You guys still say Christians are Peaceful????

  • shanm
  • 03-05-2015, 12:51 PM
Au contraire!

"For sin shall not have dominion over you: for ye are not under the law, but under grace." Romans 6:14

Galations 3:10-13 says those who "are of the works of the law are under the curse" (v.10) But "Christ hath redeemed us from the curse of the law" (v.13). We come to God by faith and "the law is not of faith" (v.12). Originally Posted by Ducbutter
Yes, I believe you are correct.
Also, the Old Testament is required reading to understand the context of the New Testament.

Nevertheless, you cannot blame all Christians for the actions of those who claim to be Christians. Same rule applies to Muslims, Jews, Hindu's, etc.

However, I have found that the stereotype of Irishmen as drinkers holds remarkably true!! Originally Posted by DSK
Matthew 5:17 Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them.

5:18 I tell you the truth, until heaven and earth disappear, not the smallest letter, not the least stroke of a pen, will by any means disappear from the Law until everything is accomplished.

5:19 Anyone who breaks one of the least of these commandments and teaches others to do the same will be called least in the kingdom of heaven, but whoever practices and teaches these commands will be called great in the kingdom of heaven.

Luke 16:17 But it is easier for heaven and earth to disappear than for one dot of the Law to become void.

The Bible is as full of contradictory verses as any other religion

Nevertheless, you cannot blame all Christians for the actions of those who claim to be Christians. Same rule applies to Muslims, Jews, Hindu's, etc.

Hundred percent agree with you on that one though. Call shit for what it is, not that "my religion is better than yours" bullshit.
Ducbutter's Avatar
Here's your NT

Luke 19:27:
But those mine enemies, which would not that I should reign over them, bring hither, and slay them before me.

Matthew 10:34:
Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword. Originally Posted by UnderConstruction
The quote from Luke is the words of a character in a parable told by Christ. It is not a command.
The Mathew quote is a figure of speech, not literal.
Ducbutter's Avatar
Matthew 5:17 Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them.

5:18 I tell you the truth, until heaven and earth disappear, not the smallest letter, not the least stroke of a pen, will by any means disappear from the Law until everything is accomplished.

5:19 Anyone who breaks one of the least of these commandments and teaches others to do the same will be called least in the kingdom of heaven, but whoever practices and teaches these commands will be called great in the kingdom of heaven.

Luke 16:17 But it is easier for heaven and earth to disappear than for one dot of the Law to become void.

The Bible is as full of contradictory verses as any other religion

Nevertheless, you cannot blame all Christians for the actions of those who claim to be Christians. Same rule applies to Muslims, Jews, Hindu's, etc.

Hundred percent agree with you on that one though. Call shit for what it is, not that "my religion is better than yours" bullshit. Originally Posted by shanm
You may say there is contradiction, but I'm sure many biblical scholars would disagree. For instance the phrase "until everything is accomplished." likely refers to his death. I'm sure those scholars could and would clear up the perceived contradictions. But the fact is that most modern bible teachers instruct that gentiles are not bound by the law. Again, that is why they are not required to be circumcised or observe the Sabbath.
You may say there is contradiction, but I'm sure many biblical scholars would disagree. For instance the phrase "until everything is accomplished." likely refers to his death. I'm sure those scholars could and would clear up the perceived contradictions. But the fact is that most modern bible teachers instruct that gentiles are not bound by the law. Again, that is why they are not required to be circumcised or observe the Sabbath. Originally Posted by Ducbutter
So if not everything is to be taken literally, who chooses what to take literally and what not to take literally? See, that's where the fuck ups start. No one can agree what is literal and what is parable. Life is much easier without this burden around your neck. You don't have to fill your mind with such worries.
  • shanm
  • 03-05-2015, 03:24 PM
That's correct, COIdiot is "not a Republican."

You might ask, what is he?

COIdiot is against each and every candidate that has a snowball's chance in hell of winning an election.

His greatest nightmare is for someone to hold him accountable for a candidate that he supported, because that candidate actually won an election.

By not being for a candidate who has a chance of winning, he is able to bitch and moan endlessly. No matter who wins the election!

Perhaps Nixon learned the fine art of "plausible deniability" from COIdiot.

COIdiot is not only "not a Republican," he is not anything!

Originally Posted by bigtex

OldGeezer seems to have forgotten who he was rooting for this time!
rioseco's Avatar
Tens of thousands of Muslims flee Christian militias in Central African Republic

BANGUI, Central African Republic – Tens of thousands of Muslims are fleeing to neighboring countries by plane and truck as Christian militias stage brutal attacks, shattering the social fabric of this war-ravaged nation.

In towns and villages as well as here in the capital, Christian vigilantes wielding machetes have killed scores of Muslims, who are a minority here, and burned and looted their houses and mosques in recent days, according to witnesses, aid agencies and peacekeepers. Tens of thousands of Muslims have fled their homes.

The cycle of chaos is fast becoming one of the worst outbreaks of violence along Muslim-Christian fault lines in recent memory in sub-Saharan Africa, tensions that have also plagued countries such as Nigeria and Sudan.

The brutalities began to escalate when the country’s first Muslim leader, Michel Djotodia, stepped down and went into exile last month. Djotodia, who had seized power in a coup last March, had been under pressure from regional leaders to resign. His departure was meant to bring stability to this poor country, but humanitarian and human rights workers say there is more violence now than at any time since the coup.

“Civilians remain in constant fear for their lives and have been largely left to fend for themselves,” Martine Flokstra, emergency coordinator for the aid agency Doctors Without Borders, said in a statement Friday, adding that the violence had reached “extreme and unprecedented” levels.

On Friday, thousands of Muslims hopped aboard trucks packed with their possessions, protected by soldiers from Chad, and drove out of Bangui, as Christians cheered their departures or tried to loot the trucks as they drove through Christian areas. At least one Muslim man, who fell from a truck, was killed by a mob. Meanwhile, thousands more Muslims huddled at the airport in a crowded hangar, waiting to be evacuated.

“They are killing Muslims with knives,” said Muhammed Salih Yahya, 38, a shopkeeper, making a slitting motion across his throat. He arrived at the airport Wednesday from the western town of Yaloke with his wife and five children. “I built my house over two years, but the Christians destroyed it in minutes. I want to leave.”

Christians have also been victims of violence, targeted by Muslims in this complex communal conflict that U.N. and humanitarian officials fear could implode into genocide. Several hundred thousand Christians remain in crowded, squalid camps, unable or too afraid to return home.

But attacks on Muslims in particular are intensifying, aid workers said.

Djotodia’s departure weakened the former Muslim rebels, known as Seleka, who carried out deadly attacks on Christians after they grabbed power in March, prompting the birth of Christian militias called the anti-balaka, or “anti-machete” in the local Sango language. The armed vigilantes have used the power vacuum to step up assaults on Muslims.

Now in disarray, the Seleka are no longer able to protect Muslims from the Christian vigilantes. The roughly 6,500 French and African troops authorized by the U.N. Security Council to intervene have been unable to stop the violence.

“In the northwest and in Bangui, we are currently witnessing direct attacks against the Muslim minority,” Flokstra said. “We are concerned about the fate of these communities trapped in their villages, surrounded by anti-Balaka groups, and also about the fact that many Muslim families are being forced into exile to survive.”

Fleeing to Chad
According to the International Organization for Migration (IOM), more than 60,000 people, most of them Muslim, have fled to neighboring countries since Dec. 5, when violence erupted after an uprising by the Christian militias and former government soldiers. The number of departures escalated after Djotodia’s resignation. Muslims make up roughly 15 percent of the country’s 4.5 million people.

Most have fled to Chad and Cameroon, while others have gone to Nigeria, Niger and Sudan, according to IOM statistics. The numbers include foreigners who work in the Central African Republic as well as citizens. In this region, people often have social and economic ties across borders. Many families here, for example, have relatives in Chad, Cameroon and other neighboring nations.

IOM officials are concerned about those leaving. The vast majority, roughly 50,000, are headed to Chad, a mostly Muslim country that is also among the poorest in the world.

“What kind of support will they get from the Chadian authorities? Are they going to be able to reinsert themselves into society there?” said Giovanni Cassani, the emergency coordinator for IOM. “50,000 is a small town. And there is more on the way, and there will be more, unless the situation improves here.”

The Central African Republic, Cassani said, is already reeling from the economic shock of Muslims departing. Many are traders and shopkeepers who imported staples. They also ran the meat industry. “It’s going to have a massive effect on society here,” Cassani said. “Prices are going up. . . . It’s been extremely difficult to find beef in the capital.”

Many of the clashes have occurred in northwestern towns. In a village called Bozoum, 2,500 Muslims fled Wednesday, according to Doctors Without Borders. And Bouar, a Muslim town of 8,000 people, “remains effectively imprisoned” by anti-balaka militias, according to the agency.

Homes looted, taken apart
In Bangui, the capital, Chadian special forces and former Seleka rebels guarded the convoy of trucks carrying Muslims out of the city toward the Chadian border. The Muslims were picked up at the airport, at mosques and from an area called Kilo 5, one of the capital’s last remaining Muslim enclaves. In some cases, French and African soldiers had to fend off looters. A few trucks had to be abandoned.

The man who fell off one of the trucks was viciously slain by a mob that cut off his genitals and hands, said Peter Bouckaert, emergencies director for Human Rights Watch.

“The French keep trying to say the situation is stabilizing, but it actually isn’t,” Bouckaert said. “The only areas that are stabilizing are areas where all the Muslims are gone.”

Only two weeks ago, Bouckaert said, the Muslim neighborhood of Miskine was untouched by the anti-balaka. Today, the area is deserted, mosques and Muslim homes looted and taken apart brick by brick. About 10,000 Muslims lived in the town of Bossangoa in December, he added. Only a few hundred are left.

At the airport, Muhammad Abdirahman, 62, was waiting to leave. His village, Jbawi, had been burned down by the anti-balaka and nearly everyone was dead, he said. Fortunately, he had left with his wife and 12 children before the massacre, and arrived at the airport last week. Originally from Chad, he has lived here for the past 50 years.

“I don’t even know Chad,” he said. “But what can I do? If I stay, the Christians will use every opportunity to kill me and my family.”

Sudarsan Raghavan has been The Post's Kabul bureau chief since 2014. He was previously based in Nairobi and Baghdad for the Post. Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
Looks like a few of the worlds christians got tired of watching the slaughter of others at the hands of islamist pigs.
Hermosa's Avatar
They aren't Christians, because they aren't turning the other cheek. The bible also commands christians to slay non-believers. We would be better off without religion but ironically, it's our human nature that makes us need to rationalize the random world around us and to weave tales about things that don't really exist, just so we feel comforted and important and like we have some semblance of why things happen, even though there's no fucking rhyme or reason to any of it. Originally Posted by UnderConstruction
How about a little Book, Chapter, Verse for the claim that the Bible commands Christians to kill non believers! Nowhere in the New Testament I'll you find it! However, this false statement has often been used as a accusation. Now, it is true that over history, Christians have been guilty of some really bad actions. Examples are the Crusades, inquisition, the growth of the Catholic Church in Central and South America. All of these examples are not good nor even comparable with the teaching of either Jesus or the Epistles.
In the discussion concerning Islam and the world, the concern is how are Muslims going to interpret their holy literature? That is really the difference. If you look at the life and words of Jesus, you see a very consistent message. The life and words call his followers to reach out in love to everyone! That is not true with Muhammed. He claimed a revelation that allowed both peaceful living and violence. The Holy literature has and justifies both the peaceful coexistence with the world and submitting, subjegation, killing, enslavement, and so forth. The result is simply you, I, or anyone can condemn the violent and hateful attitudes done by anyone who calls themselves Christian, by simply pointing out the clear simple words of the originator of the religion. This is not so with Islam. That is why there is the confusion going on today. That is why in all these discussions, there needs to be understanding of this reality and encouraging the Muslims who take a peaceful stance that you encourage them and support them. I read about a posting here about a Mosque being set on fire? That is a thing that gives ammo to the haters. That is also my key point (always)! Hating and violence towards another, is always a bad thing!
Reckon he's a closet fudge packer too ? Waitin to come out ?
CuteOldGuy's Avatar

OldGeezer seems to have forgotten who he was rooting for this time! Originally Posted by shanm
Remind me, ShamWow. Who am I rooting for this time?
TheDaliLama's Avatar
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
Who would Jesus kill?
Hermosa's Avatar
Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
Again, you would compare this with beheading, inslaving people? That's how the argument always goes! Always to express the idea that since you can point to something you don't like about me, that makes what I do OK? Really!!
Put this act( ever find anything else?), in the context of his claims and it certinally doesn't require or command anyone else to do the same. Right?
Now, going back to touching on the original posting, are the actions being discussed consistent with the example and teaching of the founder of the idealogical view being discusses? Are the actions of those who are killing Muslims, (forget the issue of who started anything), consistent with the life and teaching of Jesus? Are the actions of those who are killing others, consistent with the life and teaching with Muhammed?
dirty dog's Avatar
Yes. I've never heard that one before. So why not just have a bible with the new shit if that's all anyone follows? Originally Posted by UnderConstruction
Because the old testament provides historical context. You must have it to understand from whence we came. But the new testament is the teachings of Christ which is what Christians believe and follow, hence the term Christian derived from Christ. But like most Atheists you choose to condem something you obviously no nothing about.
LexusLover's Avatar
... you choose to condemn something you obviously no nothing about. Originally Posted by dirty dog
A typical reaction from ignorance about many topics. Condemnation, if successful, avoids the necessity of dealing with its substance by simply outright rejecting it.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
I don't know why anyone at all is giving this OP any sort of credence.