Ladies that don't see AA men.....?!

For something thats not so important you sure are wound tight. Breathe, let it go!
Work on a puzzle or read a book!
It aint healthy to get so upset! Originally Posted by winn dixie
How exactly can you determine that I'm upset? Do you see me using 12 emoticons in a response? Where and how do you detect someone being upset?

It seems you are upset by this topic even existing. :shrug"
It seems pretty important to you. I mean, why else would you go through the trouble to create an account literally several days ago and then just come here to stir the pot like you are? Are you going to mandate that the guys here hook up with guys instead of girls next? What is your deal?

The world would be a much better place if people like you would just mind your own business instead of dictating who people play with.

Idiot! Originally Posted by orallvr69
If you look at my account, you'll see that I POSTED AN ENCOUNTER REVIEW long before this. THAT is why I created an account. :shrug:

Now I get called an idiot. I called no one no names.

Nobody is dictating anything. If you hate onions and we discuss WHY that might be, is that the same as someone forcing you to eat onions from now on? Thats kinda stupid isn't it?

I guess it's obvious who the real angryfrustrated people are.
winn dixie's Avatar
How am I "riled up"? How am I "bullying a lady"? She didn't start this conversation, but she instead "bullied" her way into it. I simply responded to what she typed.

Why is it when somebody doesn't capitulate to the majority "bullying" view, types like yours get highly defensive?

Someone else simply broached the topic for discussion, now your types and her are trying to "bully" your way by projecting your own insecurities all over it.

Nobody said she needs to start seeing AA men. Please show me where anybody did. This is simply a topic to discuss why this seems to exist so strongly for AA men.

You don't like people discussing that? Who's really playing the victim now? Originally Posted by Kage Bunshin no Jutsu
Cry me a fucking river!

Absolute perpetual victim

BUT very safe behind that keyboard!
I've heard it is usually the younger AA men who get the bad rap.

Older AA men don't seem to really have a problem.

I think they are mainly afraid of the "down low" problem. Originally Posted by friendly fred
Getting the angry people out of the way an back on tipic.

That whole "down low" thing has been proven false. It just seems odd that for some reason, so many AA men would do same sex activities bcd. Why? That never made sense to me and since then I've found out it was just a rumor started by some loud mouth celebrity.

So it's not that.

I think it really has more to do with AA people in general being relegated to the lowest caste in American society. Meaning most providers will see AA men bcd, but out in the open it's ok and even accepted to say "no AA". Like untouchables in India. It's just a societal heritage thing.

As you can see here, unlike with other groups, the push back is minimal by doing that to the low caste, and if there is any push back, you will feel the wrath of the dominant society for merely discussing it.
Cry me a fucking river!

Absolute perpetual victim

BUT very safe behind that keyboard! Originally Posted by winn dixie
No crying here. No keyboard warrior here.

I'd tell you exactly what I'm saying right now directly to your face.

You going to call me angry and violent now?
winn dixie's Avatar
No crying here. No keyboard warrior here.

I'd tell you exactly what I'm saying right now directly to your face.

You going to call me angry and violent now? Originally Posted by Kage Bunshin no Jutsu
We have the ultimate keyboard warrior here folks!

Him big tough guy?

winn dixie's Avatar
Getting the angry people out of the way an back on tipic.

That whole "down low" thing has been proven false. It just seems odd that for some reason, so many AA men would do same sex activities bcd. Why? That never made sense to me and since then I've found out it was just a rumor started by some loud mouth celebrity.

So it's not that.

I think it really has more to do with AA people in general being relegated to the lowest caste in American society. Meaning most providers will see AA men bcd, but out in the open it's ok and even accepted to say "no AA". Like untouchables in India. It's just a societal heritage thing.

As you can see here, unlike with other groups, the push back is minimal by doing that to the low caste, and if there is any push back, you will feel the wrath of the dominant society for merely discussing it. Originally Posted by Kage Bunshin no Jutsu
What kind of b/s dribble is this? OHHH society makes me live in moms basement !
What kind of b/s dribble is this? OHHH society makes me live in moms basement ! Originally Posted by winn dixie
Are you 12? Now I feel like an idiot responding to you at all.

And the word you want isn't "dribble." It's drivel. Education kid. We're done.

On topic for me only.
Pangolier's Avatar
My opinion is that it's predominantly many girls believe that AA have a reputation of not behaving "accordingly" in the industry. Whether or not this reputation is deserved, things like dressing inappropriately, being rough/pushing boundaries during session, drug use, renowned for being pimps, lack of professionalism, etc... Of course other ethnicities are guilty of the exact same thing. But I think it's the "impression" many girls have. I'm sure some girls make their decisions based on skin complexion alone.

One very interesting thing I heard from an AA provider.... Some guys (either caucasian or mongoloid) will not see providers who see AA clients. Some if a provider advertises "All races welcome" certain guys may avoid that provider.

But in a world this big... there are plenty of girls out there who will see AA. No reason to get all worked up; just look for the next girl.
winn dixie's Avatar
Are you xx? Now I feel like an idiot responding to you at all.

And the word you want isn't "dribble." It's drivel. Education kid. We're done.

On topic for me only. Originally Posted by Kage Bunshin no Jutsu

Nope. Used correct word. All that comes out of your mouth is dribble! Does he have the sniffles? Hes all butt hurt. A bib for you son.

Game set match. Thanks for trying

#10 - Topics regarding children, and certain images depicting children are not material for an adult-themed board. You must be at least 18 years of age to register and participate here, and along those lines, our subject matter is to surround individuals of the proper age range. Any mention or reference to underage sex is strictly forbidden and may result in loss of your posting privileges.
Getting the angry people out of the way an back on tipic.

That whole "down low" thing has been proven false. It just seems odd that for some reason, so many AA men would do same sex activities bcd. Why? That never made sense to me and since then I've found out it was just a rumor started by some loud mouth celebrity.

So it's not that.

I think it really has more to do with AA people in general being relegated to the lowest caste in American society. Meaning most providers will see AA men bcd, but out in the open it's ok and even accepted to say "no AA". Like untouchables in India. It's just a societal heritage thing.

As you can see here, unlike with other groups, the push back is minimal by doing that to the low caste, and if there is any push back, you will feel the wrath of the dominant society for merely discussing it. Originally Posted by Kage Bunshin no Jutsu
I didn't realize the "down low" problem was disproved - thanks for letting me know.
i thought the down-low among young AA males 18-35 was do to their being incarcerated for 3-10 years during those, learning how to conform to civilization years, where they are surrounded by all men and perform sex acts on each other.... Although African Americans represent 13% of the U.S. population, they account for 44% of HIV infection cases in 2016. African American males have 8.6 times the AIDS rate as white males. African American females have 18.6 times the AIDS rate as white females.

someone alert BLM, this racist disease is targeting blacks more than white cops !!!

I think it really has more to do with AA people in general being relegated to the lowest caste in American society. Meaning most providers will see AA men bcd, but out in the open it's ok and even accepted to say "no AA". Like untouchables in India. It's just a societal heritage thing.
Originally Posted by Kage Bunshin no Jutsu
BS. Tell me where that is the case! Hollywood? Music industry? NFL? NBA? NASCAR is letting a single AA driver dictate something which is going to kill them in ratings right now. Government? Corporate America? With Affirmative Action you have discrimination mandated by the government but it is against non AA so it's OK.

I'll tell you where AAs went wrong and that is when they got in bed with the Democrat party (the party of the KKK, Jim Crowe laws, discriminators of the new millennium). Why else would Nancy Pelosi and her Kente cloth crew parade around by kneeling in front of everyone like they did? Disgraceful. Don't think that was accidental.

I am not saying to join the GOP either but for God's sake get the hell away from BLM. That bunch is a pro marxist crew who worship a cop killer (Assata Shakur) at the end of every meeting. They set up white people with arguments like you have presented here where you play victim while suggesting that white people are racist just for existing. It is disgusting what they are doing to the AA community and it will only further destroy innocent black lives. If you eliminate police in the inner city, the people who can afford it will leave. The ones who can't will suffer. You think it's bad now? Just wait.

If you want things to get better you have to have skin in the game instead of hiding behind platitudes like "It seems you are upset by this topic even existing. :shrug" or "I guess it's obvious who the real angryfrustrated people are". Stop trying to set people up until they buckle and you will get a lot further. Open your eyes to what is actually happening instead of blindly following false prophets because you are just a pawn if you do that. Think for yourself.
i thought the down-low among young AA males 18-35 was do to their being incarcerated for 3-10 years during those, learning how to conform to civilization years, where they are surrounded by all men and perform sex acts on each other.... Although African Americans represent 13% of the U.S. population, they account for 44% of HIV infection cases in 2016. African American males have 8.6 times the AIDS rate as white males. African American females have 18.6 times the AIDS rate as white females.

someone alert BLM, this racist disease is targeting blacks more than white cops !!! Originally Posted by bf0082
You'd have to provide some type of study that this "down low" thing exists in the first place, then take the next step and prove it's because of being incarcerated. Because by raw numbers alone, over 90% of black males are never incarcerated, and even most of those are doing county jail time less than a month. Hardly enough time to suddenly develop same sex tendencies.

Using "I thought" as evidence is not going to cut it.

As far as HIV, again relative to the number of AA males in the US, that 44% infection case says nothing. But folks like you switch between percentages and raw numbers when it suits you.

For example, how many AA people in total does that 44% number count? Compared to the total number of AA people? I'm guessing if you work that out, it will come to about 99% of AA people NOT being diagnosed with HIV. Even less if you are only looking at hetero-sexuals.

Now that 44% of HIV cases is high, but that has much more to do with generational poverty than race, and especially in the former confederate southern states. And also the fact that most of these white heroin IV users just never get tested at all.
BS. Tell me where that is the case! Hollywood? Music industry? NFL? NBA? NASCAR is letting a single AA driver dictate something which is going to kill them in ratings right now. Government? Corporate America? With Affirmative Action you have discrimination mandated by the government but it is against non AA so it's OK. Originally Posted by orallvr69
Sorry, but in my opinion, this is pure unadulterated ignorance drivel. Using highly selective sports and music as a proxy for the general well being of 40 million people is asinine at best. And even in those arenas, where talent cannot be hidden or ignored as easily, it took massive amounts of protests for AA people to even gain a foothold there. Ask Jack Johnson. MTV wouldn't even show black videos outside of Michael Jackson until the late 80s. Hence why BET had to be created.

Affirmative action does not benefit AA people and was never meant to be specific to them. Hence today, it is argued that white women, also a "minority" have benefited from affirmative action more than anybody. A 1995 Department of Labor report said this:

A 1995 report by the Department of Labor found that 6 million women overall had advances at their job that would not have been possible without affirmative action. The percentage of women physicians tripled between 1970 and 2002, from 7.6 percent to 25.2 percent, and in 2009 women were receiving a majority of bachelor's, master's, and doctoral degrees, according to the American Association of University Women. To be clear, these numbers include women of all races; however, breaking down affirmative action beneficiaries by race and gender seems to be rare in reported data.

I'll tell you where AAs went wrong and that is when they got in bed with the Democrat party (the party of the KKK, Jim Crowe laws, discriminators of the new millennium). Why else would Nancy Pelosi and her Kente cloth crew parade around by kneeling in front of everyone like they did? Disgraceful. Don't think that was accidental.

I am not saying to join the GOP either but for God's sake get the hell away from BLM. That bunch is a pro marxist crew who worship a cop killer (Assata Shakur) at the end of every meeting. They set up white people with arguments like you have presented here where you play victim while suggesting that white people are racist just for existing. It is disgusting what they are doing to the AA community and it will only further destroy innocent black lives. If you eliminate police in the inner city, the people who can afford it will leave. The ones who can't will suffer. You think it's bad now? Just wait.

If you want things to get better you have to have skin in the game instead of hiding behind platitudes like "It seems you are upset by this topic even existing. :shrug" or "I guess it's obvious who the real angryfrustrated people are". Stop trying to set people up until they buckle and you will get a lot further. Open your eyes to what is actually happening instead of blindly following false prophets because you are just a pawn if you do that. Think for yourself. Originally Posted by orallvr69
AAs went wrong by not demanding their fair share of this country's pie from the beginning. And that includes getting in bed with the Democratic party (NOT the party of the KKK and Jim Crow laws...stop spreading ignorance. The parties switched in the 1960s with the "southern strategy").

The 40 acres and a mule never came. All the wealth from the 1933 New Deal went to whites only. All the benefits from the 1944 GI Bill went to white GIs. And all the laws preventing AAs from proper home and business ownership didnt legally die until 1968, but has never truly died even today. That is trillions of dollars of wealth lost and that is the #1 problem now. The wealth gap has widened since then. Well qualified AAs continue to be denied home and business loans based on race even today. There are literally thousands of studies and articles for you to choose from to see this.

That is why AAs are the "lowest caste" and often associated with poverty and "dirtiness." Thats why this "no AA' thing is a thing to begin with. Thats facts IMO. Even though bcd most of these "no AA" women do see AA. Also facts.

Does my opinion on this continue to make you people highly upset?