So I had a heart attack.

Jusanotherdude's Avatar
OoB is my guy.... he knows full Well what I'm saying.... grain of salt Dude.....
I have no "get well's" or "hope you feeling better" post....BUUUUT Karma is a Bitch, huh?
fredtx's Avatar
So from a guy with 2 stents and a recent A-fib, little you can do. I would recommend the statin route, since I never had high cholesterol. Since I started taking these, I have had no build up in 15 or more years, and never really had high readings to begin with. As for oils, stay natural on everything. Olive, fish, even bacon isn't as bad as foods with transfats. Those can kill the healthiest, which is why they are being phased out. Oh and for the aerobic workouts, absolutely. Not many like the regimentation, but it is very sure to not give you just a day or 2, but ad years to your life. Stay healthy this hobby is certainly more fun that way!!
notanewbie's Avatar
Out_of_Bounds's Avatar
I have no "get well's" or "hope you feeling better" post....BUUUUT Karma is a Bitch, huh? Originally Posted by BDS
Karma has nothing to do with it.
Bad diet, smoking a pack a day with a splash of a genetic disposition of heart problems it finally caught up with me.
But thanks for the sentiments.
Just seeing this thread. Happy to hear you're still with us, bro.
Sorry to hear that. Good to hear you quit smoking! Eating right isn't hard if you allow yourself some cheat meals like someone said. Portion control makes a huge difference if you find you just cannot give up fatty or other high calorie foods.

Regular exercise is such a wonderful thing. It takes weight off of you, but it also calms the mind. I run outside and I just love the rhythmic sound of my feet hitting the ground. It's meditative. To stay interested, I change up the neighborhoods and parks I run in.

Yoga and especially the inverted poses are great for the cardiovascular system and compression and twist poses are good for all the internal organs. It's very relaxing. If you decide to try yoga, be sure to go to a studio that includes meditation in the practice.

Man I wish you all the luck! You're an all around cool dude.
bbkid's Avatar
  • bbkid
  • 01-30-2014, 04:27 PM
Hope you're okay, bud. Take care of yourself.
General Feuerbacher's Avatar
Sorry man Life is a bitch and then u die
Sarunga's Avatar
....BUUUUT Karma is a Bitch, huh? Originally Posted by BDS
Karma is not a bitch; it's a Maya.

Karma has nothing to do with it.
Bad diet, smoking a pack a day with a splash of a genetic disposition of heart problems it finally caught up with me. Originally Posted by Out_of_Bounds
You should take care of yourself, OoB.
Hope you are feeling better