What will the political animal Obama do next?

RedLeg505's Avatar
See what y'all have to look forward to. Originally Posted by bigtex

ROFL.. and that's what you folks are pinning your hopes on? Hillary? The one who couldn't beat an UNKNOWN, freshman Senator who's only accomplishment was ghost writing a couple books and being a community organizer?

Well, at least Hillary with have THAT in common with John McCain hmmmm?
And she couldn't pick up the 3 am phone call even after she said that's what made her a better Presidential candidate.

Here's something that she has in common with Obama: She's never had to suffer the negative consequences of her actions or inactions. She's been able to fall back on political capital or have the media and constituents make excuses for her.
Randy4Candy's Avatar
Sure does sting your righty-whitey-thighty-covered asses, doesn't it? Being politically out maneuvered AGAIN is pretty much old hat with you guys, isn't it? It's obvious to everyone but you guys - but that's OK - you operate in a vacuum and no one's really paying a lot of attention.

That tanned, shriveled fish-head, Boehner stepped right up and swallowed the bait and you dummies followed him right off of the cliff. Of course Corneyhole and a few others are trying to furiously cover their ineptness with threads of "what would you do?" or "how would you do it?" or "since al Qaeda is involved with the Syrian Confederates (even though 'libs" say they aren't) we should/shouldn't do, uh, um, whatever." Real constructive, not to mention ineffective, activities, eh?

Mopboy's grade schoolers could box their way out of those flimsy paper bags except for the fact they are laboring under the distinct disadvantage of having been schooled by him.

This section is just like afternoon soap operas, all anyone has to do is check in a couple of times a week to see if the plot has moved 15 or 30 minutes in "real" time.
RedLeg505's Avatar
Sure does sting your righty-whitey-thighty-covered asses, doesn't it? Being politically out maneuvered AGAIN is pretty much old hat with you guys, isn't it? Originally Posted by Randy4Candy
Ohhh.. you mean like Clinton was politically outmaneuvered all the time by Newt and the Dems got murdered in the Polls leading to the first Republican majority in the House in decades? Yep, what goes around, comes around. The pendulum swung towards the Republicans who then decided to try to be "Democrat-Lite" party and got tossed out. Then the Dems took majority control of the House and Senate, and what resulted? Why the greatest recession since the Great Depression of course. You folks managed to get a lot of conservatives to not turn out to vote with the fun and games of the targeting by the IRS and potentially other government agencies but now that Obama isn't gonna benefit from such games anymore,. wanna bet they won't happen again and you can't count on stifling your opponents free speech this time? Yep, gonna be fun to watch the results when Obama isn't out there leading the charge this time. And you folks are pinning all your hopes on a battle between BIDEN and CLINTON? Too funny.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Out maneuvered????? Lay off the booze. Obama blinked, tucked his tail, and went to the golf course.

Its a bit like ole mother Hubbard, the cupboard is bare except for Hillary.
LexusLover's Avatar
.... the cupboard is bare except for Hillary. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn

Where is Hillary?

What difference does it make?
LexusLover's Avatar
What difference does it make? Originally Posted by gnadfly
When Bush consulted Obaminable about the "TARP" legislation and funding, there were media reports and videos of them walking to the meeting ...

... when Obaminable was walking with her on the grounds of the People's House while consulting with her on what to do in Syria this past week, ....

..... I would have thought some of the footage would be released by the media.
LexusLover's Avatar
Snick Originally Posted by i'va biggen
You inquired ...

.. enjoy .. it does remind me of your favorite.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
According to the Washington Post (at 1316 CST) 60% of Americans are against military action in Syria. In fact, the majority of democrats, republicans,and independents are AGAINST missile strikes. http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/...bc-poll-finds/
LexusLover's Avatar
According to the Washington Post (at 1316 CST) 60% of Americans are against military action in Syria. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
IMO support will fade ... bogus photos, cooked stats, and passage of time ... no threat.
You inquired ...

.. enjoy .. it does remind me of your favorite. Originally Posted by LexusLover

Dumb shit doesn't know the diff of a laugh from a candy bar.
LexusLover's Avatar
Dumb shit doesn't know the diff of a laugh from a candy bar. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
Who's laughing?
Who's laughing? Originally Posted by LexusLover
Uhhhh, perhaps the one with a sense of humor.