Providers and capitalism

Int3rested's Avatar
Providerism..That's A Capital Idea!
Providerism..That's A Capital Idea! Originally Posted by Int3rested
Now that's what I'm talking about. Take it or leave it...
Boltfan's Avatar
much more than I or boltfan .I am sure ..... Originally Posted by tsrv4me

I am not nearly as intelligent as Reeltalk the omnipotent. I am only smart enough to have run a profitable business for more than half my adult life employing hundreds of people along the way. I know, its a dirty word, that profit thingy. I suppose I could have just sat back and worried about the conspiracy theories of the word and not been a productive member of society. What would have happened to the dozens of employees who were trained by me in both my industry and business in general who know are also productive members of society?

Reeltalk the omnipotent I am sure has the answer. By god he knows everything and everyone else so why not this?
There is a great saying "the problem with socialism is socialism and the problem with capitalism is capitalists". Meaning capitalism has proven to be the greatest system in history but you do run into some bad people who abuse it. Make sure to blame the abusers and not the system. Socialism has never worked....never.
Reeltalk, I am curious which northeastern state was the site of your birth and upbringing. There is no way you are a Texan. You see, in Texas we believe in the individual. We do not need the government to to hold our hand, to pick us up when we fall, or to keep us from hurting ourself. We are a right to work, right to bear arms, "don't care how they do it back east", haven for the modern entrepreneur, old oil money, wave the American flag and to hell with those commie bastards state of individuals. You are a socialist at best and yes, that is a dirty word. You are why there is a state income tax "back east" and economic failure in California. You won't find many to agree with you here bacause most who post here are Texans. Originally Posted by mmcqtx
Everytime I go to a grocery store it seems the person in front of me buys a cart FULL of groceries and pays less than $10 after swiping their card (you know the one I mean). They live in homes without paying rent and receive a monthly check from the government on top of that. All without working a day. Who is greedy? If these people worked, there wouldn't be jobs available for illegal immigrants, so another problem would be solved or at least lessened. Originally Posted by mmcqtx
mmcqtx - You have NO IDEA who I am, and I really don't even care - but just so you know - I AM quite possibly - your worst imagined nightmare and fear - a very educated Liberal - right here.

Texas born and Texas bred - straight buffalo soldier - from the top of the shaft to the tip of the head.

You wish you were me, even on my worst effin’ day, but you're indicted by your own ignorance in every word you say. You make dumb-ass assumptions based on the most ridiculous bullshit - like Texas cards, welfare checks, and oh let me guess - when your wiener schnitzel quits.

So you have the gift of judging others just by taking a mere glance when – you see how they pay for their food or maybe just by the color of their skin.

You say many won't agree with me here, but I’m getting PM’d to death, time-after-time - from many a provider who thinks of you - as the crap that the bull left behind (if you don’t believe it then count how many checked - your likes verses mine).

And just who do you think you are - pointing out "illegal" immigrants - who make less than minimum wage. YOU should never despairingly use that term, unless you're Native American - or was brought here as a slave.

See you're an immigrant too - just a few hundred years removed.
So be careful who you think you know, lest you’re sounding like a fool.
Boltfan's Avatar
So you have the gift of judging others just by taking a mere glance...

...So be careful who you think you know, lest you’re sounding like a fool. Originally Posted by Reeltalk

Hello, hello, is Mr. Pot there? Yes, this is Mr. Kettle. Yes I'll hold.
Lancs4440's Avatar
Not trying to "peck a fight" but some history might be in order. Texas was a blue state for a very long time, they didn't trust the "industrialists" from up north but slowly and gradually that has changed since the Gipper. Now, we rank near the bottom at educating our own, we import most of our talent to build our industries, and the greatest Texas hero in the last 50 years is a Connecticut born Yankee who graduated from Yale with a C-average.

Regarding the "commie bastards", they have bought our debt and practically own us and have done it with our own money. ( Our thirst for cheap crap and insatiable desire to consume gave way to them using their vast labor resources to supply our needs and then buy our debt. Thank you Walmart for enabling us as individuals.

Regarding the hobby and capitalism, long live the free market -- one hour at a time.
Not trying to "peck a fight" but some history might be in order. Texas was a blue state for a very long time, they didn't trust the "industrialists" from up north but slowly and gradually that has changed since the Gipper. Now, we rank near the bottom at educating our own, we import most of our talent to build our industries, and the greatest Texas hero in the last 50 years is a Connecticut born Yankee who graduated from Yale with a C-average.

Regarding the "commie bastards", they have bought our debt and practically own us and have done it with our own money. ( Our thirst for cheap crap and insatiable desire to consume gave way to them using their vast labor resources to supply our needs and then buy our debt. Thank you Walmart for enabling us as individuals.

Regarding the hobby and capitalism, long live the free market -- one hour at a time. Originally Posted by Lancs4440
maxim_232's Avatar
So as you can see there is no real good way to discuss economic concepts without getting in to a political fight, name calling, etc.

Interesting point, there is nothing in the Constitution that guarantees or dictates a particular economic system. This is just the one that works best for us given the freedoms we as a nation chose to have.
sorry, if this explanation has already been made, i have not read all the posts made so far, but...

there is a difference between capitalism and what is being talked about here. strictly speaking, capitalism is actually using capital (money) investment in assets, used to manufacturer or distribute ideas or physcial goods to make a profit. whereas the "free market enterprise" system is actually what providers are participating in. technically speaking, they are not directly involved in capitalism (unless they invest money in enhancing their assets so to speak).
Gonzo DFW's Avatar
Sorry, but that's not entirely true. Capitalism was coined as a term of disparagement by mid-19th century socialists. It's actually a misnomer for economic individualism, which closer fits free enterprise than your definition. The term was popularized by Marx because it fit his needs to well. Invested capital is, well, invested capital in any system--e.g., market socialism. But Adam Smith did call it the obvious and simple system of natural liberty, which is mostly what I think A Soft Place to Land was getting at when she started this thread. And, like many good things, we can thank the Puritans, or so says Max Weber, even though they would have disdained it by name.
timothe's Avatar
I just have one question.

Why do so many people believe that politicians/bureaucrats motivated by self-interest are more benevolent than CEOs/entepreneurs motivated by self-interest?

At least the entempreneurs have checks and balances against them. (competition, consumer choice, etc.) These days, the bureaucrats are running amok and there are no checks and balances against THEM.
I just have one question.

Why do so many people believe that politicians/bureaucrats motivated by self-interest are more benevolent than CEOs/entepreneurs motivated by self-interest?

At least the entempreneurs have checks and balances against them. (competition, consumer choice, etc.) These days, the bureaucrats are running amok and there are no checks and balances against THEM. Originally Posted by timothe
There is also a "checks and balance" for the politicians, it's called - the vote.
DFW5Traveler's Avatar
There is also a "checks and balance" for the politicians, it's called - the vote. Originally Posted by Reeltalk
Ahh yes the vote... It doesn't work, because I can't vote in districts that stupid people continue to reelect the same idiots.
LovingKayla's Avatar
Holy Monkey Balls Lancs who is that fantastic work of art in your avatar!!