What a Country! ... Thanks to Dems

Probably never happen. We look at them as the only "Sane harbor" from the middle east. Can Israel sustain itself with the current level of hate around them-? NOPE. They are tough mudders, and part of living as an Israeli means serving your country. I think we need that mentality here to. It's easy to get all huffy and act tough but when you serve- it's a whole other meaning.

The fact that they were breached in OCT and they are bombing the Palestinians back into rubble, isn't right either. They need to just stop with the attacks, and take back the entire GAZA strip. Sorry Palestine but you're idiots in the back office just gave a reason to relinquish your owners rights to that piece of beach.

It beats bombing them daily for 6 months. - but it would also likely lead to WWIII over there. Damned if you do--but you cannot live with a bullseye on your back as the Israeli's have since allowing GAZA to exist. Fucked up- but these ppl are so closely related, you probably could do DNA tests and find out that some of them are aunties and uncles of each other.

What I don't like is that our current administration doesn't incentivize the stoppage, to both sides. THe world is watching the least effective negotiation of peace in the middle east and there seems to be no sign of sitting down to have a meeting of the minds. Blinken can suck a dick- as could Mike Pompeo.

Truthfully- Popeo was better at this than Blinken on his worst day. Originally Posted by eyecu2
Well this country will continue on the same financial path to total ruin. There is a lot of devastation in Israel. When this conflict is over and they dig the last Palestinian grave American money will be Israel's only means to rebuild. I guess that's what Biden's slogan "Build Back Better" truly means because it has nothing to do with America.
So why did you choose to come here? I was born here and I see no reason to leave.
You let the actions of a few thousand people, youngsters, who right or wrong (not as wrong as often as you) are just youngsters, define our country.
While you say nothing about the actions of trump.

Maybe it's time for you to go back where you came from. No Dems there. And we won't miss you with all the trumpys we have here.

.... Please explain WHAT words there you believe
that I put into your mouth... And me initial post
- the first on in this thread - simply explains
the thread topic... No need for a barney here.

Simply wonderin' WHEN Democrat Leaders are gonna
condemn the "Death to Israel" and "Death to America" chants.

... As I mentioned, What a Country! ...

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
Yssup Rider's Avatar
West Virginia?

Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
No, All I was implying is America needs to stop funding Israel. ... Originally Posted by Levianon17
Makes more sense to substitute "Israel", in your statement with "everyone the fuck else on the planet".
Makes more sense to substitute "Israel", in your statement with "everyone the fuck else on the planet". Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
Well that may be true but at the present time Israel and Ukraine two immensely corrupt countries America has placed it's priorities on in terms of funding and Military support. America cannot sustain itself by giving Billions of dollars to these two countries. The only thing we the people get out of it is debt and of course being forgotten about.
So why did you choose to come here? I was born here and I see no reason to leave.
You let the actions of a few thousand people, youngsters, who right or wrong (not as wrong as often as you) are just youngsters, define our country.
While you say nothing about the actions of trump.

Maybe it's time for you to go back where you came from. No Dems there. And we won't miss you with all the trumpys we have here. Originally Posted by Tigbitties38
.... I came here because I thought that I'd see how
the Americans live... ... And I liked parts of
the country... NJ was ok to live there... WV was better.
PA is so-so... But I see YOU want no criticism of how
"your" country is evolving - and how it's being defined.

So it's then - "Go back Home!" from you.

... And no need to be silly with things - it IS a LOT MORE
than the erroneous joeys at university who define just
what is happening in America. ... It's the shitbirds
runnin' the Democrat party.

#### Salty
Yssup Rider's Avatar
I just spit me beer all over me key-board!

LOLLING, salty!

Lucas McCain's Avatar
Salty, should the Dems speak out against these protests as well in your imaginary Paul Hogan homeland? You must be outraged! I feel your pain. LOL

Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Summer of Love, Palestine edition...
Fiery, but mostly Peaceful Protests.
Rinse and repeat

Yet some wonder if they even care what they are protesting about? Just so long as it's during a Presidential election cycle...
Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
With a short bit of poking and prodding, more like idle curiosity, guess what we find? Da munny trail...

Ryan Saavedra:

Anti-Israel Group Encouraged Columbia Protesters To Re-Create ‘The Summer of 2020′ Hours Before Students Stormed a Building

A New York City nonprofit that received more than $12 million from Goldman Sachs’ charitable arm encouraged anti-Israel activists to re-create the violent protests of “the summer of 2020,” just hours before rioters stormed and occupied a building on Columbia University’s campus.

The People’s Forum’s operations are made possible in large part by a $12 million donation from Goldman Sachs’s charitable arm. The source of that money is likely Neville Roy Singham, a communist who has “long admired Maoism.”

Singham, an American businessman who lives in China, reportedly helps finance the Chinese Communist Party’s “propaganda worldwide,” according to the New York Times. His wife, Jodie Evans, is the leader of the activist group Code Pink. Under her leadership, the group has celebrated China as “a defender of the oppressed and a model for economic growth without slavery or war.”

“As with any donor advised fund, the prior donation was made with the client’s money, at the client’s direction,” a Goldman Sachs spokesman told the Free Beacon. “This was not firm money.”
Yssup Rider's Avatar
With a short bit of poking and prodding, more like idle curiosity, guess what we find? Da munny trail...

Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
Load it up, bud. Don’t nobody believe your alt-right source.