Agency promoter handle list

There promoters had so many handles, so many got popped and still have so many handles…. I wonder it is worth pointing them out… many are done by abusive Korean cab drivers.
Big b.o.b.1's Avatar
TopG and AsianP, you guys are funny, I’m starting to like you two. But if I can throw my two cents in on this as well. I’d like to point out that the TopG655 and RickyG2002 both have a G in their name, and they both use the same verbiage, are they the same guy?
TheTopG655's Avatar
Would like to bring the above account to mods attention as a multi handle.

#17 - Multiple handles are not permitted, unless in certain circumstances are expressly approved by staff in advance on a case-by-case basis. Action will be taken in cases where staff finds multiple handles are being used for deceptive reasons, to carry out an agenda (promotion or trashing of another), or to return to the board following a previous suspension or ban.


Edit: I want to add to my comment, BigBob who is also on this thread for having Multi handles one of which from above is speculated to be coolmofo also does this. This needs to be checked. I've previously pm'd Admiral Giggle and Gmann this but neither said they could do anything. They should still have that in dm.

He uses Overall at the end of his paragraphs and has the same tone and exclusively like coolmofo reviews greenlight. Originally Posted by TheTopG655
I updated that proof link for anyone curious.
TopG and AsianP, you guys are funny, I’m starting to like you two. But if I can throw my two cents in on this as well. I’d like to point out that the TopG655 and RickyG2002 both have a G in their name, and they both use the same verbiage, are they the same guy? Originally Posted by Big b.o.b.1
WTF? I didn’t even finger point any handles. Are you feeling guilt of something to add my handle?
Plz, go research. Shouldn’t be hard. One or more only had10 or more stashed house in his name. Originally Posted by AsianP
Just wanting be clear. One of the “promoters” had 10 or more apartments/etc in his/her name?
ntxguy's Avatar
TopG and AsianP, you guys are funny, I’m starting to like you two. But if I can throw my two cents in on this as well. I’d like to point out that the TopG655 and RickyG2002 both have a G in their name, and they both use the same verbiage, are they the same guy? Originally Posted by Big b.o.b.1
My turn!!! Big b.o.b and BigBamboo both have Big in their names. What are the odds of that happening? Now all this conspiracy shit is starting to make sense.
TheTopG655's Avatar
My turn!!! Big b.o.b and BigBamboo both have Big in their names. What are the odds of that happening? Now all this conspiracy shit is starting to make sense. Originally Posted by ntxguy
My turn!!! Big b.o.b and BigBamboo both have Big in their names. What are the odds of that happening? Now all this conspiracy shit is starting to make sense. Originally Posted by ntxguy
It sure is. They both start with "Big", and both have an "o" as well. They're subliminally trying to suggest you'll get a "Big O" if you see a lady they review. We're on to their game. Somebody notify Asianp so he can update that list.
It sure is. They both start with "Big", and both have an "o" as well. They're subliminally trying to suggest you'll get a "Big O" if you see a lady they review. We're on to their game. Somebody notify Asianp so he can update that list. Originally Posted by Capital
CHUNG!!! My tall white boy or grandpa… why are you hiding?
LE want to talk to you since Luxury.!!!

So how many handles are you up to now? Aren’t you lonely without Ghost and Aoi or are they still here?
TheTopG655's Avatar
So how many handles are you up to now? Originally Posted by AsianP
Originally Posted by TheTopG655
TheTopG655's Avatar
I updated that proof link for anyone curious. Originally Posted by TheTopG655
TheTopG655's Avatar
My turn!!! Big b.o.b and BigBamboo both have Big in their names. What are the odds of that happening? Now all this conspiracy shit is starting to make sense. Originally Posted by ntxguy
Adding Moom to your location is totes not you being mad for being outed as Wile E Coyote :3
are they the same guy?
Originally Posted by Big b.o.b.1
100PercentMaximumNoChill's Avatar
ntxguy being Wile E Coyote sounds about right tbh