Obama goes far Commie !

Don't check or you will have to eat your words, but the only ones mentioning him in this manner (on this board) are you dipshits. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
Then you agree that a lot of democratic voters are idiots as many of them called him the messiah (they didn't get the joke obviously). Even Obama said we are the ones that we've been waiting for. Pretty heady stuff for a mere mortal. Not to mention how he was going to cool the planet, lower the oceans, and make the US respected around the world. You can say campaign rhetoric but I think Obama believed what he said.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0mvP0ArKIGY Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Iva' you just got a trip to the wood shed. JD done spanked that kracka ass of yours.
Dont it sting some fierce now boy...........?
Originally Posted by rioseco
Two of our dimer members who can't read the part that said on this board fucking retards.
The Administrative State in Washington is what every American should be concerned about.

It is the biggest threat to our liberties and freedoms.....

Be it the ATF, IRS, the FCC, or the DHS..........it all needs to be downsized.

Return the powers to the States and the people.
I B Hankering's Avatar
The intent of the founders? The founders never envisioned an AR-15. As for your second part, I don't believe in god, so I don't believe he granted us shit. So you have men who declare that our rights have been granted by some supernatural being. That just sounds fucked up. What if we don't even have a creator? Then who gave them to us? There's no proof of god at this point. Of course, that in and of itself isn't proof since absence can't be proof, but I just don't see it. Originally Posted by UnderConstruction
Actually, you "#Grubered" Odumbo Minion, the Founding Fathers envisioned that the citizens would bear the same type of arms as those borne by government soldiers.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
I love watching the commie libtards turn themselves inside out on topics of the 2nd amendment. The ignorance is amusing but at the same time very dangerous to our very liberty.The inability of the libtards to understand a very simple and concise amendment to our Constitution is proof positive of their close minded and duplicitous nature of the libtard. Of course the libtard only wants to speak of the Constitution when they are tyring to either bash it or make it be something it is not. Interesting is how tightly they want to "interpret" some of the Constitution yet want parts of it to be able to do more than what it states.

Like so many libtards believe, the banning of a particular ammunition will not affect them because they believe they are in the ruling class and those types of regulations do not apply to them. I will not waste my time citing all of the examples of people that speak out for bans and gun control and the abhorrence to all firearms yet they have invariably been caught owning those very same firearms they believe should not be available to others.

Sure, ban AK ammo here in the states and there will be so much more available for his Islam-o-nazi brothers.
The liberal tech community used similar "slippery slope" "nose in the tent" arguments to oppose this week's FCC internet power grab................

Just saying. The same community that mocks the NRA and 2nd Ammendment people now know what we have been saying.

Time for the left and right to unite and Stop the Administrative State of Obama!
Yssup Rider's Avatar
The "founders" never envisioned Eccie either,...

..... but the 1st Amendment still applies.*

. Originally Posted by LexusLover
Is that why your kiddie picture was removed, LLIdiot?

BTW -- This thread is about as intelligent as the OP, the Great Cornholio.

At least he said it was OK to believe whatever we like.

I believe most everything he's posted in this thread is ignorant, beginning with the string of posts two minutes apart on page 1.

I believe Cornholio did not drive all the way to a Washington supermarket to get his copy of the "Washington Examiner," but I also believe he's dumb enough to have done so.

Commie? Who still uses that term in 2015? I've never heard the term "far Commie." WTF is that, Cornholio? Are you "whinning" because you WANT to support Putin's Russia? You must have as many Iraqui SCUDS as you want.

News flash -- You're a dipshit, Cornholio. Now crawl back up IBIdiot's BUNGHOLE!

rioseco's Avatar
I don't need to answer your deflection question dipshit. I am neither left or right, and you should be ashamed not to know the diff. You are too dumb to know what I support. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
You sound more like Obama than I realized.
You asked a question, to which I answered "yes it does burn my ass"
When I ask a question.........you dodge and spin implying that you are so far better intellectually that alone permits your high headed indifference to others.

Neither left nor right would indicate independent or maybe apathetic.
For an independent you sure huddle closely to the left.
Don't be angry, its not you're fault that you're an idiot. Remember there is always someone else to blame, Lefty.
rioseco's Avatar
Is that why your kiddie picture was removed, LLIdiot?

BTW -- This thread is about as intelligent as the OP, the Great Cornholio.

At least he said it was OK to believe whatever we like.

I believe most everything he's posted in this thread is ignorant.

Commie? Who still uses that term in 2015?

News flash -- You're a dipshit, Cornholio. Now crawl back up IBIdiot's BUNGHOLE!

Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Typical desperate tactic. If you can't beat them with facts then accusations and slander will prove you the better loser everytime !
You really are a special kind of stupid, aren't you? The point the Founders were trying to make is that our rights are inherent simply because we exist. They used the terms "Creator" and "Providence", as well as others to point to the great mystery of why we are here. Simply saying "I don't believe in God, so I have no natural rights, so the Declaration of Independence and other documents don't apply to me" is ignorance at its finest. Stating that rights emanate from government is basic to tyranny. The Founders were adamant that rights are NOT granted by government and arise from a source greater than government, thereby DENYING the authority of government to abrogate or or otherwise limit those rights without a damned good reason.

You can call that Source God, the Universe or simply yourself. That's good enough. You are here. You have those rights, as does everyone else. The duty of government is to protect those rights, especially from government. That's why the Constitution was written the way it was. It was designed to keep human ambition from gaining power. It didn't work, which is why our government has abandoned the Constitution in favor of sweet sounding lies and corruption. Unfortunately, as your ilk gains power, liberty recedes. It's almost gone, and you can't even see it, nor understand your complicity in its death. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Goddamn, I never said I thought I had no rights. I said that they weren't granted by a superhero. Then you go off on this tangent about how I said I had no rights. The reason it didn't work is right in your diatribe. The duty of government is to protect its citizens' rights, from government. What happens when you put a fox in charge of the hen house? Absolute power corrupts absolutely. Man got a taste of the power and he never looked back.
I love watching the commie libtards turn themselves inside out on topics of the 2nd amendment. The ignorance is amusing but at the same time very dangerous to our very liberty.The inability of the libtards to understand a very simple and concise amendment to our Constitution is proof positive of their close minded and duplicitous nature of the libtard. Of course the libtard only wants to speak of the Constitution when they are tyring to either bash it or make it be something it is not. Interesting is how tightly they want to "interpret" some of the Constitution yet want parts of it to be able to do more than what it states.

Like so many libtards believe, the banning of a particular ammunition will not affect them because they believe they are in the ruling class and those types of regulations do not apply to them. I will not waste my time citing all of the examples of people that speak out for bans and gun control and the abhorrence to all firearms yet they have invariably been caught owning those very same firearms they believe should not be available to others.

Sure, ban AK ammo here in the states and there will be so much more available for his Islam-o-nazi brothers. Originally Posted by The2Dogs
So people who don't see things your way are close-minded? What exactly are you doing? You see things your way and not theirs and that isn't close-minded? It's a two way street.
LexusLover's Avatar
Is that why your kiddie picture was removed, LLIdiot? Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
No. The "kiddie picture" (contained in a political ad) was removed because "private enterprise" has a prohibition against ANY CHILD pictures being displayed and the 1st Amendment doesn't apply to "private enterprise" as it relates to "private enterprise" setting "communication" standards!

But since you hang out at Nau's outside of Clarksville so much you should know that.
rioseco's Avatar
I love watching the commie libtards turn themselves inside out on topics of the 2nd amendment. The ignorance is amusing but at the same time very dangerous to our very liberty.The inability of the libtards to understand a very simple and concise amendment to our Constitution is proof positive of their close minded and duplicitous nature of the libtard. Of course the libtard only wants to speak of the Constitution when they are tyring to either bash it or make it be something it is not. Interesting is how tightly they want to "interpret" some of the Constitution yet want parts of it to be able to do more than what it states.

Like so many libtards believe, the banning of a particular ammunition will not affect them because they believe they are in the ruling class and those types of regulations do not apply to them. I will not waste my time citing all of the examples of people that speak out for bans and gun control and the abhorrence to all firearms yet they have invariably been caught owning those very same firearms they believe should not be available to others.

Sure, ban AK ammo here in the states and there will be so much more available for his Islam-o-nazi brothers. Originally Posted by The2Dogs

Very well done !
LexusLover's Avatar
Typical desperate tactic. If you can't beat them with facts then accusations and slander will prove you the better loser everytime ! Originally Posted by rioseco
That's what his Boss in the White House does.
LexusLover's Avatar
Goddamn, ... Originally Posted by UnderConstruction

Who (what) are you cursing?
rioseco's Avatar
No. The "kiddie picture" (contained in a political ad) was removed because "private enterprise" has a prohibition against ANY CHILD pictures being displayed and the 1st Amendment doesn't apply to "private enterprise" as it relates to "private enterprise" setting "communication" standards!

But since you hang out at Nau's outside of Clarksville so much you should know that. Originally Posted by LexusLover

Tell more.
What is the deal with Nau's Drug Store ? Does SpermGut AssPup really hang out there.
Is that an analogy for something else ?
Do a lot of folks go there, if so what is the attraction ?