and it is frightening. We do expect much more self control from our armed "protectors". There was no threat that justified lethal force or the suggestion of it. If they are violating the law, wait for help, round them up and ticket or jail them. The only way one man can subdue multiple people is with the use of force that is not justified under those circumstances. Originally Posted by OldGrump
TexTushHog's Avatar
I don't think the question is whether the behavior of the kids is exemplary. On the whole, it was not. But it wasn't all that unusual or unexpected when you consider the range of human activity a cop might experience in the line of duty. Some of the kids were very respectful, some where goofing around, some were smart asses. What's new. But when you're a cop, that's what you sign up for -- human behavior in all it's less than perfect forms. You're not getting called to Sunday school picnics.

However good or bad the situation was before hand, it got ten times worse when the asshole cop showed up. The cat fight between the fat white woman and the black gal is unflrtunate, but didn't really amount to a hill of shit in the grand scheme of things. If a cop had witnessed it first hand, I think he'd have been perfectly justified in telling them both to knock it off, separating them, and telling them both to get on they're way. I doubt a good officer would have even written a ticket.

But the cop has to be a calming influence. He can't comed in unhinged rolling around on the ground like Captain Kirk fighting a Klingon. He has to control his emotions no matter what the citizens do. In fact, he especially has to do it when they are ill behaved.
You brush off the fact that the cop pulled his gun when he was rushed at by 2 individuals.....that reaction by the cop was justified and likely consistent with his training; and given the the anti-cop attitudes that are so elevated these days very expected.
we know what this is really about.. don't we know, they are black and having fun that it, white people don't like it when they see black people having fun it too much for them to handled I guess that why all the black kids where on the ground and all the white folks are just standing their helping the cop, walking around like noting is happen.. If you have kids tell them you LOVE them cause that could have want the wrong why.. sorry but it true so if you don't like it, sorry
Two things stand out to me.
From what I can tell the original fight was between a 19 year old black girl that confronted a 40 year old white woman, that was insulting a younger black girl. The 19 year old admonished the 40 year old white lady for doing so. Then the 40 year old white lady hit the 19 year old black girl. Some have said the black girl should not have been upset for being call a Ni**er or whatever she was called.
The thing I am hearing is the young black girl the cop was throwing around deserved it for voicing her opinion.

So basically if you are black you should shut up ? How is that not racist the 19 year old lives there she was not a intruder she had every right to be there along with some of the other kids that were detained.

Second point is how did the cop know what kids belonged and which did not he originally detained all and only the black boys then lost it on a black girl. As for the rest of the Police force they seem to act as they should have.
I am not defending the kids that done something wrong but are you telling me each and every black kid was uninvited and every white kid was?

I have the utmost respect for Police officers but I demand they earn that respect!