Trump Nails It On SNL

Budman's Avatar
They do pay taxes. And it's also true that if they were deported, we would lose THAT tax revenue. Neither of those are false statements. It's also not a separate issue and the fact you think it is perfectly illustrates your ignorance. It's all wrapped up together. You contend that they are paid in cash, but offer no evidence of this. You offer no evidence for any of your claims. I don't have to offer evidence because of course if they purchase something, they pay taxes on it, it goes without saying, but I will offer this link to show you are completely wrong.

This information, from the SSA, also says that illegal immigrants paid an estimated $13 Billion in payroll taxes in 2010 and it's only expected to increase. You're simply wrong. Originally Posted by WombRaider
So you're saying no one would fill that job and pay taxes? You are twisting yourself up into a pretzel trying to justify your previous statement. I didn't say they were all paid in cash but many are. I know this because of my experience in the construction industry. Even though I didn't pay cash most of the Mexicans I employed claimed exempt or 15 dependents. They had the proper documentation for me to hire them and at the time there was not a way to verify if the SS #'s were valid or not. You live in this utopia fantasy land that is only in your mind. Try looking at the reality of the world once in a while.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Wormby. Please provide proof that every American who wants a job has one. I think you are blowing shit out of your ass again. That may get you more customers for your gloryhole, but here it just means you're a liar.
So you're saying no one would fill that job and pay taxes? You are twisting yourself up into a pretzel trying to justify your previous statement. I didn't say they were all paid in cash but many are. I know this because of my experience in the construction industry. Even though I didn't pay cash most of the Mexicans I employed claimed exempt or 15 dependents. They had the proper documentation for me to hire them and at the time there was not a way to verify if the SS #'s were valid or not. You live in this utopia fantasy land that is only in your mind. Try looking at the reality of the world once in a while. Originally Posted by Budman
Your experience is anecdotal. Scurry along and look up what it means.

I'm not sure how I'm twisting anything. No, most of those jobs would not be filled and we would lose whatever tax revenue we were getting. Regardless of their dependents, you're now admitting, based on your own experience, that you had taxes taken out of a potentially illegal immigrant's check. And you just finished saying they didn't pay any taxes...
Wormby. Please provide proof that every American who wants a job has one. I think you are blowing shit out of your ass again. That may get you more customers for your gloryhole, but here it just means you're a liar. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Every american who would pick oranges or do any of the myriad of other jobs that immigrants do, has one, yes.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Your experience is anecdotal. Scurry along and look up what it means.

I'm not sure how I'm twisting anything. No, most of those jobs would not be filled and we would lose whatever tax revenue we were getting. Regardless of their dependents, you're now admitting, based on your own experience, that you had taxes taken out of a potentially illegal immigrant's check. And you just finished saying they didn't pay any taxes...
Originally Posted by WombRaider
As usual, your ANALysis is shitty, you 2015 DOTY and "#Grubered", freelance faggot, Odumbo Minion from Arkansas. Illegals drive down wages and drive up domestic unemployment, you 2015 DOTY and "#Grubered", freelance faggot, Odumbo Minion from Arkansas. Hence, American taxpayers are burdened with the costs of providing social services for illegals and their families and the unemployed and their families, you 2015 DOTY and "#Grubered", freelance faggot, Odumbo Minion from Arkansas.
As usual, your ANALysis is shitty, you 2015 DOTY and "#Grubered", freelance faggot, Odumbo Minion from Arkansas. Illegals drive down wages and drive up domestic unemployment, you 2015 DOTY and "#Grubered", freelance faggot, Odumbo Minion from Arkansas. Hence, American taxpayers are burdened with the costs of providing social services for illegals and their families and the unemployed and their families, you 2015 DOTY and "#Grubered", freelance faggot, Odumbo Minion from Arkansas. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
False. Newsweek says you have a 'naive interpretation of labor'.
lustylad's Avatar
Every american who wants a job, has one. Originally Posted by WombRaider
Hallelujah! That means we must be at what economists call "full employment"! Will somebody tell Odumbo we don't need any more federal spending to goose the economy? Will someone tell Janet Yellin she can safely raise interest rates now that we've reached full-employment nirvana?

Spread the good news, sewer rat!

  • shanm
  • 11-10-2015, 06:59 PM
Every american who would pick oranges or do any of the myriad of other jobs that immigrants do, has one, yes. Originally Posted by WombRaider
Thats exactly right. Talk to a repubtard about raising the minimum wage and you'll hear the same repetitive bullshit: "raising the minimum wage raises the employers costs and therefore reduces jobs".

But somehow that logic doesn't apply when illegal immigrants who were working on the cheap leave and "employers" have to hire higher priced American labor. Somehow we will end up having the same number of jobs, with the same prices, higher GDP and (especially!) no Messkins.

Thats the repubtard utopia right there.
:doh :
And to increase those " coffers " of YOUR'S down at the 'holes ! Keep defending those mojado gente of YOUR'S pobrecita puta ! Be sure to show all of YOUR mojado maricon buddies YOUR 2016 DOTY award ! :wo ot_jump: Originally Posted by Rey Lengua
:m f_sleep::twist ed:wooby just blew up WOOMBY DIPSHIT OF YEAR :mf_laughboun ce3::mf_laugh bounce3::mf_l aughbounce3:: mf_laughbounce3::mf_laughbounc e3::mf_laughb ounce3:
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Jeez. I could have gone the rest of my life without seeing that fucking abomination. Spamfiti!
I B Hankering's Avatar
False. Newsweek says you have a 'naive interpretation of labor'. Originally Posted by WombRaider
"Naive"? You'd be the numb-skull citing Newsweek as an authority on immigration and labor wages, you 2015 DOTY and "#Grubered", freelance faggot, Odumbo Minion from Arkansas. Samuel Gompers is on record as stating otherwise:

Samuel Gompers on immigration's impact on wages:

“At the outset, I want to say that the organized labor movement of America is not a 'know-nothing' organization. It does not want to erect a wall around the borders of our country and keep everybody else out; it does not declare 'America for Americans,' or for those who are now within American borders. But on the other hand it is equally true that the thinking workingmen of the United States have . . . come to the conclusion that there must be some better regulation and some limitation,” Samuel Gompers, 1912.

“Gompers became intimately aware of immigrants’ adverse effects on its members’ wages and employment opportunities... Gompers recognized that organized labor’s first responsibility was to protect the economic well-being of workers and not immigrants per se, and that is when there was a conflict in their respective interests...

“Samuel Gompers was instrumental in the formation of the AFL. He was its president for all but one year between 1886 and 1924 and is generally recognized as being the most influential labor leader in American history... Nevertheless, when the Supreme Court finally confirmed in 1892 that the federal government has sole responsibility for the formulation and enforcement of the nation’s immigration laws, the opportunity for organized labor to press national political leaders to adopt finally an immigration policy that set limits, screens applicants, and that could be held accountable for its employment and wage consequences. In his autobiography, Gompers boasted that ‘the labor movement was among the first organizations to urge such policies.’ For as he famously stated: 'we immediately realized that immigration is, in its fundamental aspects, a labor problem.' For no matter how immigrants are admitted legally or enter illegally, they must work to support themselves. Hence, the labor market consequences should be paramount when designing the terms of the nation’s immigration policy.

"In 1896, the AFL leadership first addressed directly the issue of limiting immigration. Gompers at the AFL convention that year proclaimed 'immigration is working an great injury to the people of our country.' At its convention the following year, the AFL adopted a formal resolution calling on the federal government to impose a literacy test for all would-be immigrants in their native languages. As the preponderance of immigrants at the time were illiterate in their native tongues, the implicit goal of the requirement was to reduce the level of unskilled worker immigration into the country. It renewed this effort in 1905 and did so at every subsequent convention until such legislation did become the law of the land in 1917. When the Immigration Commission (i.e., the Dillingham Commission) issued its famous report in 1911 on the impact of the immigration on the U.S. economy and society, its findings confirmed the AFL beliefs that mass immigration was depressing wages, causing unemployment, spreading poverty and impairing the organizational abilities of unions. In the wake of the release of this historic report, the Immigration Act of 1917 was passed." (LABOR MOVEMENT PERSPECTIVES: GPO).

Thats exactly right. Talk to a repubtard about raising the minimum wage and you'll hear the same repetitive bullshit: "raising the minimum wage raises the employers costs and therefore reduces jobs".

But somehow that logic doesn't apply when illegal immigrants who were working on the cheap leave and "employers" have to hire higher priced American labor. Somehow we will end up having the same number of jobs, with the same prices, higher GDP and (especially!) no Messkins.

Thats the repubtard utopia right there.
Originally Posted by shanm
Reduce the labor pool by deporting illegals, shamman, and labor wages will go up, jackass: law of supply and demand.

Budman's Avatar
Your experience is anecdotal. Scurry along and look up what it means.

I'm not sure how I'm twisting anything. No, most of those jobs would not be filled and we would lose whatever tax revenue we were getting. Regardless of their dependents, you're now admitting, based on your own experience, that you had taxes taken out of a potentially illegal immigrant's check. And you just finished saying they didn't pay any taxes... Originally Posted by WombRaider
Jesus fucking Christ you're a thick headed moron. I never said that they don't pay any tax. If they claim exempt or a large number of dependents then they would not pay any federal income tax but they would pay the employee's portion of FICA which is 7.65%. If they are paid in cash or as contract labor they would not pay any federal income tax or FICA tax. You seem to confuse federal income tax with all sales tax. They are not the same you fucking moron.

The jobs would be filled either by US citizens or by legal immigrants. You act like all commerce that depends on Mexican labor would cease to exist if the illegals were suddenly gone. The demand for labor would still be there and the jobs would be filled. Wages may increase or the jobs may be done by legal immigrants but they would get done. Since they would be on the books then the federal tax revenue would increase.

With every post you make it becomes increasingly clear that you are nothing more than a POS left wing moron that wants to see this great country destroyed.

Swim back home you fucking wetback. Go whine to the MODS again you fucking coward.
Jeez. I could have gone the rest of my life without seeing that fucking abomination. Spamfiti! Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
lustylad's Avatar
Thats exactly right. Talk to a repubtard about raising the minimum wage and you'll hear the same repetitive bullshit: "raising the minimum wage raises the employers costs and therefore reduces jobs".

But somehow that logic doesn't apply when illegal immigrants who were working on the cheap leave and "employers" have to hire higher priced American labor. Somehow we will end up having the same number of jobs, with the same prices, higher GDP and (especially!) no Messkins.

Thats the repubtard utopia right there. Originally Posted by shanm
Strawman. Who says the same logic doesn't apply? Cite one economist who claims getting rid of illegal immigrants as a source of cheap labor would NOT raise wages and prices or reduce jobs. You're making this up.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
But at least you fuxtix are civil about it.