Dammit, I Did It Again!

After doing alot of soul searching, I have come to realize that I'm just not ready to have any kind of long lasting relationship until I let go of the previous baggage that I have been lugging around for years! I'm working on it!

Permission to unload on me doll, God knows I have unloaded my baggage on you many times, adults have adult baggage, whodatunkit? BTW how are Nicaragua and El Salvador?
@ Randy: You were saying?

1231 societies noted
186 were monogamous
over a thousand had some form of polygyny
4 had polyandry
OK, IF you are wanting to find a loving, worthwhile relationship I can't disagree with this more. If you don't have Honesty you don't truly have loving and worthwhile.

But, IF you're simply interested in something casual and far less than that I suppose a "little white lie" wouldn't be so bad.

I truly feel for you ladies. Dating is tough enough for the mortal, you Angels have it even harder :-( Originally Posted by Neiman
I suggest you watch "Secret Diary of a Call Girl".... It is possible to want a loving, worthwhile relationship, and hide it from him at the same time. Being a provider is a major obstacle in any relationship, casual or longterm, hell, even a friendship, male or female...and NO man outside of the hobby world will really truly understand this biz... Hiding it from him is not just
protecting the relationship, it's also protecting him and his feelings... You guys
really have no idea how easy it is for most of us to separate work from home,
and neither will the majority of our SOs... Now, if it ever comes to the point of marriage, that's a different story. I know that I, personally, would retire, marry him, and never tell him... What purpose does it serve? Walk a few steps in our stilettos, then maybe you could understand a bit more...
Strongly disagree, Adrianna: Both A and D whom I have mentioned are providers: A is my fiancée, D is about to become a roommate. It *is* possible to make a relationship work under these circumstances, but yes, it is more complex than a more ... vanilla relationship would be.

*Our* relationships work because we are all honest with each other, and no one judges the others. Mutual respect: it's a job, nothing more. I have contractual obligations not to talk about certain aspects of my work ( acting is what I *do* not what pays my share of the bills ) except in most general terms "yeah the exec thought he was being hacked, but it turns out he had just managed to kick the power cord out of his computer", which does not include who this contract is with. The girls have an implied contract to not reveal certain details about their client except in general terms "And then his dentures came flying out..."

But we're far more likely to go head to head about what we're going to watch on TV on a given evening than to think about even that much shop talk.

My only concerns going in were for their physical safety (I knew that they used safe-as-possible-pracitices for act itself,) but now that I helped teach them to be very very *dangerous* young ladies to scr*w with, whether or not a weapon is to hand ( A won't touch a gun but is h*ll on wheels with the sharp and pointies, and D has become very clever at hiding her Uncle Mike's holster on her person and still be able to draw down quickly. ) And you don't even want to *try* disarming either of them unless you have one of your own -- and even then I'll give you long odds on them being the one that walks away.

Not *violent* young ladies, but very very dangerous young ladies. They won't kill unless that's the absolute only solution, but let's just say you won't have use of one of your legs for a while

You know, normal relationship stuff.
@OldTimeBuddy... Honey, I wasn't trying to say that it isn't heard of.. Just speaking from my own experiences. Your situation is completely different because you are apart of the hobby world.. I am speaking more of an SO that is a civilian... Glad you are able to make things work. Sounds like never a dull moment in your household!
@OldTimeBuddy... Honey, I wasn't trying to say that it isn't heard of.. Just speaking from my own experiences. Your situation is completely different because you are apart of the hobby world.. I am speaking more of an SO that is a civilian... Glad you are able to make things work. Sounds like never a dull moment in your household! Originally Posted by Adrianna Love
< kiss > no offense taken or meant, hunni.

True story -- Christmas-before-last, my ex wife gave A a book called "The Lorena Bobbitt Story". It's been a running gag ever since that if I make a smart*ss comment at the expense of either of the girls (which, let's face it, I am prone to do -- but I'm at least as likely to do it directed at myself...), they will look at each other, and A will say "I'm going to the kitchen now -- you know, where we keep the knives? Is there anything *else* you want me to bring you?"

My life is many things, but dull is not among them