So you want to hang out with or date a provider?

oldmarine's Avatar
... the idea of a gf/provider is unattainable. I'll settle for the gfe. In fact, I love the gfe and am grateful to the lovely ladies who can really deliver it for me.

In the hypothetical ... when I'm involved with a lady, I want her to live her life and I want to share that. I want her to be happy, successful, and safe. So .. would she continue to provide? Yes, if that what she wants.

Would I continue to hobby? Might depend on her ... but if I don't, I'd appreciate it if she could see her way to bring home a friend, now and then. But ... we are in the land of the hypothetical ... of course ... there's a lot of that in the hobby. Originally Posted by dodger
Well said Dodger. It would have to be a two way street. If she would continue to hobby then I would expect the same latitude.
rakuguy's Avatar
Yea I wanted to argue about the hanging out one. I dont believe that is necessarily true but then again I'm not like most providers. I actually Enjoy hanging out with my clients and being "friends" it's not just about the money nor the sex for me. I like finding out what a client's personality is like and discussing anything and everything from politics, to religion, to my personal favorite business. So I dont think it's fair to assume just because a client wants to "hang out" that they are broke and dont want to pay... Originally Posted by collegegirl20
quite true. it's probably unskillful to generalize about people in this way. i like your outlook on things.
TexTushHog's Avatar

That's a pretty selfish thing to say considering you know you make enough money to pay for your encounters, councilor. Originally Posted by DFW5Traveler
I wasn't referring to myself, but those who are described in the following scenario:

6. Don't expect a provider to believe you when you tell her you just want to hang out and kick it. To us all we hear when say that is you're broke.

I have never dated or socialized one on one with a provider. I would expect to fully pay for their time, just as they would fully pay for my services should they choose to hire me.